Department | Name of Scholar |
Zoology | Shaun Paul Adambukulam |
Physics | Tessy Paul |
Maths | Sujesh Areekara |
Chemistry | Raji CR |
Statistics | Lakshmi R |
English | S Suthara |
Department | Name of Scholar/Faculty | Title of Paper |
Zoology | Usha AU | Capulopsyche keralensis gen. et sp. nov., a new genus and species of the subfamily Taleporiinae (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) from Kerala, India |
Statistics | Nicy Sebastian | On Complex Matrix-Variate Dirichlet Averages and Its Applications in Various Sub-Domains |
Commerce | Vipin Benny | Practices and Challenges of Household Plastic Waste Disposal: An Evaluation of Waste Management System in Kerala |
Physics | Tessy Paul | Warm to cool tunable ultra-stable white light emissions from carbon dots-Tb3+-Eu3+ doped silica |
Botany | Smitha PS | Anatomical and histochemical characterization of Syzygium travancoricum Gamble (Myrtaceae) |
Mathematics | Sabu AS | Insight on the dynamics of hydromagnetic stagnation‐point flow of magnetite‐water nanofluid due to a rotating stretchable disk: A two‐phase modified Buongiorno modeling and … |
Chemistry | Jency Thomas | Self‑assembly of Hybrid Solids {Hpz}2[H7CrMo6O24]·6H2O and [Co(2‑Hampz)2Cl4] (pz = pyrazole, 2‑ampz = 2‑aminopyrazine) from Aqueous Solution |
English | S. Suthara | Ritualistic Transcendence from ‘Structure’ to ‘Communitas’: A Reading of Poothan-Thira as a Performance |
Department | Name of Faculty |
English | Dr. Viju M J |
Mathematics | Dr. Sr. Alphonsa Mathew |
Chemistry | Jency Thomas |
Zoology | Dr. Joyce Jose |
Statistics | Dr. Nicy Sebastian |
1 | Dr.Sr. Alphonsa Mathew
Associate Professor |
Department of Mathematics | Certificate,
Cash award |
2 | Dr. Ann Mary K A
Assistant Professor |
Department of Physics | Certificate,
Cash award |
3 | Dr.Vimala K John
Assistant Professor |
Department of Zoology | Certificate,
Cash award |
1 | Ms.Dhanya Jose | Department of Botany | Certificate,
Cash award |
2 | Ms.Rohini Das K | Department of Chemistry | Certificate,
Cash award |
3 | Ms.ShyamaSasidharan | Department of English | Certificate,
Cash award |
4 | Mr.Sujesh A S | Department of Mathematics | Certificate,
Cash award |
5 | Ms.Jasmi K K | Department of Physics | Certificate,
Cash award |
6 | Ms.Beenu Thomas | Department of Statistics | Certificate,
Cash award |
7 | Ms.Usha A U | Department of Zoology | Certificate,
Cash award |
1 | Ms.Dhanya Jose
Research Scholar Department of Botany |
Taxonomy and distribution of desmids in Karapuzha Dam, western Ghats Kerala | Certificate,
Cash award |
2 | Ms.Rohini Das K
Research Scholar Department of Chemistry |
Microscale Redox Titrations using Poly-N-phenyl anthranilic acid Fluorescent Turn-off Indicator for Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Lab | Certificate,
Cash award |
3 | Dr. Vipin Benny
Assistant Professor Department of Commerce |
Practices and challenges of Household Plastic Waste disposal: n evaluation of waste management system in Kerala | Certificate,
Cash award |

The Research Council has received the proposal for seeking financial assistance for the Research Project submitted by teachers in our college. The expert committee recommended for granting financial support. The Manager Mar Tony Neelankavil has issued the approval letter on 06.12.2021, 9.15am, Room No.18. 33 teachers received the award letter from Manager in the presence of Rev.Fr.Biju Panengadan (Executive Manager) and Dr Martin K A (Principal).
Santhome Resarch (SEED MONEY) Grant Proposal | |||||
Sl No | Sl.No | Name | Desigantion | Department | Titile |
1 | 1 | Dr. Joseph Jolly V L | Asst. Professor | Chemistry | Synthesis of Mixed Metal Oxide - Carbon Hybride Materials for Electronics Applications |
2 | 2 | Sabu A S | Asst. Professor | Mathematics | Optimization of Drag Coefficient in Hybrid Nanofluid Flow with Industrial Applications |
3 | 3 | Dr. Alphonsa Mathew | Asst. Professor | Mathematics | Dynamics of Vioconvective Nanufluid Flow with Biomedical Application |
4 | 4 | Dr Sajesh T A | Asst. Professor | Statistics | Robust approcah for the computation of canonical correlation |
5 | 5 | Dr Sabu P J | Asst. Professor | Economics | Probles and Prospect of Blended learning of first Generation learnings in Under - Gradute Economics Programme in Thrissur District |
6 | 6 | Dr Sunil Jose T | Asst. Professor | Cheimistry | Stidies on Cyanate Ester Nanocomposites for law dielectric applications |
7 | 7 | Dr. Sheeba C V | Asst. Professor | Malayalam | A Study on the contribution of Bhishop Adoplh Edward Medlycott to the socio- culture history of thrissur |
8 | 8 | Dr Stishin K Paul | Asst. Professor | English | Martin Caidin's Cyborg as a Recoupment of Extreme Humanism: A posthumanist Reading |
9 | 9 | Dr Nicy Sebastian | Asst. Professor | Statistics | Topp-Leone generated q-exponential qiantile function and a relaibale test plan associated with it |
10 | 10 | Dr Chacko V M | Asst. Professor | Statistics | Om important and joint importance measures for Multistate system |
11 | 11 | Antony John E F | Asst. Professor | Mathematics | The role of algebraic extension fields over finite fields in the design and development of secure syyptosystem |
12 | 12 | Renjith Vargehse | Asst. Professor | Mathematics | Algebraic Aspects in the desin and development of secure cryptosystems |
13 | 13 | Dr Saju M I | Asst. Professor | Mathematics | Role of primitive polynomials in the design of secure cryptosystem |
14 | 14 | Dr Jency Thomas | Asst. Professor | Chemistry | Purification of water contaminated with Chromium (VI) using functionalized keggin polyanion |
15 | 15 | Dr Ann Mary K A | Asst. Professor | Physics | Carbon Dots/Sm3+ Ions Doped Silica Glasses for Multicolr Emitting Devices |
16 | 16 | Dr Anto P V | Asst. Professor | Botany | Palynological Studies of genus Parthenocissus |
17 | 17 | Jisha Joseph | Asst. Professor | Chemistry | An investigation on the properties of phosphomolybdates based polymer compositesq |
18 | 18 | Vipin Benny | Asst. Professor | Commerce | the Scenario of Economics Innovations in India: An Idea for Invertor |
19 | 19 | Dr.Viji M | Asst. Professor | Mathematics | Represnation of Some infinite dimensional algebras |
20 | 20 | Dr Vimala K John | Asst. Professor | Zoology | Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Plastic Degrading Bacteria from soil contaminated with different types of plastic Products in Various Ecosystem pf thrissur District |
21 | 21 | Dr Reeja Johnson | Asst. Professor | Chemistry | Structural, Corrosion inhibition and biological Investigations of Heterocycle Schiff Bases and Their Trasition Metal Chelates |
22 | 22 | Dr Sandhya Vincent Neelamkavil | Asst. Professor | Botany | Genetic variablity and Histochemical studies in Mollugo pentaphylla L. (molluginaceae) |
23 | 23 | Dr Sr Julie Andrews | Asst. Professor | Mathematics | Laminar Boundary layer flow of the nanufluid over a flat plate |
24 | 24 | Dr Anto Johny T | Asso. Professor | Physics | Influence of defect density states on transition metal doped ZnO thin films tuned by alkali metals for gas sensing applications. |
25 | 25 | Dr Joyce Jose | Asst. Professor | Zoology | biochemical Charactrisation of Extras from selected species of Myripoda and indentification of potential clinical Applications |
26 | 26 | Dr C F Binoy | Asst. Professor | Zoology | inspects of Forensic importance with special reference to blowfiles (Diptra : Calliphoridae) in Kerala |
27 | 27 | Dr Jinish M Antony | Asst. Professor | Chemistry | Colorimetric acid content determination of Lead-acid Batteries in charge and discharging |
28 | 28 | Rasin R S | Asst. Professor | Statistics | An R package for analysing the ageing internsity function inferentially |
29 | 29 | Dr Divya George | Asst. Professor | Commerce | Effects of Online Gambling in Kerala |
30 | 30 | Dr Joby Paul | Asst. Professor | Botany | Analysis of Tree Vegetation, Spatial Heterogenety, Urban Heat Islands and Urban Sprawl of Thrissur City |
31 | 31 | Dr Vimala Jose | Asst. Professor | Botany | in vitro seed germination and biochemical profilling of Vifna radiata exposed to metal nanoparticles |
32 | 32 | Dr. Githin V G | Guest Faculty | Psychology | “Development of a Cognitive and Social skill training module for School going children” |
33 | Ajesh Antony | Asst. Professor | Commerce | Infrastructure Gap Assessment of Tourism Destinations in Thrissur District |

St. Thomas College(Autonomous) Thrissur thrive for quality research apart from the conventional teaching and learning process. During the past few years, the research scenario of the college has totally changed and all the faculty members are doing innovative research alongwith their teaching responsibilities. Currently nine post graduate departments in the college, namely Departments of Chemistry, Zoology, English, Commerce, Statistics, Economics, Botany, Mathematics and Physics are recognised research centres of University of Calicut and there are 30 recognised research guides in the college. Presently 62 research scholars are pursuing their Ph. D research and two are undergoing postdoctoral research under the guidance of these guides.Majority of these scholars avail varied research grants from different funding agencies. Still there are some full time research scholars in the college who are not getting any such fellowships/scholarships for research. In this context, the management of the college decided to establish research fellowship entitled as St. Thomas Research Fellowship to the full time research scholars in the college who are not availing any type of fellowships/scholarships for research. The Research Council of the college will select the eligible candidates for this fellowship and the distribution of this fellowship will be done by the Bursar of the college in consensus with the decision of the Principal of the college.
BESTM National Fellowship
By admin|2021-05-23T22:14:48+05:30August 7th, 2019|Categories: College News, Fellowship, Physics - Achievements|
Dr. Vimal Kumar (Asst. Professor Dept.of Physics) got BESTM [...]
- Best Theory Research Paper Award, ICON-KSRAO, Department of Statistics and Population Research Centre, Andra University, Vishaghapattanam, 2023
- Dr. Joby Thomas K: INSA Teacher Award, 2016, Best Teacher Award by Chemical Research Society of India -2011; M.M. Ghani Best Teacher Award by University of Calicut – 2014
- Miss. Reeja Johnson: UGC Seminar; Best Poster award at S.N. College Nattika. 2015
- Dr. C.D. Varghese: Cancer Care Award Kerala 2013; Social Awareness Award 2014; Hridayarpana Award for completing One lakh Cancer awareness seminars
- Dr. Thomas M. T. received P D Sethi award 2010 for the best publication in Chromatography.
- Dr. Joyce Jose: Dr. C. Chandrasekaran Memorial Gold Medal and Endowment Award for Excellent Research in Forest Management and Conservation in Kerala2010 byKFRI &KSCSTE.
- Dr.T.A. Sajesh: Second Best Paper Presentation Award in National Symposiumon Statistics and its applications for Young Researchers, Organized by Departmentof Statistics, University of Madras, Chennai. (2013)
- Dr. Rani Sebastian: Dr.M.N. Gopalan Young Statistician Award for the year 2011 organized by Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS).
- Mrs. Jeena Joseph: Won the Women Scientist Scholarship under the DST Governmentof India. (2014)
- Dr. Anto Thomas C.: Honoured as the Invited Keynote Speaker on Asian Childhood at the 22ndBiennial Congress of the International Research Society forChildren’s Literature held at the University Of Worcester, England – International Research Society for Children’s Literature
- Dr. C.S. Biju – Charles Wallace Research Award – Charles Wallace Trust 2011.
Fellow Students
Sl. No | Name of Research Scholar | Name of Guide/Coguide |
1 | BINSI.M.PAULSON | Dr. Joby Thomas K |
2 | DRISHYA SASIDHARAN | Dr. Paulson Mathew |
3 | DINOOP LAL | Dr. Sunil Jose T |
4 | RANJINI. S | Dr. Francy Kakkassery |
5 | SAJANA O.K | Dr. Sajesh T A |
6 | SOWMYA K.N. | Dr. Sanil Raj J |
7 | ANOOP S.VARRIER | Dr. Sanil Raj J |
8 | SOYA JOSEPH | Dr. Sanil Raj J |
9 | SAMEERA K.L. | Dr. Sanil Raj J |
10 | M.P. HARIKRISHNAN | Dr. K.P. Nanda Kumar/Dr. C S Biju |
11 | DHANYA JOHN | Dr. K.M.Francis |
Dr. Joby Thomas K
Research Council