Lakkidi (Post), Ottapalam (Via)
Palakkad (Dist), Pin: 679301
Kerala (State), India.
Ph.D. 2012 – 2018
M.Sc. Zoology 2010 – 2012
B.Sc. Zoology 2007 – 2010
Research Experience
Research fellow Oct 2012 – Dec 2015
Worked as Research fellow in Major Research Project duration from 10.10.2012 to 31.12.2015 at Malabar Christian college, Calicut, Kerala, India., funded by University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India.
Ph. D scholar
Including the period of project fellow, 5 years of research experience in Zoology (Field of Insect pest management using botanicals) as Ph. D scholar from 2012 to 2017.
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor (On contract) 2018 – 2020
Worked as Guest lecturer in department of Zoology at NSS Arts and Science College, Parakkulam, Anakkara (PO), Palakkad- 679551, Kerala, India from 3rd January 2018 to 31st March 2020.
Assistant Professor (On contract) 2020- 2022
Worked as Guest Lecturer in department of Zoology, NSS College, Ottapalam, Kerala, India from 16th December 2020 to 31st March 2022.
Assistant Professor (On contract) 2022- present
Currently working as Guest Lecturer in PG and Research department of Zoology, ST. Thomas College, Thrissur, Kerala, India from 22nd August 2022.
Expert in teaching techniques such as: –
• Modern teaching practices- expert in ICT teaching tools
• Student counselling and motivation
• Academic program coordination
Expert in research techniques such as: –
• Insect rearing techniques
• Toxicity studies
• Phytochemical extraction and Chromatographic techniques (Column chromatography, TLC, HPTLC)
• Histological techniques (Both Light and Electron microscopy),
• Biochemical estimations (both qualitative and quantitative)
• Statistical analysis and article writing and paper presentation.
1. Jagadeesh G. Nambiar and Ranjini, K. R. (2018). Efficacy of Clerodendrum infortunatum and Chromolaena odo- rata on carbohydrate content in haemolymph of the sixth instar larvae of Orthaga exvinacea Hampson. IJETMR., Vol. 5(4): 62-68. DOI:
2. Jagadeesh G. Nambiar., Ranjini, K. R. and Chandrasekhar Sagar B. K. (2016). Toxic impacts of leaf extract of Clerodendrum infortunatum on the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium of sixth instar larvae of Orthaga exvinacea Hampson. Res. J. Recent Sci., Vol. 5(6): 59-67. 2016-033.php
3. Jagadeesh G. Nambiar and Ranjini, K. R. (2016). Cytotoxic effects of Eupatorium odoratum on the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium of late instar larvae of Orthaga exvinacea Hampson. Int. res. J. biological sci. Vol., 5(3): 26-30.
4. Jagadeesh G. Nambiar., Ranjini, K. R. Ranjini. K. D and Najiya Beegum. T. P (2017). Bioefficacy of leaf extracts of Clerodendrum infortunatum L. and Eupatorium odoratum L. on both quantitative and qualitative analysis of mid- gut protein of sixth instar larvae of Orthaga exvinacea Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Int. J. Res. Biosci., 6(1): 19-25.
5. Ranjini, K. R. and Jagadeesh G Nambiar*. (2015). Histopathological effects of leaf extracts of Clerodendrum in- fortunatum and Eupatorium odoratum on the midgut tissue of sixth instar larvae of Orthaga exvinacea Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 3(5): 296-301. sue5/pdf/3-5-39.1.pdf
6. Ranjini, K. D., Ranjini, K. R., Jagadeesh G. Nambiar. and Najiya Beegum, T. P. (2015). Effect of methanolic leaf extract of Hyptis suaveolens and Vitex negundo on protein concentration of midgut tissue of sixth instar larvae of Orthaga exvinacea Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). J. ent. Res., 39(1): 1. lens_and_Vitex_negundo_on_protein_concentration_in_midgut_tissue_of_sixth_instar_larvae_of_Or- thaga_exvinacea_Hampson_Lepidoptera_Pyralidae
7. Athira, P., Ranjini, K. R., Jagadeesh G. Nambiar., Ranjini, K. D. and Najiya Beegum, T. P. (2016). Toxicity effect of Cassia fistula Linn. and Gliricidia sepium Jacq. leaf extract against the fourth instar larvae of filarial mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus Say. (Diptera: Culicidae). J. ent. Res., 40(4): 369-372. cidia_sepium_Jacq_leaf_extract_against_the_fourth_instar_larvae_of_filarial_mosquito_Culex_quinquefascia- tus_Say_Diptera_Culicidae
8. Ranjini, K. D., Ranjini, K. R.., Najiya Beegum, T. P. and Jagadeesh G. Nambiar. (2016). Botanical extracts influence the protein and free amino acid concentration of fat body in the mango leaf webber Orthaga exvinacea Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 4(1): 464-468.
Paper presentations
• Participated and presented a paper entitled “Quantitative and qualitative analysis of protein in haemolymph of sixth instar larvae of Orthaga exvinacea Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) treated with leaf extracts of Clerodendrum infortunatum and Chromolaena odorata” in 8th International Virtual Congress (IVC-2021) con- ducted from August 5 to 10, 2021 organized by International Science Community Association.
• Participated and presented a paper entitled “Toxic impacts of leaf extract of Clerodendrum infortunatum on the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium of sixth instar larvae of Orthaga exvinacea Hampson” in Oral Ses- sion of 28th Kerala Science Congress” held at University of Calicut, Malappuram during 28-30th of January 2016.
Programs organized and Co-ordinated
Programs co-ordinated in collab- oration with educational organi- zations during 2020-2022.
Programs Co- ordinated at Dept. of Zoology, NSS College, Ottapalam, Palakkad-679103, Kerala, India, during 2020- 2021
• “Watercon-2022” Theme- “Dwindling resources: – Need water manage- ment in Kerala with special reference to ground water” organized by MES, Training College, Edathala in association with Centre for Earth Re- search and Environment Management (CEREM), Kochi, Kerala, India and Vidyabhyasa Vikasa Kendram, Kerala, India on 22nd and 23rd March, 2022 at MES College, Marampalli, Kerala, India.
• National Webinar- “Restoration of Ecosystem- Role of Teachers” orga- nized by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE-SRC), Govt. of India, New Delhi and Vidyabhyasa Vikasa Kendram, Kerala on 5th June, 2021 inaugurated by Padmabhushan Prof. Dr. Madhav Dhananjaya Gadgil.
• Co-ordinated a national webinar- “National Education Policy 2020 Par- adigm shifts in Research Scenario-2021” hosted by Sree Narayana Training College, Nedunganda, Varkala, Sobha College of Teacher Edu- cation, Cherthala and Vidyabhyasa Vikasa Kendram, Kerala, India. on 22ⁿᵈ October, 2020.
• Co-ordinated a Webinar – ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ (IPR) on 10th of December, 2021.
• Co-ordinated a Webinar – ‘The Winged wonders of our Backyard’ on 19h of March, 2021.
• webinar – ‘Marine Biodiversity’ on 11th of March, 2021.
• Co-ordinated one day seminar (Offline) – ‘Career and Academic Scopes in B.Sc. Zoology’ on 24th February, 2021
• Co-ordinated a webinar – ‘Magical Mangroves’ on 20th of February, 2021.
Held positions at NSS Arts and Scie College, Parakkulam, Kappur, Anakkara (po), Palakkad-679 551, Kerala, India, during 2018- 2020.
• Co-ordinator of Walk with a Scholar (WWS) program.
(Specialized mentoring programs for students in Under Graduate Pro- grams in Arts, Science and Commerce and to provide guidance for their future. Funded by Dept. of Higher education, Govt. of Kerala, India)
• Staff advisor for the Students Council.
• Admission Committee Chairman.
• Nature Club Co-ordinator.
• College Discipline committee- Convenor.
• Students Aid Fund Committee (SAF)-Secretary.
• Open-course Co-ordinator.
Conferences attended
• Participated in a webinar- “Indian Arctic Expedition- My Experiences as a Team member” on 11-05-2021 organized by Sree Narayana College, Kollam, Kerala, India.
• Participated in an International Webinar- “Current Trends and future prospects in Immune Receptor signaling” on 18th September 2021 organized by Department of Zoology, NSS Col- lege, Ottapalam, Kerala, India.
• Attended Three Day National Workshop on ‘Methodology of Biological Research’ on No- vember 2015 at Govt. Victoria College, Palakkad, Kerala, India.
• Completed Training programme of 3 months from 18th of December, 2015 to 17th of March, 2015 at Phytochemistry Division of Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal – Centre for Medicinal Plants Research, Changuvetty, Kottakkal, Kerala (State), India.
• Participated in two-day National workshop on ‘Tune & Prune Your Research Characteriza- tion Techniques’ conducted from August 21 to 22, 2014 organized by BMT wing Sree Chitra Tirunal for Medical Sciences & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
• Attended One Day National Seminar on ‘Biopesticides for sustainable agriculture’ on 17th January 2013 organized by the Dept of Botany, Malabar Christian College, Calicut, Kerala, India.
• Participated in Two-day National Seminar on “Emerging trends in Applied Entomology” organized by the department of Zoology, Govt Arts and Science College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, held on 15th and 16th November 2012.
• Participated in National Seminar on “Bio- Safety management and Good Laboratory Prac- tices” organized by the PG and Research department of Biotechnology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India on 4th February 2012.
• Participated in CPE UGC sponsored Seminar on “Environmental issues, Challenges and im- pact assessment” held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India on 28th April 2012.
• Participated in CPE scheme UGC sponsored Seminar on “Recent Advances in Biological sci- ence” held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India on 18th April 2012.