Publications and Presentations of Students


Name of Journal, Title, Volume, Page No, Date of Publication, First Author, Second Author, Other Authors, Standard Code Type, Standard Code, Impact Factor/Citation Index, Published at.

  1. Reliability: Theory and Applications, A ‘One Parameter’ Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, 12, 38-43, 01-09-2017, V.M. Chacko, Beenu Thomas, Deepthi K S, ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.557, Gnedenko Forum
  2. Reliability: Theory and Applications, A ‘One parameter’ Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, 12, 38-43, 01-09-2017, V.M. Chacko, Beenu Thomas, Deepthi K S, ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.557, Gnedenko Forum
  3. International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Empirical robust multivariate regression parameter estimation using median approach, 5, 6571, 01-10-2019, Sajana O.K, Sajesh T.A ISSN, 2348-4519, 1.021
  4. Advances and Applications in Statistics, Reliability Estimation of Stress-Strength Model using three parameter Generalized Lindley distributi, 65, 69-89, 01-11-2020, Deepthi K S, Chacko V M ISSN, 0972-3617 Pushpa Publishing House
  5. Reliability: Theory and Applications, Weibull-Lindley Distribution: A bathtub shaped failure rate model, 13, 9-20, 01-12-2018, V.M. Chacko, Deepthi K S, Beenu Thomas and Rajitha C, ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.557, Gnedenko Forum
  6. Reliability: Theory and Applications, Weibull-Lindley Distribution: A Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Model, 13, 9-20, 01-12-2018, V.M. Chacko, Deepthi K S, Beenu Thomas and Rajitha C, ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.557, Gnedenko Forum
  7. Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, of multidimensional outlier using multivariate spatial median, 9, 18751881, 01-12-2018, Sajana O.K, Sajesh T.A ISSN, 0976-5727, 4.655
  8. Proceedings of National Seminar on Statistical Approaches Data Science, Estimation of Stress-Strength Model Using Three Parameter Generalized Lindley Distribution 55-63, 06-02-2019, Deepthi K S, Chacko V M ISBN, 978-81-935819-2-6 St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur
  9. Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Robust Quadratic discriminant rule based on kurtosis method , 11-12-2018, Lakshmi R  ,
  10. Reliability: Theory and Applications, On Exponential-Weibull Distribution Useful in Reliability and Survival Analysis, 15, 20-32, 15-03-2020, K.K., Anakha, V.M., Chacko ISSN, 19322321, 2, Gnedenko Forum
  11. Communications in Statistics-Theory and methods, Sn covariance, 49, 6133-6138, 16-06-2019, Sajana . O.K, Sajesh TA ISSN, 0361-0926, 0.424
  12. Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Generalized X-Exponential Bathtub Shaped Failure Rate Distribution, 20(2), 157-171, 19-07-2019, V.M. Chacko, Deepthi K S ISSN, 2364-9569 Springer Nature
  13. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Multidimensional outlier detection and robust estimation using Sn Covariance , 20-02-2020, Sajana O.K, Sajesh T.A ISSN, 0361-0918, 0.49
  14. Reliability: Theory & Applications, Dus Transformation of Inverse Weibull Distribution: An Upside-Down Failure Rate Model, 16, 58-71, 25-06-2021, Gauthami P, Chacko V M ISSN, 1932-2321, 0.6, Gnedenko Forum
  15. Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, An Upside-down Bathtub Shaped failure rate model using DUS Transformation of Lomax Distribution , 30-07-2020, Deepthi K S, Chacko V M , CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, London.