The lecture series is intended to impart an understanding of the statistical ideas and methods involved in carrying out research for researchers and teachers from various disciplines of learning.

Dr. A.M. Mathai is an Emeritus Professor (Full Professor) of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Director, Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Kerala, India, President of the Indian Mathematical Society and Former chairman of the Kerala State Statistical Commission. In association with Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences The Department of Statistics decided to conduct a Lecture Series in “Statistics and its Applications, during 15 December 2021.


Dr Martin K A, Principal-in Charge

Dr.V.M.Chacko, Head

Dr. T.A.Sajesh

Dr. Rani Sebastian

Mrs. Jeena Joseph

Dr.Nicy Sebastian

Mr. R. S. Rasin

Dr. Anusree M. R

Mrs. Ashlin Mathew P M,


Published On: December 15th, 2021Categories: Statistics - Activities

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