Mrs. Ancy Raphel, M.A., B.Ed.

Kollammaparambil (H)
Thrissur – 680301
Email id:
Educational Qualifications
- B.A ENGLISH, Vimala college, Thrissur , (2009-2012), 95%
- M.A ENGLISH, St Thomas college, Thrissur, (2012-2014), 83%
- B.Ed ENGLISH, Institute of Advanced Study in Education, Thrissur,(2014-2015), 81%
- Pursuing Ph. D
Research interests
- Medical Humanities
- Indian Fiction
- Dystopian fiction
- “Undertones of Infertility: Portrayal of Childless Marriage in Perumal Murugan’s One Part Woman” ISBN no: 978-93-90790-23-4
- “Pandemic and the English Literary Horizon” ISBN no: 978-93-90790-96-8
- Sub editor of books:
The Resilient: Women’s War on Subjugation ISBN no: 978-93-90790-23-4
Stigma: Reflections on those left out at the Existential Peripheries ISBN no: 978-93-90790-39-5
The Ousted: Literary Exploration into Embracing the marginal ISBN no: 978-93-90790-15-9
Achievements :
Qualified SET- JUNE 2015
Qualified UGC NET- DEC 2019, Dec 2023
Workshops/seminars/webinars attended
- One day international webinar on “ Empowerment through Effective Communication”, St. Mary’s College, Thrissur,14/07/2020
- Interactive Q and A session (online) with Prof Richard Schechner, University Professor Emeritus at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University Department of English, St. Berchmans College, Changanasserry, 24/03/ 2022
- One Week FDP on Teaching and learning pedagogy (online) REST Society for Research International (RSRI) Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India online mode), 05/07/2022- 09/07/2022
- One Week FDP on Research Paper Writing (online mode) REST Society for Research International (RSRI) Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India online mode). 28/06/2021-02/07/2021
- Two day international web conference on “English literature from our frontier nations” Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu. 11/05/2022-12/05/2022
- Three day international E-conference on “Classical Theatre Influences and Adaptations” St. Aloysius College, Edathua 09/11/2021-11/11/2021
- Webinar series for the Mentee Colleges Session 1 on ”Outcome Based Education Framework – Defining & Assessing Outcomes” Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur – 9, Kerala under UGC NAAC PARAMARSH Scheme 26/08/2020,
- The 34th C A Sheppard Memorial Lecture (Online) ” Reflections on Language and Thought” by Noam Chomsky, Laureate professor of Linguistics, UoC of Arizona, Professor Emeritus at MIT St Berchmans College (Autonomous), Changanacherry, Kerala. 06/12/2021
- International webinar on “Cyber Ethics and Youth Relationships” St. Albert’s College, Ernakulam 13/07/2022
- Day National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on Outcome Based Education & Essential Al Tools for Teachers Internal Quality Assurance Cell (1QAC) of Carmel College (Autonomous), Mala in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) 10 August 2023 to 18 August 2023
Papers presented
- Foucauldian Analysis of the Films Bramayugam and Tumbbad in Prof. ND George & Prof. NA Ouseph Memorial Two Day International Conference on ELT, by Research Department of English, St. Thomas College, Thrissur, 7/8/2024
Work experience
- Worked as a guest teacher for three months at Viswajyothi CMI Public School, Angamali, Ernakulum.
- Worked as HSA in St. Joseph’s E.M.H.S.S, Aloor for one year.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor in Don Bosco College, Mannuthy, Thrissur for three years.
- Currently working an Assistant Professor at St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur.