Dr. Sajesh T.A., M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Tholiyarathala House , Thadapparambu, Mulamkunnathukavu P.O.,
Thrissur Dist , Kerala – 680581.
- M.Sc. Statistics (University of Madras);
- M. Phil. Statistics (University of Madras);
- Ph. D. (University of Madras)
- Detection of Multiple Outliers in Multidimensional data
Research Interests
- Robust statistical inference; Multidimensional outlier detection; Statistical Quality Control; Multivariate Analysis.
Honours Received
- Second Best Paper Presentation Award in National Symposium on Statistics and its
applications for Young Researchers, Organized by Department of Statistics, University of
Madras, Chennai
Professional Activities
- Journal of applied statistics (Reviewer)
- Member Board of Studies in Statistics (UG, PG) St.Thomas College, Thrissur, 2016-18
- Member Board of Studies in Statistics (UG), University of Calicut, 2016-19
Research Papers
- Sajesh T A , Fast and Robust Bivariate Control Charts for Individual Observations , Journal , Reliability: Theory and Applications , International , 18 , 20-12-2023 , 296-308 , 1932-2321
- Lakshmi R. , Sajesh T. A , Comparative Study on Robust Estimators and Evaluating their Performance in Multiple Regression , Journal , Aligarh Journal of Statistics , National , 43(2023) , 06-11-2023 , 63-86 , Department of Statistics, AMU Aligarh , 0971-0388
- Vijayalakshmi S , Nicy Sebastian , Sajesh T A , Enhancing Multivariate Control Charts for Individual Observations Using ROC Estimates , Journal , Stochastics and Quality Control , International , 04-10-2023 , 2367-2404
- Lakshmi R , Sajesh T A , EMPIRICAL STUDY ON ROBUST REGRESSION ESTIMATORS AND THEIR PERFORMANCE , Journal , Reliability: Theory and Applications , International , 18 , 19-06-2023 , 466-478 , Gnedenko Forum , 1932-2321
- Sajana O K , Sajesh T A , Robust quadratic discriminant analysis using Sn covariance , Journal , Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation , International , 52 , 04-03-2023 , 735-744 , Taylor and Francis, UK , Print ISSN: 0361-0918 Online ISSN: 1532-4141
- Sajana O K , Sajesh T A , Multidimensional outlier detection and robust estimation using Sn covariance , Journal , COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS – SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION , International , 30-01-2020 , Taylor&Francis, UK , 0361-0918
- Sajesh T A , M R Srinivasan , Robust Quadratic Discriminant Rule using Comedian , Journal , Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics , International , 8 , 19-09-2019 , 41-47 , ISSN: 2278-2273 (Online), ISSN: 2348-7909 (Print)
- SAJANA O KUNJUNNI , SAJESH T ABRAHAM , S_n Covariance , Journal , Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods , International , 16-06-2019 , Taylor&Francis, UK ,
- Sajana O K , Sajesh T A , Detection of Multidimensional Outlier Using Multivariate Spatial Median , Journal , Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences , International , 9 , 05-12-2018 , 1875-1881 , ISSN 0976-5727 (Print) ISSN 2319-8133 (Online)
- Lakshmi R , Sajesh T A , Robust Quadratic Discriminant Analysis using Kurtosis Method , Journal , Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences , International , 9 , 05-12-2018 , 1907-1914 , ISSN 0976-5727 (Print) ISSN 2319-8133 (Online)
- Sajana O K , Sajesh T A , Empirical Robust Multivariate Regression Parameter Estimation Using Median Approach , Journal , International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences , International , 5 , 31-10-2018 , 65-71 , 2348-4519
- Sajesh T A , M R Srinivasan , An Overview of Multiple Outliers in Multidimensional Data , Journal , Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics , International , 14 , 15-11-2013 , 87-120 , 1391-4987
- M A Di Palma , M R Srinivasan , Sajesh T A , Detecting compositional outliers using Comedian Method, , Book , “Advances in Latent Variables”, Eds. Brentari E., Carpita M., Vita e Pensiero, Milan, Italy , International , 16-10-2013 , 978 88 343 2556 8
- B Chadrasekar , Sajesh T A , RELIABILITY MEASURES OF SYSTEMS WITH LOCATION-SCALE ACBVE COMPONENTS , Journal , Reliability: Theory and Applications , International , 8 , 31-03-2013 , 7-15 , 1932-2321
- Sajesh T A , M R Srinivasan , Outlier detection for high dimensional data using the Comedian approach , Journal , Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation , International , 82 , 31-05-2012 , 745-757 , ISSN 0094-9655 print/ISSN 1563-5163 online
- M R Sindhumol , T H Ansar , Sajesh T A , Analysis of Crime Data using Robust Statistical Method: A study with Special Reference to Crime in , Journal , Indian police journal , National , 57 , 31-03-2010 , 80-86 ,
- B Chandrasekar , Sajesh T A , Equivariant estimation for parameters for location – scale bivariate Exponential models , Journal , Journal of Applied Statistical Science , International , 17 , 10-01-2010 , 541-548 , 1067-5817
- Sajesh T A , M R Srinivasan , Detection of Multidimensional Outliers using Biplot Analysis , Journal , Mapana journal of sciences , National , 7 , 16-12-2008 , 10-24
- Sajesh T A , A robust sphericity test for high dimensional dataset , Ninth International Conference on “Statistics for Twenty-first Century-2023” (ICSTC-2023) , International , International Statistics Fraternity(ISF), Department of Statistics and School of Physical and Mathem , 15-12-2023 , University of Kerala, Trivandrum
- Sajesh T A , Comparative Analysis of Outlier Detection Techniques in Compositional Data Analysis , IX International Symposium on Statistics and Optimization , International , Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India , 28-10-2023 , Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
- Dr Sajesh T A , Robust Statistic for One -Way MANOVA , International Conference on New Horizons in Statistical Modeling and Applications , International , Dept. of Statistics, Presidency College, Chennai , 27-02-2015 , Chennai
- Dr Sajesh T A , A Robust Principal Component Biplot Using ROBPCA , XI Annual Conference of the Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications , National , Department of Statistics, , 24-02-2009 ,
- (With Dr. M.R. rinivasan) Outlier Detection for High Dimensional Data using Comedian Approach, Presented in “National Meet of Research Scholars in Mathematical Science”, Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras, Chennai, 2010.
- (With Dr. M.R. Srinivasan) A Robust Principal Biplot using ROBPCA, Presented in the”Eleventh Annual Conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications”, University of Madras, Chennai, 2009.
- (With Dr. M.R. Srinivasan) Robust Discriminant Analysis using Comedian, National Symposium on Statistics and its Applications for Young Researchers, Organized by Department of Statistics, University of Madras, Chennai, 2012.
- International Instructional Conference on Applied Multivariate Data Analysis with applications to life, Social and Environmental Sciences, on January 16-20, 2008, organized by the Department of Statistics, Osmania University, Hyderabad- 500 007.
- Workshop on Statistical Data mining with special reference to Clustering Algorithm, on November 21-22, 2008, organized by Department of Statistics, University of Madras, Chennai – 600 005.
- Eleventh Annual Conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications on February 24 – 26, 2009, Organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Madras, Chennai 600 005.
- National Workshop on Mathematical Modeling for Performance Oriented Heuristic Techniques and its Applications to Industry¸ on December 7-11, 2009, organized by Department of Operations Research and Quality Control, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, A.P. and Department of IE&M, MSRIT, Bangalore – 54.
- National Meet of Research Scholars in Mathematical Science, on October 11-15, 2010, Organized by Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras, Chennai.
- National Workshop on the Usage of Statistical Packages, on March 28-30, 2011, Organized by Department of Statistics, University of Madras, Chennai – 600 005.
- National Symposium on Statistics and its Applications for Young Researchers, on February 24-25, 2012, Organized by Department of Statistics, University of Madras, Chennai – 600 005.
- New Horizons in Statistical Modelling and Applications (NHSMA-2015), Organized by Department of Statistics, Presidency College, Chennai
- National Seminar on Recent advances in Statistical Theory and its Applications, at St.Thomas College Thrissur, during February 25-26, 2015.
- National Seminar on Opportunities and Resources in Research, at St.Thomas College Thrissur on March 3rd, 2015.
- Participated in the One day Seminar on Statistics at St.Thomas College Thrissur, on February 3rd, 2016.