Dr. Anusree M R, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

“Dwaraka” , Green Land Villas(Lane 3/25),
KurladAnganvadi Road , Edathala, Kochi, Kerala, India
Email: anusreemr[at] / anun74[at]
Education: PhD, M.Phil, M.Sc (Statistics)
2010-2016: Ph D in Statistics
Theses Title: “On Skew Normal Distribution”.
Guide: Dr. C. Satheesh Kumar
Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Statistics (Kariavattom)
University of Kerala, Trivandrum
2008-2009: M. Phil in Statistics(A Grade)
Theses title: “Estimation of Population Mean using Power Transformation”.
Guide: Dr. G Lesitha, Head (RTD)
Department of Statistics (Kariavattom)
University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India
2006-2008: M. Sc in Statistics(First Rank)
Theses Title “Estimation of Total Production of Cashew Kernels at Kilikolloor in Quilon district”
Guide: Dr. G Lesitha, Head (RTD)
Department of Statistics (Kariavattom)
University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India
2003-2006: B. Sc in Mathematics(Third Rank)
Department of Mathematics
Fathima Mata National College, Kollam, India.
Positions held:
- May- Dec, 2015: Assistant Professor (Dept. of Operations),
IBS Hyderabad, IFHE University, Hyderabad, India
- April 2016 -June 2019: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Operations
Rajagiri Business School, Rajagiri Valley, Kakkanad P.O
- June 2019 onwards: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Statistics
St. Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur
Research Interests: Distribution theory: Skew normal distribution, Reliability
Teaching Interest: Statistics, Quantitative Techniques, Operations Research
Research Experience: 5 years
- Secured “Third Rank” (99.5%) at University Level (B.Sc Mathematics), University of Kerala, Trivandrum (2003-2006).
- Secured “First Rank” (88.3%) at University Level (M.Sc Statistics), University of Kerala, Trivandrum (2006-2008).
- Received the “ R. N. Pillai Young Statistician Award”, Kerala Statistical Association, 2012.
- Received the “ Sundararaja Best Paper Award”, Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 2015.
- Selected on among the top three in the “ AM Mathai Best Thesis Award Competition” in connection with the International Conference on Statistics for Twenty first Century, Trivandrum, 2016.
- Received the “Best Presenter Award” in connection with the International Conference on Statistics for Twenty first Century, Trivandrum, 2017.
Professional Activities:
- Chaired a session in the “International conference on Marketing Technology and
Society, IIM- Kozhikode, Sept 29 to Oct 1, 2016”.
- Student co coordinator for the year 2016, Rajagiri Business School, Kakkanad, Kochi
Professional society memberships:
Life member, Kerala Statistical Association, 2011 onwards
Research fellowships:
- Received the KSCSTE fellowship (Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment) for the year 2010-2011 (July) for pursuing PhD.
- INSPIRE fellowship, DST (IF114012-Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India) for the year 2011-2015 for pursuing PhD.
Text books:
- Sreejesh, S., Mohapatra, S., &Anusree, M. R. (2014). Business Research Methods. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
Research Papers:
- A,Sarkar. J.G, SreejeshS., Anusree, M. R.,Rishi B. (2019), “You are so embarrassing; still, I hate you less! Investigating consumers brand embarrassment and brand hate”, Journal of Brand Management [] [Indexed inABDC-A, Scopus (Q2)].
- Vijay K, Sreejesh S., Wilson.,Anusree M.R. (2019), “The Differential Effect of Conflict Types on Employee Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support at Work”,International Journal of Conflict Management[accepted][Indexed in ABDC-A, Scopus (Q2)].
- Sreejesh, S., Anusree, M. R., &Ponnam, A., (2019), “Can Online Service Recovery Interventions Benignly Alter Customers’ Negative Review Evaluations? Evidence from the Hotel Industry”, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management(online) [Indexed in ABDC-A, Scopus (Q1)].
- Vijay K, Sreejesh S., Heera, J., Anusree M.R., & Shelly J. (2019), “Process Conflict and Employee Well-being: An Application of Activity Reduces Conflict Associated Strain (ARCAS) Model”, International Journal of Conflict Management [Forthcoming, Indexed in ABDC-A& Scopus, Impact Factor: 1.00 (Clarivate Analytics, 2017)].
- Sreejesh, S., Sarkar, J. G., Sarkar, A. & M. R. Anusree (2019), “Investigating the Roles of Hotel Brand Relationship Norms in Generating Relationship Satisfaction and Commitment, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(1), pp.309-329. [Indexed in ABDC-A, Scopus (Q1)].
- Sarkar, A., Juhi, G., Sreejesh, S. &Anusree, MR., (2018), “A Qualitative Investigation of E-tail Brand Affect”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 36(3), 365-380[Indexed in ABDC-A, Scopus (Q1)].
- Sreejesh, S., Anusree, M. R., &Ponnam, A., (2018), “Does game rules work as a game changer? Analyzing the effect of rule orientation on brand attention and memory in advergames”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 81, pp.325-339 [Indexed in ABS-level 3& Scopus, Impact Factor: 3.435 (Thomson Reuters, 2016)].
- Kumar, C. S., &Anusree, M. R. (2018). “On some aspects of a two-piece asymmetric normal distribution”, Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications,17(1), pp.101-121.[Indexed inABDC-C].
- Sreejesh S &Anusree, M. R. (2018): “M&T Automobile Inc.: Solving a dilemma for expanding business through probability assignment”, Sage Business Cases, Sage Publishers.
- Sreejesh S., JuhiGahlotSarkar, AbhigyanSarkar, AbdolrezaEshghi, &Anusree M.R., (2018), “The impact of other customer perception on consumer-brand relationships”, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 27(2), pp.130-146. [Indexed in ABDC-A& Scopus, Impact Factor: 1.0931 (Thomson Reuters, 2016)].
- Sreejesh, S. &Anusree M.R., (2017), “Effects of cognition demand, mode of interactivity and brand anthropomorphism on gamers’ brand attention and memory in
advergames, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 70, pp.575-588 [Indexed in ABS-level 3 & Scopus, Impact Factor: 3.435 (Thomson Reuters, 2016)].
- ChetnaPriyadarshini, S. Sreejesh, &Anusree, M.R., (2017), “Effect of information quality of employment website on attitude toward the website: A moderated mediation study”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 38(5), 729-745. [Indexed in ABDC-A & Scopus, Impact Factor: 0.641 (Thomson Reuters, 2016)].
- Kumar, C. S., &Anusree, M. R. (2017). “On an extended skew curved normal distribution and its application”, Journal of Statistical Research, Vol.51(2), 115-129[Indexed in ABDC-C].
- Kumar, C. S., &Anusree, M. R. (2016). On a mixture of standard normal and two piece skew normal distribution, Aligar Journal of Statistics, 36, pp.39-56 [Indexed in ABDC-C].
- Sreejesh, S., Anusree M.R. and Amarnath, M. (2016), “Effect of information content and form on customers’ attitude and transaction intention in mobile banking: moderating role of perceived privacy concern”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(7), pp. 1092-1113 [Indexed in ABDC- B& Scopus].
- Sreejesh, S. &Anusree M.R., (2016),”The impacts of customers’ observed severity and agreement on hotel booking intentions: moderating role of webcare and mediating role of trust in negative online reviews”, Tourism Review, 71(2), pp.77-89. [Indexed in ABDC-B&Scopus].
- Kumar, C. S., & Anusree, M. R. (2015). “On an extended version of skew generalized normal distribution and some of its properties”, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods[Indexed in ABDC-B & Scopus, Impact factor:0.3(Thomson Reuters)]
- Kumar, C. S., & Anusree, M. R. (2015). “On Modified Generalized Skew Normal Distribution and Some of Its Properties”, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 9(3), pp.489-505 [Indexed in Scopus].
- Kumar, C. S., & Anusree, M. R. (2014). “On Some Properties of a General Class of Two-Piece Skew Normal Distribution”, Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 44(2), pp.179-194.
- Kumar, C. S., & Anusree, M. R. (2014). “On a modified class of generalized skew normal distribution”, South African Statistical Journal, 48(1), pp.111-124[Indexed in ABDC-B, Impact factor: 0.16 (Thomson and Reuters)].
- Kumar, C. S., & Anusree, M. R. (2013). “A generalized two-piece skew normal distribution and some of its properties”, Statistics, Vol. 47(6), pp.1370-1380[Indexed in ISI Science Citation Index, ABDC-B & Scopus, impact factor: 0.807(Thomson and Reuters)].
- Kumar, C. S., &Anusree, M. R. (2011). “On a generalized mixture of standard normal and skew normal distributions”, Statistics& Probability Letters, Vol. 81(12), pp.1813-1821, (Indexed in Science Citation Index, ABDC-B and Scopus, SNIP=0.834, Impact factor: 0.506 (Thomson and Reuters)].
- Kumar, C. S., &Anusree, M. R. (2016). “Modified two-piece skew normal distribution: properties and application”, Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering-MAT Journals, 2(2),pp.1-15.
- Kumar, C. S., &Anusree, M. R. (2013). “Modified version of skew curved normal distribution”, Collection of Recent Statistical Methods and Applications, Vol. 2(1), 41-55, (C.S. Kumar, M. Chacko and E.I.A. Sathar, Eds.-Department of Statistics, University of Kerala Publishers, Trivandrum, ISBN: 978-93-5104-794-0).
- Anusree, M. R. (2012). “On generalized modified skew normal distribution”, Journal of the Kerala Statistical Association, 23, pp.31-47[ISSN: 2249-4553].
- Kumar, C. S., &Anusree, M. R. (2012). “Location-scale extension of modified skew normal distribution and its application”, Research Journal of Fatima Mata National College, Science Edition,Vol. 4(1), 48-57 [ISSN: 2277-8748].
- Kumar, C. S., &Anusree, M. R. (2011). “On some properties of an asymmetric normal distribution”, Research Journal of Fatima Mata National College, Science Edition, Vol. 3(2), 35-43[ISSN: 2277-8748].
Conferences/Seminar/Workshop Presented:
- Attended and presented a paper on “A generalized skew normal distribution” in the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in honor of Prof. A.M. Mathaiat the Department of Statistics, St. Thomas College, Pala, Kottayam, Jan 3-5, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper on “On an extended generalized skew normal distribution and its properties” in the International Conference on Actuarial Statistics, Biostatistics and Stochastic modeling (INCABS 11) conducted in the Department of statistical Sciences, Kannur University, Kannur, Kerala during January 10-14, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper on “On generalized two piece skew normal distribution and some of its properties” in the National Conference on Statistics for twenty first century NCSTC conducted in the Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, March 17-19, 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper on “On a modified version of skew normal distribution” in the XXXI Annual Convention of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) and International Conference on Statistics, Probability and related Areas conducted in Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala during December 19-22,
- Attended and presented a paper on “A new family of skew normal distributions” in the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Statistics and Related Areas and Annual Conference of Kerala Statistical Association organized by Department of Statistics, University of Calicut, Kerala during March 15-17, 2012.
- Attended and presented a paper on “A two-piece generalized skew normal distribution” in the National Conference on Statistics for twenty first century-2014, NCSTC-2014, Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, March 20-22.
- Attended and presented a paper titled” Consumer’s perceived webcare: Conceptualization, Scale development and validation” in the “International conference on Marketing Technology and Society, IIM- Kozhikode, Sept 29 to Oct 1, 2016”.
- Attended and presented a paper titled “ On two piece asymmetric normal distribution” in the International Conference of Statistics for twenty first century, ICSTC-2016 from Dec 21-23 organized by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
- Attended and presented a paper titled “A flexible class of skewed plurimodal distributions: Properties and Applications” in the International Conference of Statistics for twenty first century, ICSTC-2017 from Dec 14-16 organized by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Conferences/Seminar/Workshop Attended:
- Attended one day seminar on “Statistics and Mathematics” conducted by Department of Statistics and Mathematics of Govt. College Kariavattom, Trivandrum sponsored by the Department of Collegiate Education on 26 thMarch 2008.
- Attended the “Advanced Training on GNU/R Software (ICFOSS)”,Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, August 1-2, 2011.
- Attended the “National workshop on Distribution Theory, Order Statistics and Reliability Theory”,Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, March 17-19, 2014.
- Attended one day seminar held on the “National Statistics Day in connection with the international year of Statistics” at the Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 29th June, 2013.
- Attended three days Faculty Development Programme on “Innovative Approaches in Management Teaching” conducted by IIM-K at Rajagiri Centre for business Studies, Kakkanad.
- Attended six days “SAKSHAM-IT Champion Training Program” FDP conducted by Microsoft at Rajagiri School of Social Sciences from May 23rd to 28th, 2016.
- Attended the Faculty Development Programme on “Case method in Management Education” by Dr. Simon George (TAPMI) at Rajagiri Centre for business Studies, Kakkanad, August, 2016.
- Attended the Faculty Development Programme on “Teaching Methods to Strengthen Decision Making Skills” by RanjeetNambudiri ( IIM Indore) at Rajagiri Centre for business Studies, Kakkanad, Sept 20, 2016.
- Attended the One Week Online National Faculty Development Program jointly organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of Ministry of Education and St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, 15 to 21 January, 2021.
- Attended the Online Refresher Course on Curriculum Design, Development and Assessment for faculties in Sciences in Universities and Colleges” conducted by MHRD Teaching Learning Centre, University of Calicut, from 03/02/2021 to 16/02/2021.
Organization of Conferences/Seminar/Workshop:
- Coordinator of National Conference on Business Excellence, Jan 2017, Department of Operations, Rajagiri Centre for business Studies, Kakkanad, Kochi.
- Coordinated “National Webinar on the recent developments in Statistics and Probability, February 18-19, 2021” at Department of Statistics, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur (Online).
Special Seminars/Invited Talks
- Delivered a talk on “Relevance of Statistical Research” in connection with “Statistics Day Celebration” organized by Department of Statistics, St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur on 9 th July, 2019.