Publications and Presentations of Students


Name of Journal, Title, Volume, Page No, Date of Publication, First Author, Second Author, Other Authors, Standard Code Type, Standard Code, Impact Factor/Citation Index, Published at, Upload (copy of paper)

  1. Reliability: Theory and Applications, A ‘One Parameter’ Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, 12, 38-43, 01-09-2017, V.M. Chacko, Beenu Thomas, Deepthi K S, ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.557, Gnedenko Forum
  2. Reliability: Theory and Applications, A ‘One parameter’ Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, 12, 38-43, 01-09-2017, V.M. Chacko, Beenu Thomas, Deepthi K S, ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.557, Gnedenko Forum
  3. International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Empirical robust multivariate regression parameter estimation using median approach, 5, 6571, 01-10-2019, Sajana O.K, Sajesh T.A ISSN, 2348-4519, 1.021
  4. Advances and Applications in Statistics, Reliability Estimation of Stress-Strength Model using three parameter Generalized Lindley distributi, 65, 69-89, 01-11-2020, Deepthi K S, Chacko V M ISSN, 0972-3617 Pushpa Publishing House
  5. Reliability: Theory and Applications, Weibull-Lindley Distribution: A bathtub shaped failure rate model, 13, 9-20, 01-12-2018, V.M. Chacko, Deepthi K S, Beenu Thomas and Rajitha C, ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.557, Gnedenko Forum
  6. Reliability: Theory and Applications, Weibull-Lindley Distribution: A Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Model, 13, 9-20, 01-12-2018, V.M. Chacko, Deepthi K S, Beenu Thomas and Rajitha C, ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.557, Gnedenko Forum
  7. Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, of multidimensional outlier using multivariate spatial median, 9, 18751881, 01-12-2018, Sajana O.K, Sajesh T.A ISSN, 0976-5727, 4.655
  8. Proceedings of National Seminar on Statistical Approaches Data Science, Estimation of Stress-Strength Model Using Three Parameter Generalized Lindley Distribution 55-63, 06-02-2019, Deepthi K S, Chacko V M ISBN, 978-81-935819-2-6 St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  9. Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Robust Quadratic discriminant rule based on kurtosis method , 11-12-2018, Lakshmi R ,
  10. Reliability: Theory and Applications, On Exponential-Weibull Distribution Useful in Reliability and Survival Analysis, 15, 20-32, 15-03-2020, K.K., Anakha, V.M., Chacko ISSN, 19322321, 2, Gnedenko Forum
  11. Communications in Statistics-Theory and methods, Sn covariance, 49, 6133-6138, 16-06-2019, Sajana . O.K, Sajesh TA ISSN, 0361-0926, 0.424
  12. Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Generalized X-Exponential Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, 20(2), 157-171, 19-07-2019, V.M. Chacko, Deepthi K S ISSN, 2364-9569 Springer Nature
  13. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Multidimensional outlier detection and robust estimation using Sn Covariance , 20-02-2020, Sajana O.K, Sajesh T.A ISSN, 0361-0918, 0.49
  14. Reliability: Theory & Applications, Dus Transformation of Inverse Weibull Distribution: An Upside-Down Failure Rate Model, 16, 58-71, 25-06-2021, Gauthami P, Chacko V M ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.6, Gnedenko Forum
  15. Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, An Upside-down Bathtub Shaped failure rate model using DUS Transformation of Lomax Distribution , 30-07-2020, Deepthi K S, Chacko V M , CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, London.


Name of Student, Title of Paper, Title of Conference, Organized by, Level, Date, Place

  1. GAUTHAMI P, Dus Transformation of Inverse Weibull Distribution: An Upside-Down Failure Rate Model, Fifth International Webinar on Recent Trends in Statistical Theory and Applications-2021 (WSTA–, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS), Kerala Statistical Association (KSA) & Dep, International, 01-07-2021,
  3. RESHMA T.S., Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution under different loss functions &, National seminar on statistical approaches in data science, Department of Statistics, St. Thomas college, National, 07-02-2019, Thrissur
  4. ANAKHA K K, DUS-Kumaraswamy Distribution: A New Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Model, Visionary Innovations in Statistical Theory and Applications (VISTA-2021), 23rd Annual Conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Application (SSCA), International, 28-02-2021, ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (ICAR-NAARM), Hyderabad
  5. ANAKHA K K, A New Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution and its Application to Aarset Data, National Webinar on the Recent Developments in Statistics and Probability-2021, Department of Statistics, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur, National, 19-02-2021, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  6. Beenu Thomas, A New Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, National Seminar on Innovative Approaches in Statistics, Department of statistics, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Trissur, National, 15-02-2018, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Trissur
  7. Beenu Thomas, Mixture Distribution of Exponential and Gamma Distributions and its Applications, National Seminar on Recent Trends in Statistical Sciences (RTSS-2019) in conjunction with 40th Annua, Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, National, 07-03-2019, 3 days
  8. Beenu Thomas, A One Parameter Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, International Conference on Changing Paradigms and Emerging Challenges in Statistical Sciences (IPEC, Department of Statistics, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, International, 29-01-2018, 3 days
  9. Megha Nandakumar, Distance Measure to Detect Outlier for Contingency Tables, Advanced Developments in Statistical Theory and Applications, Department of Statistics, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Trissur in conjunction with Ker, National, 28-02-2020, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Trissur
  10. ANAKHA K K, Mixture of Exponential and Weibull Distributions, Advanced Developments in Statistical Theory and Applications, Department of Statistics, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Trissur in conjuction with Kera, National, 28-02-2020, Christ College (Autonomous), Trissur
  11. Beenu Thomas, Exponential-Gamma Distribution, International Conference on Mathematics 2018, Department of Mathematics, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Trissur, International, 29-06-2018, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Trissur
  12. Beenu Thomas, Mixed Distribution of Exponential and Gamma, National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data science, Department of Statistics, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Trissur, National, 06-02-2019, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Trissur
  13. Sajana O. K, Detection of Multidimensional Outlier Using Multivariate Spatial Median, National Conference on Changing Paradigms in Teaching and Research of Statistics, Department of Statistics , Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) , Bangaluru., National, 14-12-2018, Bangaluru.
  14. Sajana O. K, Multivariate Robust Estimation of Location and Covariance and its Empirically Solved Properties, International Conference on Changing Paradigm and Emerging Challenges in Statistical Sciences, Dept. of Statistics Pondicherry University., International, 29-01-2018, Pondicherry
  15. Sajana O. K, Robust Estimation using L1-Median and its Properties, International Conference on Theory and Applications of Statistics and Information Sciences, Dept. of Statistics Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, International, 05-01-2018, Coimbatore
  16. Sajana O. K, Robust Regression- An introduction and Comparison, National Seminar on Statistical Techniques in Applied Areas, Dept. of Statistics, St Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur., National, 27-02-2017, Thrissur
  17. Sajana O. K, Robust Canonical Correlation, Second International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-First Century-2016, Dept. of Statistics, Kerala university, Trivandrum., International, 21-12-2016, Trivandrum.
  18. Sajana O. K, Fast and robust Multivariate regression, National Seminar on Applied Statistical Methodology with Special Emphasis on Time Series Analysis, Dept. of Statistics Nirmala College, Muvatupuzha., National, 12-02-2016, Muvatupuzha
  19. DEEPTHY G S, BurrIII-Weibull Distribution;Properties And Its Applications, Applied Statistics and Symposium on Stochastic Modellling, Department of Statistics and B.Voc Data Science, National, 06-02-2020, St.Thomas College Thrissur
  20. LAKSHMI R, Robust Quadratic Discriminant Analysis using Kurtosis method, Changing paradigms in teaching and research of Statistics, Department of Statistics, Kristu Jayanti College(Autonomous ), Bangalore, National, 14-12-2018, Bangalore
  21. Deepthi K S, Identification of Failure rate behavior of Increasing Convex (Concave) TTT Transformations, National Web based Seminar on Recent Trends in Statistical Theory and Applications-2020, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Kerala Statistical Association (KSA), National, 29-06-2020, Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum
  22. Deepthi K S, An Upside-down Bathtub Shaped Failure rate model using DUS Transformation of Lomax Distribution, Recent Trends in Statistical Sciences, Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, National, 07-03-2019, University of Kerala, Trivandrum
  23. Deepthi K S, Estimation of Stress-Strength Reliability using Three parameter Generalized Lindley Distribution, Statistical Approaches in Data Science, Department of Statistics, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur, National, 06-02-2019, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur
  24. Deepthi K S, Generalized X-Exponential Bathtub Shaped Failure rate Distribution, International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, Department of Mathematics, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur, International, 29-06-2018, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  25. Deepthi K S, A Generalization of Exponential Distribution with bathtub shaped failure rate model, Recent Trends in Statistical Sciences, Department of Statistics, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur, National, 15-02-2018, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur
  26. Deepthi K S, A Generalization of Weibull-Lindley Distributipon: Two Parameter bathtub shaped failure rate model, International Conference on IPECS, Department of Statistics, Pondicherry University, International, 30-01-2018, Pondicherry University
  28. Rajitha C, A QUEUEING NETWORK MODEL FOR THE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF EYE CARE CLINIC, NATIONAL SEMINAR ON STATISTICAL APPROACHES IN DATA SCIENCE, Department of Statistics,St Thomas College, Thrissur, National, 06-02-2019, St Thomas College, Thrissur
  29. Rajitha C, BAS IN OPEN RESTRICTED QUEUEING NETWORK, International conference on mathematics, Department of mathematics, St Thomas College, Thrissur, International, 29-06-2018, St Thomas College, Thrissur
  30. MARTIN JOSEPH National, 26-02-2019,