Dr. V. M. Chacko M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.


Vellamattathil (H) , Mythri Nagar, Jhancy Road
Thalore, Thrissur-680306

Professor & Member, Senate of University of Calicut



  • chackovm[at], chackovm[at]


  • MSc Statistics
  • M.Phil
  • PhD

Positions held

  1. Professor, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur (2024- )
  2. Associate Professor, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur (2021-2023)
  3. Assistant Professor, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur (2008-2020)
  4. Junior Research Fellow, CSIR, University of Calicut (2005-2008)
  5. Lecturer, St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri, Calicut, Kerala (2004-2005)


  1. JRF $ SRF, CSIR (Top 20% Syama Prakash Mukergy Test Catogory) 2005
  2. JRF, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkotta (2006),
  3. JRF, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore ( 2007)
  4. 5th Rank, Indian Statistical Service (ISS), 2007
  5. Prof. R. N. Pillai Young Statistician Award by Kerala Statistical Association, 2008
  6. Prof. M. N. Gopalan Young Statistician Award by Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 2008
  7. Best Theory Research Paper Award, ICON-KSRAO, Department of Statistics and Population Research Centre, Andra University, Vishaghapattanam, 2023
  8. Kerala PSC, Lecturer in Statistics
  9. Kerala PSC Research Officer

Professional Activities

  1. Executive Council Member, Statistics and Applications(WoS, UGC Care, Scopus),  Journal of The Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications, New Delhi , Executive Committee (2021-onwards)
  2. Member of  Gnedenko E-Forum: International Group of reliability Practitioners (2008 onwards)
  3. Member of Kerala Statistical Association (2008 onwards)
  4. Editor,  Infinitude: Frontiers of Research in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, UGC-HRDG, UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT, August 2016.
  5. Editor, Proceedings of NATIONAL SEMINAR ON INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN STATISTICS in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Kerala Statistical Association (KSA) during 15-17th February 2018.
  6. Chief Editor, Proceedings of NATIONAL SEMINAR ON STATISTICAL APPROACHES IN DATA SCIENCE, 6-7 February 2019, UGC CPE Sponsored. ISBN 978-81-935819-2-6
  7. Editor, Proceedings of National Seminar in Applied Statistics and Symposium on Stochastic Modelling, Feb 4-6, 2020
  8. Managing Editor, Veritas Journal of Science, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur
  9. European Journal of Operational Research (Reliability-Reviewer)
  10. Journal of Applied Statistics (Reviewer)
  11. Quality and Reliability Engineering International(Reviewer)
  12. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications (Reviewer)
  13. Scientific Reports(Reviewer)

Innovative Programmes

  1. Coordinator, Research and Publication Ethics Online Course, 05.2023 to 12.06.2023
  2. Coordinator, Research and Publication Ethics Online Course, 10.2023 to 19.11.2023
  3. Coordinator, Research and Publication Ethics Online Course, 09.2022 to 07.11.2022
  4. Coordinator, Research and Publication Ethics Online Course, 08 September to 16 October 2021 St.Thomas College(Autonomus), Thrissur & Directorate of Research, University of Calicut National 36
  5. Coordinator, Research and Publication Ethics Online Course, 08.2020 to 07.10.2020

University & College Academic Duties

  1. Member, Senate, University of Calicut
  2. Member, Advisory Committee for Affiliated Colleges (Standing Committee)
  3. Member, Steering Committee and Curriculum Framework Sub-committee constituted for the implementation of CUFYUGP at Calicut University 2023
  4. Member, Academic Council, SH College(Autonomous), Chalakkudy
  5. Additional Chief Superintendent of University of Calicut, 2015, 2020,2022
  6. Chairman, UG & PG Exam, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur (2017-2023)
  7. Chairman, Board of Studies in Statistics (UG & PG), St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur (2017-2023)
  8. Member Board of Studies in Statistics (UG), University of Calicut, 2013-2016
  9. Member Board of Studies in Statistics (PG), University of Calicut, 2016-2019
  10. Member Board of Studies in Statistics (UG & PG), Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  11. Member, BoS(Statistics), Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda
  12. Chief Superintendent of Examinations, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur  University of Calicut, 2020-2021
  13. Senior Assistant Superintendent of Exam, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur University of Calicut, 2019-2020

Administrative Duties

  1. Add on Courses Coordinator(2024-)
  2. Dean of Research & Director, R & D Cell  (2021-2024)
  3. Autonomous Review Coordinator 2022
  4. Nodal Officer AISHE,  UGC e-Schemes, Swatch Bharath Summer internship (2011-)
  5. Nodal Officer, e-Procurement Tender of Government of Kerala (2017-)
  6. Nodal Officer, Public Financial Management System(PFMS), MHRD Goverment of India (Upto 31.03.2023)
  7. Social Entrepreneurship, Swachhta & Rural Engagement Cell (SES REC) (2021-)

Research Interests

  • Reliability, Stochastic Process, Distributions, Mutistate systems and Stochastic Ordering

Ph.D. Students

  1. Dr. Deepthi K S,,   Reliability (Awarded)
  2. Dr Beenu Thomas,,  Reliability (Awarded)
  3. Anakka K K, , Reliability Theory
  4. Ann Sania,, Multistate system
  5. Amrutha M,, Distribution & Reliability
  6. Gauthami P,, Multistate System
  7. Ravikumar K,
  8. Vaishakh K M,
  9. Sini K P,
  10. Rajitha C, (On Leave)
  11. Rakhi Chandran,

Research Papers (In Journals)

  1. Anakha K K, Chacko V M, Muhammad Aslam, Faten S. Alamri (2024) Developing the DUS Inverse Kumaraswamy Distribution Reliability Analysis  (Communicated)
  2. Chacko V M and Amrutha M (2024) Power Generalized DUS Transformation of Inverse Kumaraswamy Distribution and Stress-Strength Analysis, Statistics and Applications , ISSN 2452-7395, Peer Reviewed, UGC Care, WoS(ESCI), Scopus, Volume 22, No. 2, 2024 (New Series), pp 323–359
  3. Chacko V.M., Ann Sania, Amrutha M., (2024)Joint Importance Measures For Repairable Multistate Systems, Statistics and Applications , ISSN 2452-7395, Peer Reviewed, UGC Care, WoS(ESCI), Scopus, Volume 22, No. 2, 2024 (New Series), pp 189–202
  4. Chacko V.M., Ann Sania(2024) Joint module importance measures for multistate systems, OPSEARCH  , ISSN: 0030-3887 (IF1.6,  Cite Score2022: 3.4), Peer Reviewed, Scopus,  WoS, UGC List
  1. Anakha K K, Chacko. V.M.(2023), Statistical Estimation of Exponential Power Distribution on Different Progressive Type-II Censoring Schemes, Journal of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, ISSN 2364-9569 (IF:1.2, Cite Score2022: 0.8), Peer Reviewed, Scopus,  WoS, UGC List, Volume 25, pages 85–120, (2024)
  1. Ankitha Lukose, Chacko V. M.(2023) Estimation of Stress Strength Reliability Using Pranav Distribution, December 4(76): 288-295,, Reliability: Theory and Applications , ISSN 1931-2321 (Cite Score 2022 0.4), Peer Reviewed, UGC Care, Scopus
  2. Chacko V M, Franson, A.S., Amrutha M(2023) Birnbaum joint importance measures for three components of a repairable multistate systems. ;23(3):3-13. (In Russ.), Dependability , ISSN 2500-3909, Peer Reviewed indexed in Higher Attestation Commission of Russia & Russian Science Citation Index
  3. Beenu Thomas, Chacko V M(2023) POWER GENERALIZED DUS TRANSFORMATION IN WEIBULL AND LOMAX DISTRIBUTIONS, March 1(72): 368-384., Reliability: Theory And Applications, ISSN 1931-2321 (Cite Score 2022 0.4), Peer Reviewed, UGC Care, Scopus
  4. Akhila M Varghese, Chacko V M(2022) ESTIMATION OF STRESS-STRENGTH RELIABILITY FOR AKASH DISTRIBUTION, Vol.17 No. 3 (69), issue of September, 52-58., Reliability: Theory And Applications , ISSN 1931-2321 (Cite Score 2022 0.4), Peer Reviewed, UGC Care, Scopus
  5. Anakha K K, Chacko V M (2021) DUS-Kumaraswamy Distribution: A Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Model, 8, No.3, pp.359-367 ., International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering,, ISSN 2456-2378, Peer Reviewed,  UGC Care
  6. M. Nayana, K. K. Anakha, V. M. Chacko, Muhammad Aslam & Mohammed Albassam (2022) A New Neutrosophic Model using DUS-Weibull Transformation with Application, Volume 8, pp.s4079–4088 . 10.1007/s40747-022-00698-6,14 March 2022., Complex & Intelligent Systems, ISSN 2198-6053 (IF 2022:5.8,  Cite Score 2022 7.9), Peer Reviewed, Scopus
  1. Beenu Thomas, Chacko V M (2022) Power Generalized DUS Transformation of Exponential Distribution, 150-17, Vol.9, No.1, May., International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering,, ISSN 2456-2378, Peer Reviewed,  UGC Care
  2. Chacko V M (2021) On Joint Importance Measures For Multistate Reliability Systems, No.4(65), pp.286-293, Dec. ., Reliability: Theory And Applications, ISSN 1931-2321 (CiteScore 2022 0.4), Peer Reviewed,  UGC Care, Scopus
  1. Chacko V M (2021) On Birnbaum type joint importance measures for multistate reliability systems, Vol.52, No.9, 2799-2818, 2021., Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, ISSN :0361-0926(IF:0.8, Cite Score 2022: 1.7), Peer Reviewed, Scopus,  WoS, UGC List
  2. Gauthami P, Chacko V M (2021) Dus Transformation of Inverse Weibull Distribution: An Upside-Down Failure Rate Model, 16, No.2(62),  58-71, 2021., Reliability: Theory And Applications, ISSN 1931-2321 (CiteScore 2022 0.4), Peer Reviewed,  UGC Care, Scopus
  3. Deepthi K S, Chacko V M(2021) Identification of Failure Rate Behaviour of Increasing Convex (Concave) Transformations, Vol.16., Reliability: Theory And Applications, ISSN 1931-2321 (CiteScore 2022
    4), Peer Reviewed, UGC Care, Scopus
  4. M Manoharan, Chacko V M(2021) On Association In Time Of Markov Process With Application To Reliability And Survival Analysis, 19, No.2, 101-112., Journal Of Statistics And Applications, ISSN 2452-7395, Peer Reviewed, WoS (ESCI),  Scopus, UGC Care
  5. Beenu Thomas, Chacko V M(2020) Exponential-Gamma (3,Θ) Distribution And Its Applications, 15, No.3(58), pp. 49-61. , Reliability: Theory And Applications, ISSN 1931-2321 (Cite Score 2022 0.4), Peer Reviewed,  UGC Care, Scopus
  6. Chacko V M(2020) New Joint Importance Measures For Multistate Systems,  Vol.7, No.1, pp.140-148,, International Journal Of Statistics And Reliability Engineering, ISSN 2456-2378, Peer Reviewed, UGC Care
  7. Deepthi K S, Chacko V M (2020) Reliability Estimation Of Stress-Strength Model Using Three Parameter Generalized Lindley Distribution, No.65, Issue 1, 69-88, November., Advances And Applications In Statistics, ISSN: 0972-3617 (IF:0.2), Peer Reviewed, WoS (ESCI)
  8. Anakha K. K & Chacko V. M(2020) On Exponential-Weibull Distribution Useful In Reliability And Survival Analysis,    15, No.1(56), Pp.20-32.  , Reliability: Theory And Applications, ISSN 1931-2321(Cite Score 2022 0.4), Peer Reviewed, UGC Care,  Scopus
  9. Rajitha C, Chacko V M(2019) A Queue Network M/M/1/∞ Model, 4(55), Vol.14,  14-19, Dec,, Reliability: Theory and Applications, ISSN 1931-2321(Cite Score 2022 0.4), Peer Reviewed,  UGC Care, Scopus
  10. Chacko V M, Deepthi K S(2019) Generalized X-Exponential Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, Vol. 20, pp, 157–171., Journal of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, ISSN 2364-9569(IF:1.2, Cite Score2022: 0.8), Peer Reviewed, Scopus, WoS,  UGC Care
  11. Chacko V M(2018) Continuous Mutltistate system Universal Generating function, Vol.13, No.4(51), pp.74-84, Dec., Reliability: Theory and Applications, ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Care, Scopus
  12. V.M., Deepthi K. S., Beenu Thomas, Rajitha C.(2018) Weibull-Lindly Distribution: A bathtub shaped failure rate model, Vol.13, pp.9-20, No.4(51), Dec., Reliability: Theory and Applications(CiteScore 2022
    0.4), ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed,  UGC Care, Scopus
  13. Rajitha C, Chacko V M, Deepa Paul(2018) Ageing properties of First passage time of Semi-Markov system, Birth-Death models and Queuing Models, pp. 49-55. , Mathematical Sciences, International Journal /Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Ed. Dr.Ratnakar D B, Dr.Sr.Alphonsa Mathew, IMRF International Publications , ISBN 978-93-86435-44-6/ISSN 2278-8679, Peer Reviewed, UGC Listed
  14. Chacko V M, M. Manoharan(2017) Birnubaum  Joint Importance  Measures  For Multi-State  System,  Vol.III, Issue 1, 7-18., Vimala International Research Journal for pure and Applied Sciences, ISSN 2347-3835, Peer Reviewed
  15. Beenu Thomas, Chacko V M (2017) A ‘One Parameter’ Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution , No.3, Vol 12(46), 38-43., Reliability: Theory and Applications(CiteScore 2022 0.4), ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Care Scopus
  16. Chacko V M(2016) A New Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Model, No.1 (40), pp.12-20., Reliability: Theory And Applications, , ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Care
  17. Chacko V M (2016) X-Exponential Bathtub Failure Rate Model , No.4(43), Vol. 11, pp.55-65., Reliability: Theory And Applications, , ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Care
  18. Mariya Jeeja, Chacko V M, Deepa Paul (2015)p-Birnbaum saunders distribution: applications to reliability and electronic banking habits,  01 (36) , Vol.10,pp.70-77,  March., Reliability; Theory and Applications, , ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed,  UGC Care
  19. Chacko V M (2014) Total time on test transforms ordering of semi-markov systems, No. 03 (34) (Vol.9), pp.57-63, September., Reliability; Theory and Applications, , ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Care
  20. Chacko V M (2013) Mean residual life criteria of first passage time of semi-markov process based on total time on test transforms, No.01 (28) (Vol.8),pp.53-64, , Reliability; Theory and Applications, , ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Listed
  21. Chacko V M, M.Manoharan (2012) Multistate Coherent System with multiple transitions at a time,  No. 02 (25) (Vol.1), June, pp. 85-91., Reliability; Theory and Applications,, ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Listed
  22. Chacko V M, M.Manoharan(2011) Joint importance measure in network system, Vol.2, No. 4 (23), 129-139., Reliability; Theory and Applications, , ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Listed
  23. Chacko V M, M.Manoharan(2011)Joint Importance measures for multistate reliability system, Vol.4, No.3,  257-278., Opsearch (IF:1.6), ISSN: 0975-0320, Peer Reviewed, Scopus, WoS, UGC List
  24. Chacko V M (2010) On Total Time on test transform order, No. (04)19, Vol. 1, 50-55., Reliability: Theory and Applications , ISSN 1931-2321, Peer Reviewed, UGC Listed
  25. Chacko, V. M.; Praveena, P. C.; Manoharan, M.(2010) Ageing Properties of a semi-Markov system and Total time on test transform, Issue 2, July, 297-313. , International transactions in Mathmatical Sciences and computers, ISSN 0974-5068, Pee Reviewed
  26. Chacko, V. M.; Manoharan, M.(2009) Ageing properties of first passage time distribution of multistate reliability system, Vol.2, 22-30, Jan-2009, ProbStat Forum, An e-journal in Probability, Statistics and Optimization, ISSN 0974-3235, Peer Reviewed
  27. Chacko V M, M.Manoharan(2008)Joint importance measures of multistate k-out-of-r-fron-n: F system, Vol. 19., 19-30, Dec., Journal of Kerala Statistical Association , ISSN 2249-4553, Peer Reviewed

Research Papers (Book Chapters)

  1. Chacko, V.M., Sania, A., Amrutha, M. (2024). Identification of Most Important Group of Three Components in a Repairable Multistate System. In: Varde, P.V., Vinod, G., Joshi, N.S. (eds) Advances in Risk and Reliability Modelling and Assessment. ICRESH 2024. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
  2. Chacko V M, ON NEW JOINT IMPORTANCE MEASURES FOR MULTISTATE RELIABILITY SYSTEMS,  Chapter 7, 145-158, 2023, Computational Intelligence in Sustainable Reliability Engineering, Scrivener -Wiley, International , eBook ISBN9781003156291
  3. Chacko V M, On Joint Importance Measures for Multistate System’s Reliability,  Chapter 9, 147-165, 2022, Operations Research: Methods, Techniques, and Advancements, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, London,, International , ISBN 9780367741556,
  4. Deepthi K S, Chacko V M, An Upside-Down Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Model Using DUS Transformation Of Lomax Distribution, Chapter 6, pp.81-100,  2020, Stochastic Models In Reliability Engineering, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, London., International , ISBN 9780429331527
  5. Statistical Computing using SPSS: A Case study on Vehicle Price Data, August 2016, Chapter.10,Infinitude: Frontiers of Research in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, UGC-HRDG, UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT, pp.128-143, National , HRDC, University of Calicut
  6. Chacko V M, Skew-Normal Distribution and Related Families, on 8 September 2015, 127-138, Proceedings of National Seminar on ‘Statistics in Medical Science and Engineering’ Organized by Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Carmel College, Mala, National ,
  7. V M Chacko, On Joint Risk Importance Measure, , 6-7 February 2019, pp.19-26. Proceedings of National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data Science, St.Thomas College, Thrissur, National , ISBN: 978-81-935819-2-6
  8. M.Chacko, Beenu Thomas, On a Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Model, 6-7 February 2019, pp.28-37.Proceedings of National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data Science, St.Thomas College, Thrissur, National , ISBN: 978-81-935819-2-6
  9. Deepthi K S, V.M.Chacko, Estimation of Stress-Strength model using Three Parameter Generalized Lindley Distribution,  6-7 February 2019, pp.55-63.Proceedings of National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data Science, St.Thomas College, Thrissur, National , ISBN: 978-81-935819-2-6
  10. Rajitha C, Chacko V M, A Queueing Network model for the performance analysis of Eye Care Clinic,  6-7 February 2019, pp.64-67.Proceedings of National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data Science, St.Thomas College, Thrissur, National , ISBN: 978-81-935819-2-6

Research Projects

  • UGC Minor Project-2011-2012

Conferences(Resource Person/Invited/Contributory papers)

  1. Invited Talk, Importance and Joint importance measures for multistate systems, International Conference on Advanced Data Analytics and Statistics – 2025, Vimala College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 23-25 January 2025
  2. Invited Talk, Expected Physical Criticality Importance for a Group of Three Components in a Repairable Periodic Multistate system, Tenth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century – 2024 [ICSTC-2024], 16.12.2024
  3. Invited Talk, Joint module importance measures for multistate systems, Ninth International Webinar on Recent Trends in Statistical Theory and Applications – 2024[WSTA – 2024], 30.06.2024
  4. Invited Talk, Joint Importance Measures for repairable semi-Markov Multistate systems, National Conference on Current Developments in Statistics (NCCDS-2024), Kerala University, 29.06.2024
  5. Invited Chair, ICSS-1 First International Conference on Social Sciences, Tharanelloor Arts & Science College, Irinjalakkuda
  6. ICRESH 2024 · 5th International Conference on Reliability Safety and Hazard, Baba Atomic Research Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai, 24.02.2024
  7. Invited Lecture, Type-I -Type II Mixture Censoring Scheme for Lifetime Data Analysis, Ninth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century – 2023 [ICSTC-2023], 15-18 Dec 2023
  8. Invited Lecture, Talk on “Statistics and its Applications”, Department of Statistics, Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 13 March 2023., State
  9. Invited Speaker, Presented paper entitled “Some new results on importance and joint importance measures for the mutlistate reliability systems” , International Conference on ‘Statistical Sciences & Stochastic Modelling’ ICSSSM – 2023, Department of Statistics, University of Calicut,   16 – 17 February 2023., International
  10. Invited Lecture, Lecture in One Day Seminar on Stochastic Methods  , Farook College(Autonomous), Kozhikode, 18 January 2023., State
  11. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “Birnbaum Joint Importance Measures for Repairable Multistate Systems” and Received Best Theory Research paper Award, International Conference on Knowledge Discoveries on Statistical Innovations & Recent Advances in Optimization, , Department of Statistics and Population Research Centre, Andhra University, Vishakhapattanam, 29-30 December 2022., International
  12. Invited Lecture, Presented a paper entitled “Joint Importance Measures For Repairable Multistate Systems”, Eighth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century-2022, International Statistics Fraternity (ISF), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 16-19 December 2022., International
  13. Invited Lecture, Presented a paper entitled “On new joint importance measures for multistate systems”,  24th Annual (WEB) Conference of the Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications (SSCA), Recent Advances in Statistical Theory and Applications, 23-27 February 2022., International
  14. Invited Lecture, Talk in Webinar on “Advances of Statistics”  , Department of Mathematics, Carmal College, Mala in Connection with National Statistics Day, June 29, 2021., State
  15. Paper Presentation, Presented paper entitled “On Joint Importance Measures For Multistate Reliability Systems”,  International Conference (Virtual Mode) On Emerging Trends In Statistics And Data Science In Conjunction With 40th Annual Convention Of Indian Society For Probability & Statistics (ISPS),  Departments of Statistics of Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin, M.D. University, Rohtak, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, The Madura College (Autonomous), Madurai, 7-10 September, 2021. , International
  16. Invited Lecture, Talk on “Interpretation of data using some statistical tools”, Online Research and Publication Ethics Course (UGC) for researchers, 19 October 2020., National
  17. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “A Joint Risk Importance Measure”, National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data Science, 6-7 February 2019., National
  18. Invited Lecture, Talk in World Population Day and National Statistics Day, St.Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Thrissur, 17 July 2019., National
  19. Invited Lecture, Presented paper entitled “Applications of Reliability Theory”,  Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 25 January 2018., State
  20. Paper Presentation, Presented paper entitled “A new Bathtub shaped failure rate Model”, National Seminar On Innovative Approaches In Statistics in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Kerala Statistical Association (KSA), St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 15-17 February 2018., National
  21. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “Ageing properties of First passage time of Semi-Markov system, Birth-Death models and Queuing Models”, International Conference on  Mathematical Sciences,  St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 29-30 June 2018., International
  22. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “A new Bathtub shaped failure rate distribution”, National Conference on Advances in Statistical Sciences, Kannur University, 17-18 February 2017., National
  23. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “Holder distribution: A one parameter  Bathtub shaped failure rate model”, International Conference on Statistics for twenty first century-2017, at Department of Statistics, University of Kerala,   14-16 December 2017., International
  24. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “A new Bathtub shaped failure rate distribution”, National Seminar on Statistical Techniques in Applied Areas, ST.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 27-28 February 2017., National
  25. Resource Person, Talk on “Elementary Concepts of Reliability Theory”, Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur, 15 December 2017., State
  26. Invited Lecture, Talk on “Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare”, Statistics Day Celebrations, NSSO, Ministry of Statistics, Govt. of India, 29 June 2016., National
  27. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “p-Birnbaum Saunders Distribution”, National Conference on Interdisciplinary Realms of Statistics,  Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur, 09-10 January 2015., National
  28. Paper Presentation, Talk on  Statistical Analysis Using SPSS, National Seminar on Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis using IBM SPSS, 20-21 Nov 2015, National
  29. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “On X-Exponential Bathtub failure rate model”,  Second International Conference on Statistics for twenty first century-2016,  at Department of Statistics, University of Kerala,  21-23 December 2016., International
  30. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “On Association in Time of Markov Process “,  National Conference on Applied Mathematics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 27-28 February 2015. , National
  31. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “A generalization of Birnbaum Saunders distribution”, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Statistical Theory and Its Applications, Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur, 25-26 February 2015., National
  32. Resource Person, Talk in National Workshop on Data Analysis Using SPSS,  Department of Commerce, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 19,20,26 October 2013., State
  33. Resource Person, Talk on “Stochastic Process”, Faculty improvement programme, Thejus Engineering College , State
  34. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “Mean residual life criteria of first passage time of semi-markov process based on total time on test transforms”, National Seminar on Recent Trends in Statistics and Related Areas & Annual Conference of Kerala Statistical Association, Department of Statistics, University of Calicut, , National
  35. Resource Person, Talk on “Stochastic Process and Application to Engineering”, MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram, MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram 5,12,15 February 2011., State
  36. Paper Presentation, Presented a paper entitled “Ageing Properties of a semi-Markov system and Total time on test transform”, International Congress on Mathematicians, University of Hyderabad, 19-27 August 2010., International
  37. International Conference On MEMS 2009, IIT Madras, 3-5.01.2009, Conference, 2009, Presented Paper
  38. Three Day Seminar on Recent Developments in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Department of Studies in Statistics, University of Mysore, 29-31.10.2008, Seminar, 2008, Presented Paper
  39. International Conference on Statistics and its application to Management,  Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode. India, 1-3.05.2008, Conference, 2008, Presented Paper
  40. National Seminar on ecent Advances in Statistics & Analysis of Non-Conventional Data, Department of Statistics, Farook College(Autonomous), Kozhikode, 15-17.03.2008, Seminar, 2008, Presented Paper
  41. International conference for Reliability quality and safety engineering, Bata Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, 5-7.01.2008, Conference, 2008, Presented Paper

Organization (Seminar/Conference/Workshops)

  1. International Conference on Transformative Multidisciplinary Research- 2025 (ICTMR-2025), 6-8 Feb  2025, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur
  2. Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Research @ St. Thomas & Two-Day National Conference on ‘Research-Catalyst for National Development’, 1st & 2nd March 2024.
  3. National Seminar on recent developments and Applications in Statistics and Probability” during February 14-15, 2024
  4. Annual Conference of Researchers-2024, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 06.01.2024
  5. International conference on ‘statistical sciences & stochastic modeling’ ICSSSM – 2023 organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Calicut during February 16 – 17, 2023.
  6. National Seminar on “Stochastic Modeling”, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  7. National Seminar on Intersections: Advances in Interdisciplinary Research & Research Scholars’ Meet 2023,   Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  8. National Seminar on “Interdisciplinary Research Approaches” & Research Scholar’s Meet 2022, 18th &19th February 2022
  9. Webinar on Research Methodology, 24-25 Feb 2022, Dept. of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomus), Thrissur
  10. 16th National Statistics Day Celebrations, St.Thomas College(Autonomus), Thrissur
  11. Third Lecture Series on Linear Algebra, St.Thomas College(Autonomus), Thrissur Participated, 22-23 November 2022
  12. One Day Seminar on Getting your manuscript published, R&D Cell, St.Thomas College(Autonomus), Thrissur Organized and participated, 06.12.2022
  13. Social Extension Programme for Statistics Faculty and Students, Kerala Institute of Local Administration(KILA), Thrissur, 03.12.2022
  14. Eighth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century-2022, (ICSTC 2022), 16 – 19 December, 2022, International Statistics Fraternity(ISF), Department of Statistics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India
  15. Member, Organizing Committee, National Webinar on Recent Developments in Statistics and Probability, Dept. of Statistics, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur National 2 Days Organized and Attended 18-19 Feb 2021
  16. Participant, 23rd Annual Conference of SSCA (online) on “Visionary Innovations in Statistical Theory and Applications (VISTA-2021)”, ICAR – National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (ICAR – NAARM), Hyderabad. International 5 Days    Organized and attended24 – 28 February, 2021
  17. Webinar Series, OPPORTUNITA DI LAVORO, 24 March 2021.
  18. Webinar on Research Consultancy & Startups: How to go about it?, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur Organized & Participated, 16.06.2021
  19. Webinar on Statistical Computing using SPSS, Dept. of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur National 1 Day Organized & Participated, 22.10.2021
  20. National Seminar in Applied Statistics and Symposium on Stochastic Modelling seminar, Feb 4-6, 2020
  21. Webinar on Managing Academic Research and Publishing in Top-tier Journals, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur 05 June 2020
  22. National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data Sciencethe seminar Presented a paper entitled “A Joint Risk Importance Measure”, 6-7 Feb 2019
  23. Statistics Day Celebrations, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur 9 Jul 2019
  24. One Day Seminar on Demography and Gender studies, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur 11/07/2019
  25. Urja Kiran 2019-20: Energy Management Awareness & Signature Campaign for the days 12/12/2019 & 16/12/2019
  26. Lecture Series in Statistics and its Applications, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur Arranged lecture on 18 Sept 2018
  27. Training on Local Governance Interface, KILA, Thrissur 29/11/2018
  28. One Day Seminar on Recent Trends in Data Science, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur 01/12/2018
  29. National workshop on Probability and Statistics, 3-7 Dec 2018, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  30. Urja Kiran 2018-19: Energy Management Awareness Campain, Mulangunnathukavu 15 Dec 2018
  31. Centenary Research Scholars’ Meet 2019 and National Seminar on Qualitative Research, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur   03.2019
  32. National Seminar On Innovative Approaches In Statistics in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Kerala Statistical Association (KSA) during 15-17th February 2018, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  33. Higher Education entitled ‘Academia and Administration in India: Global Challenges and Local Responsibilities’ ,  Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur on 7th and 8th March, 2017.
  34. Urja Kiran: Energy Management Awareness Campaign, Energy Management Centre and Centre for Enviornment and Development, Kerala, & St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 2 Feb 2017
  35. Energy Conservation Awareness Rally, Urja Kiran: Energy Management Awareness Campaign, Energy Management Centre and Centre for Enviornment and Development, Kerala, & St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 16 Dec 2017
  36. National Seminar on Statistical Techniques in Applied Areas, 27-28 Feb 2017 (2 days)
  37. one day seminar on Statistics and its practices, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Govt. of Kerala & St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, 3 Feb 2016
  38. National Seminar on Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis using IBM SPSS, 20-21 Nov 2015
  39. National Seminar on Opportunities and Resources in Research, 03 March 2015
  40. Research Scholar’s Meet 2015 & National Seminar on Exploring the Dimensions of Quality Research, at St.Thomas College, Thrissur, 07-11-2015
  41. National Seminar on Research in Higher Education, 21-22 March 2014, 2 Days

Participations (Seminars/Workshops/Conferences)

  1. Feel Teacher-Communication, Learning and Development Intervention, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 03-05.06.2024, Workshop, 2024, Participated
  2. National Seminar on Recent Developments and Applications in Statistics and Probability, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 14-15.02.2024, Seminar, 2024, Organized & Participated
  3. National Conference on Research as a Catalyst for National Development, Research and Development Cell, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 1-2.03.2024, Conference, 2024, Organized & Participated
  4. Annual Conference of Researchers-2024, Research and Development Cell, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 06.01.2024, Conference, 2024, Organized & Participated
  5. First International Conference on Social Sciences, Tharanellur Arts & Science College, Irinjalakkuda & St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur & DMI St.John the Baptist University, Malawi, Central Africa, 7-8.03.2024, Conference, 2024, Chaired & participated
  6. International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Hazard, Bata Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, 21-24.02.2024, Conference, 2024, Participated
  7. One Day Wokshop on Envisoning NEP 2020, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 31-07-2023, Workshop, 2023, Participated
  8. Research and Publication Ethics Course, Research and Development Cell, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 03.10.2023 -09.11.2023, Course, 2023, Coordinated
  9. Statistics Association Inauguration, Department of Statistics, Vimala College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 13.03.2023, Talk, 2023, Talk Delivered
  10. Santhome Dharshan 2023: 2-Day Faculty Orientation Programme focusing on Changing Scenarion of Indian Higher Education as Envisaged in NEP, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 01-02.06.2023, FDP, 2023, Participated
  11. National Seminar on Intersections: Advances in Interdisciplinary Research & Research Scholars’ Meet 2023, Research and Development Cell, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 24-25.02.2023, Seminar, 2023, Organized & Participated
  12. Symposium on Learning City & Globelics-KSHEC-KEA International Lecture-7, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 18.10.2023, Lecture Series, 2023, Participated
  13. National Seminar on Stochastic Modelling, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 22-23.02.2023, Seminar, 2023, Participated
  14. One Day Seminar on Stochastic Methods, Department of Statistics, Farook College(Autonomous), Kozhikode, 18.01.2023, Seminar, 2023, Delivered a lecture
  15. Regional Seminar on Introduction to Securities and Markets, NSE, SEBI,NSDL & St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 14.07.2023, Seminar, 2023, Participated
  16. Research and Publication Ethics Course, Research and Development Cell, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 29.09.2022 -26.10.2022, Course, 2022, Coordinated
  17. Third Lecture Series on Linear Algebra, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 22-23.11.2022, Lecture Series, 2022, Participated
  18. 16th National Statistics Day Celebrations, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 28-29.06.2022, Day Observation, 2022, Participated
  19. One Day Seminar on Getting Your Manuscript Published, Research and Development Cell, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 06.12.2022, Seminar, 2022, Coordinated & Participated
  20. Training on Social Extension Programme for Statistics Faculty and Students, Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Thrissur, 03.12.2022, Training, 2022, Participated
  21. Faculty Orientation Programme: Annual Academic Retreat 2022, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 29,30 June & 01 July 2022, FDP, 2022, Participated
  22. National Seminar on Interdisciplinary Research Approaches, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 18-19.02.2022, Seminar, 2022, Participated
  23. Training programme on National Intelectual Property Awareness Mission, Intellectual Property Office, India, 25.08.2022, Seminar, 2022, Participated
  24. International Webinar on Recent Innovations in Statistical Methods and Applications, Department of Statistics, Christ College(Autonomous), Irinjalakkuda, 23-25.02.2021, 1-3.03.2021, Webinar, 2021, Participated
  25. 23rd Annual Conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications, ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderbad, 24-28.02.2021, Conference, 2021, Participated
  26. Webinar on Research, Consultancy & Start ups: How to go about it?, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 16.06.2021, Webinar, 2021, Participated
  27. National Webinar on Statistical Sciences, Department of Statistics, University of Calicut, 8-10.03.2021, Webinar, 2021, Participated
  28. NATIONAL WEBINAR ON THE RECENT Development in Statistics and Probability 2021, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 18-19.02.2021, Seminar, 2021, Participated
  29. One Day State Level Academic Seminar on Higher Education System in India: Shifting Structures and Paradigms, KPCTA, Thiruvananthapuram, 07.02.2020, Seminar, 2020, Participated
  30. National Seminar in Applied Statistics Statistics and Symposium on Stochatic Modelling, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 4-5.02.2020, Seminar, 2020, Participated
  31. Webinar on Manageing Academic Research and Publishing in Top-Tier Journals, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 05.06.2020, Webinar, 2020, Participated
  32. THREE – DAY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME, KPCTA, Thiruvananthapuram, 3-6.06.2020, FDP, 2020, Participated
  33. Webinar on National Education Policy: Intent, Implimentation and Impact, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 18.08.2020, Webinar, 2020, Participated
  34. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Statistical Theory and Applications-2020 (NSSTA – 2020) Webinar, Department of Statistics, Kerala University, 29 June, 01 July 2020, Webinar, 2020, Participated
  35. Webinar Series: Connecting Inquicitive minds during Lock Down, Department of Chemistry, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 25.05.2020, Webinar, 2020, Participated
  36. One Day online workshop on Social Entrepreneurship, Swachhta & Rural Engagement forHigher Educational Institutions , Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education , 22.09.2020, Webinar, 2020, Participated
  37. “Webinar on Outcome Based Education”,, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 13.05.2020, Webinar, 2020, Participated
  38. Workshop on Academic Integrity and Ethical Practices in Research and Publications, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 02.11.2019, Workshop, 2019, Participated
  39. Two Day Workshop on Outcome Based Education, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur & KSHEC, Govt. of Kerala, 26-27.08.2019, Workshop, 2019, Participated
  40. One Dy Workshop on Revised NAAC Acreditation Process, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 03.08.2019, Workshop, 2019, Participated
  41. One Day Workshop on Advanced Excel, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 19.01.2019, Workshop, 2019, Organized & Participated
  42. National Seminar on Qualitative Research, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 02.03.2019, Meet, 2019, Participated
  43. National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data Science, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 6-7.02.2019, Seminar, 2019, Participated
  44. National Seminar on Statistical Approaches in Data Science, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 6-7.02.2019, Seminar, 2019, Participated
  45. Urja Kiran 2019-20: Enargy Management Awareness Campaign, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur & Enargy Management Centre, Kerala and Centre for Environment and Development, 16.12.2019, Campaign, 2019, Participated
  46. Workshop on Innovations in Advanced Research, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi & St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 16.03.2019, Workshop, 2019, Participated
  47. Statistics Day Celebration 2019, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 09.07.2019, Day Observation, 2019, Organized & Participated
  48. Seminar on Demography and Gender Statistics, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 11.07.2019, Day Observation, 2019, Organized & Participated
  49. A Symposium on Draft National Education Policy 2019: Prespectives and responses on Higher Education, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 12.07.2019, symposium, 2019, Participated
  50. Faculty Orientation Programme, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 06.06.2019, FDP, 2019, Participated
  51. Talk, Department of Statistics, Vimala College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 25.01.2018, Class, 2018, Resourse Person
  52. One Day Faculty Orientation Programme, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 01.06.2018, FDP, 2018, Participated
  53. National Seminar on Resent Trends in Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Calicut, 13-15.03.2018, Seminar, 2018, Participated
  54. One Day Seminar on Recent Trends in Dta Science, B.Voc Data Sciencel, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 01.02.2018, Seminar, 2018, Participated
  55. Lecture Series in Statistics and its Applications, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 18.09.2018, Lecture Series, 2018, Organized & Participated
  56. Research Scholars’ Meet 2018, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 24.02.2018, Meet, 2018, Participated
  57. One Day Faculty Orientation Programme, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 01.06.2018, Workshop, 2018, Participated
  58. National Seminar on Innovative Approaches in Statistics, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur & Kerala Statistical Association, 15-17.02.2018, Seminar, 2018, Chaired & participated
  59. Urja Kiran 2018-19: Enargy Management Awareness Campaign, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur & Enargy Management Centre, Kerala and Centre for Environment and Development, 15.12.2018, 22.02.2019, 20.03.2019, Campaign, 2018, Participated
  60. Workshop on Revised NAAC Manual, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 28.11.2018, Workshop, 2018, Participated
  61. Workshop on Sayam Prabha DTH Channel, EMMRC, University of Calicut, 05.10.2018, Workshop, 2018, Participated
  62. National Workshop on Probability and Statistics, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 3-7.12.2018, Workshop, 2018, Participated
  63. National Seminar on Statistical Techniques in Applied Areas, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 27-28.02.2017, Seminar, 2017, Organized & participated
  64. National Workshop on Acquiring API Scores and submitting PBAS based proposal under CAS, IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 05.08.2017, Workshop, 2017, Participated
  65. Research Scholars’ Meet 2017, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 18.02.2017, Meet, 2017, Participated
  66. Moodle Training Workshop , IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 23.08.2017, Workshop, 2017, Participated
  67. Urja Kiran 2016-17: Enargy Management Awareness Campaign, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur & Enargy Management Centre, Kerala and Centre for Environment and Development, 2.02.2017, Campaign, 2017, Participated
  68. Urja Kiran 2017-18: Enargy Management Awareness Campaign, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur & Enargy Management Centre, Kerala and Centre for Environment and Development, 16.12.2017, Campaign, 2017, Participated
  69. A probability Meeting, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, 12-14.05.2017, Workshop, 2017, Participated
  70. National Seminar on Research-Expectations and Extensions, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 19.03.2016, Seminar, 2016, Participated
  71. One Day Seminar on Statistics and its Practices, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 03.02.2016, Seminar, 2016, Organized & Participated
  72. National Conference on Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 27-28.02.2015, Conference, 2015, Participated
  73. National Seminar on Oppurtunities and Resources in Research, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 03.03.2015, Seminar, 2015, Participated
  74. Research Scholars’ Meet 2015& National Seminar on Exploring the Dimensions of Quality Research, Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 04.11.2015, Seminar, 2015, Participated
  75. National Seminar on Recent Advances in Statistical Theory and its Applications, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 25-26.02.2015, Seminar, 2015, Participated
  76. National Seminar on Research in Higher Education: Scope and Resources, Research Committee, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 21-22.03.2014, Seminar, 2014, Participated
  77. State Level Workshop on Statistical Computing Using R, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 20-21.11.2014, Workshop, 2014, Participated
  78. National Seminar on Research in Higher Education: Scope and Resources, Research Committee, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 11-12.03.2013, Seminar, 2013, Participated
  79. Seminar on Governance and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education, NAAC, Bangalore & IQAC, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur, 27-28.03.2012, Seminar, 2012, Participated
  80. Seminar on Statistical Computing, Department of Statistics, University of Calicut, 05-06.03.2009, Seminar, 2009, Participated
  81. Workshop on Distribution Theory and One Dat Seminar on Simulation Techniques, Department of Statistics, University of Calicut, 11-13.02.2008, Seminar, 2008, Participated
  82. National seminar on Lifetime data and Survival analysis, Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, 20-22.02.2006, Seminar, 2006, Participated

Consultancy & Data Analysis

  • Ph.D. Thesis for research Scholars
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