Dr. Vimala K John M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Pidiyath house , Nenmanikkara ,Pudukkadu P O,
Trissur Dist. , Kerala ,India 680301
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Thrombosis Research Unit, Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, 2008, Trivandrum.
- Ph.D (Mahathma Gandhi University)
- B.Ed (Mahathma Gandhi University)
- M.Sc. (Mahathma Gandhi University)
- Diploma in Nutrition & Wellness NHI California (Distance Education), USA 2010
Ph.D. Thesis
- Toxicological effects of endosulphan on laboratory Albino mice
PDF Thesis
- Development of anti snake venom Pre Clinical study on Rabbit
- Worked as Secondary School Teacher from June1998-May2000 in St Ann’s English Medium School Cengannur during this tenure, familiarization with school curriculum and carrying out Project work of students. In Basic science
- From June2000- March2002, worked as a guest Lecturer (HHST) in Government Higher Secondary School Omallor &Government Vocational Higher Secondary School Kaippattor in the department of biology. & during this tenure, familiarization with curriculum and carried out Project work of students in zoology (Theory and Practical Classes)
- From April2002- May2007 Research Fellow, in Mahatma Gandhi University under Dr Joseph John K ,Reader Department of Zoology , St Thomas College Kozhencherry During this tenure, familiarization with the techniques and carrying out Hematological, and biochemical tests, histopathological studies, toxicological studies, pesticide residue analysis etc.
Part time Jobs
- Carried out from 2002-2007
- Three years experience as a guest lecturer in St Thomas College, Kozhencherry (2003 August – March2007) Carried out theory and Practical Classes in physiology & project in BSc & MSc level
- One year experience as a teaching faculty in MGM Muthoot medical center Kozhencherry (2005June -2006June) Carried out theory Classes in Physiology& projects in BSc Nursing Class)
- One year experience as a teaching faculty in School of Medical Education Pathanamthitta (2006June -2007March), part time Carried out theory and practical Classes in physiology& projects in BSc& MSc level)
Research Interest
- Toxicology
- Biochemistry
- Zoology
- Microbiology
- Wetland Ecology
- Limnology
- Fishery Biology
Ph D Produced:-
- Ms Parvathy C A :-Limnological study of Thrissur –Ponnani Kole wetlands with special reference to Ichthyofauna (2024 August )
- Ms Josna Victoria Johnson :-A study on pesticide degradation by soil bacteria in tea and coffee plantations of at Valparai Estate Region of Western Ghats
(2024 September)
Paper Published:-
- Josna Victoria K Johnson and John Vimala K (2022):-Biodegradation of Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticide Deltamethrin by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain DRNB 1 International Journal of Zoological investigations Vol 8( 2) PP 211-217 2022 .
- Ancy , Josna and vimala , Isolisation and characterization of glyphosate degrading soil bacteria , Journal , indian journal of natural sciences , vol1 4 , ISSN 0976-0977
- Meharban and Vimala K John, First distributional report of Brachionus donneri Brehm, 1951 (Rotifera: Rotatoria: Ploimida) from Kerala, Indi , Journal , J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, Vol 65 (2), J , , pp120-121 ,
- Meharban Mb , Vimala K John , First distributional report of Brachionus donneri Brehm, 1951(Rotifera: Rotatoria:Ploimida) from Kerala, India , Journal , jmbai , National , doi:10.6024/jmbai.2023.65.2.2422-0x , pp, 14-17 , INDIA ,
- Meharban M P and Vimala K John(2023), Diversity of Planktonic Rotifers from Enamakkal Lake, Kerala, India , Journal , International Journal of Zoological Investigations , National , Vol. 9, , 29-04-2023 , 774-782 , INDIA ,
- Vimala k john and Rohan vincent , (2023), Journal , international journal of novel research in life sciences , National , vol 3 , 24-01-2023 , online , Lucknow , 2394-966 X
- Parvathy C.A.* , Vimala K. John and Meharban M.P , Evaluation of Water Quality in Thrissur-Malappuram Kole Wetlands of Kerala using Water Quality Index , Journal , International Journal of Zoological Investigations , National , Vol. 8, , 05-08-2022 , 171-178 , 2454-3055
- Kavitha P A , Dr Vimala K John , Josna Victoria K Johnson (2022), Biochemical Identification of Bacteria from the Selected Edible Marine Fishes Available in Thrissur, India , Journal International Journal of Zoological Investigations , National , Vol. 8, ,12-07-2022 , 29-33 , 2454-3055
- Kavitha P A , vimala K John , Josna Victoria Johnson , Biochemical Identification of Bacteria from the Selected Edible Marine Fishes Available in Thrissur, India , Journal , International Journal of Zoological Investigations , National , Vol. 8 , 12-07-2022 , 29-33 , : 2454-3055
- Vimala .K.John , Jithin Jose2(2022), Isolation of cellulase producing soil bacteria and its molecular identification by PCR , Journal , Cell Research , National , Vol. 19 (3): 714-732 , 01-07-2022 , 714-732 ,
- Parvathy C A , Dr Vimala K John (2021), Inland Ornamental Fish Diversity of Thrissur Kole – Part of Vembanad Kole Wetland, Kerala, India , Journal , International Journal of Zoological Investigations , National , s Vol. 7, , 31-12-2021 , 1028-1040 , 2454-305
- Josna Victoria K johnson , and Vimala K John (2020) Study the effect of pesticide amended media on the tolerance activity of selected bacterial isolates , Proceedings National conference on Harnessing Microbial Wealth for Startups in Life-sciences , International , 29-01-2020
- Shiya Shakeer And Vimala K.John ,(2019) Metagenomic data mininig pendent analysis of endosymbiotic bacterial benefits by gut associated microbiome on Sardinella longiceps , Journal , Journal of Fishery Research 7057-7062 (2019) , Ntional , Vol. 25 , 819- 827 ,
- Vimala k john and Uttara Unnikrishnanan (2019) A study on the growth parameters of Ctenopharyngodon idella with respect to various feeds , Journal , Journal of Fishery Research , Vol , 21 , pp, 7014-7032 ,
- VImala k john and Reshma A S 2(2018), A study of regeneration in Earthworm (Eudrilus eugeniae) using different media – Cow dung and kitchen waste , Journal , International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) , National , Vol 3 , pp41— 53 ,
- vimala k john (2018)Bifurcation theory and its application in cell cycle , Journal , Vimala K John , International , Vol 5 , pp1512——1520 ,
- Roshna P J and Vimala K John (2017):- Study on Certain Heavy Metal Contamination in Fishes-A Case Study in Chalakudy River , Journal , VIRJ for Pure and Applied Science , vol , 11(1 ), 101 — 107 ,
- Vimala K.John (2017) Effects of Malathion and Cypermethrin on the behaviour and brain Protein content in Koi carp(Cyprinu , Other Publications , International Journal of Novel Research in Life Sciences , Others , Vol 3 (1) pp 34-41 , ISSN 2394-966X
- Vimala K John and Rehana P A(2017) , PROTEIN CONTENT IN RELIABLE PULSES AND THEIR RELATIVE USAGE AMONG PEOPLES OF THRISSUR , Journal , Journal of Nutrition Science , National , (10)pp 700 – 716 ,Journal of Science Research , National , Vol. 11(4): 7020-7042 (2016) 7020-7042
- Vimala K John , Neethu P V , Efficacy and Safety of Some Plant Extracts as Alternatives for Sitophilus oryzae and Tribalism castaneum Control , Journal Science Research , National , Vol. 11(4): 7020-7042 (2016) , 7020-7042
- Effect of endosulphan on Total ATPase in the brain tissue of Swiss Albino Mice.
J.Cell biology.Vol ,12, ( 2012). - Effect of endosulphan on Acetyl choline esterase activity in target tissues ofAlbino Mice
J.Pharmacol.Biol.Sci.Vol ,6, 215-220 ( 2012). - Effect Of Endosulphan On Lactic Dehydrogenase Activities In The Vital Tissues Of Swiss Albino Mice.IJPCBS 2012, 2(3), 275-279 (2012)
- Effect of endosulphan in morphology and behavioral changes in Albino Mice.
J of Science Millennium Vol.(2) 30-35,(2009) - Effect of endosulphan on the major nutrients in the vital tissues of Swiss Albino Mice.
J.Pharmacol.Biol.Sci.Vol 5,225-240 , (2009). - Effect of endosulphan on histopathological alterations in the Vital Tissues of Swiss Albino Mice .
J. Pharmacol. Biol.Sci.Vol.4 2009.15-22.(2009) - Effect of endosulphan on ATPase, Lactic Dehydrogenase and Succinic Dehydrogenase activity in tissues of Albino Mice.
J of Tissue Research Vol (6) 231-256 (2008). - Effect of organ chlorine pesticides on hematological Parameters of Albino Mice.
J of Tissue Research Vol (5) 262-269 (2008). - Effect of endosulphan on alkaline phosphate Activity in blood and liver of Albino Mice
Zool. Society of Kerala (1&2): 58-63(2006). - Effect of thiodan on some biochemical parameters of Common Indian Frog Euphylectus hexadactylus J. of Tissue Research Vol (4) 221-225(.2005)
- Vimala k john , Akash Gautham (2021), Mollusk , Book , Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior , International , chapter 1207 , 08-04-2021 , © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 , 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1203-1
- Vimala K John (2022)Strengthing the immune system and reducing the infalmation and oxidative stress through the diet and nutrition considerations during the covid -19 crisis , book , frontiers in biological science , International , , 49- 67 , I Notion press at India Singapore ,Malaysia , ISBN 979-888629608-2
- Vimala K John (2024) Antimicrobial Property of Cocos Nucifera Leaf Extract on Selected Microbes Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus pp 102-115Book-International conference proceedings on multidisciplinary research on integrating knowledge for sustainable future in global outlookyear: October 2024 ISBN: 978-81-978236-7-1
- Vimala k john , (2024), Yoga Spirituality , Book , Encyclopedia of Religious Psychology and Behavior , International , © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 , 10.1007/-3-319-47829-61
- In vivo drug testing for pharmacological, toxicological effects on mice and rodent models.
- Pharmacological and Toxicological experiments in animal models (rodents).
- Immunodiffusion Technique
- Biochemical tests like, hematological and enzyme analysis.
- Hematological Parameters:- RBC,WBC, Total hemoglobin, Packed cell volume, Platelet count, Mean Corpuscular Volume, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration T and APTT,% Hemolysis in blood plasma, Total blood glucose
- Enzyme analysis:- Acid Phosphates & Alkaline Phosphates, Succinic Dehydrogenase, Lactic Dehydrogenase, Total Adinosine Tri Phosphatase,Acetyl Cholinestersae & SGPT,Digestive enzymes etc..
- Biochemical estimations:-They are Total Protein, Carbohydrates, Non Protein nitrogenous substances, Total lipid, Serum Creatinine, Blood urea, Serum Cholesterol etc..
- Instrumentation techniques:-Flame photometry,Chromatography,Electrophoresis Colorimetric Analysis etc.
- Molecular biology techniques:- Isolation of DNA,RNA,PCR,ELISA, Immunoelectrophoresis ,Gel Electrophoresis ,Flame photometry, HPLC