Dr Githin V G, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

Name : Dr. Githin V G
Address : Vadakkekara (H), PO. Muriyad, PIN 680683
Thrissur, Kerala
Email : githinvadakkekara[at]
Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
M.Phil. in Learning disabilities (Psychology), from University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
MSc Applied Psychology from Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
BSc Psychology from Prajyoti Niketan College Pudukkad, Thrissur, affiliated to University of Calicut
Areas of Interest
- Research Methodology, Learning disabilities, Cognitive Psychology, Environmental Psychology
Teaching Experience
- Former HoD in the Department of Psychology, Alphonsa College, Thiruvambady, Calicut (2020 July to 2021 September).
- Administered the Psychological tests for the ‘CIMR Pilot Project’ of the State Initiative on Disabilities (SID) from May 2013 to June 2014 (NISH, Thiruvanathapuram).
- Sravya Speech & Hearing Clinic, Thriprayar in the post of Psychologist (1 year).
- Worked in Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur in the post of Learning Disability Trainer (2019 to 2020)
Training and extension lectures
- Performed as a resource person in the workshop on “Assessment of Learning Disability and Intelligence Quotient”( H M College of Science and Technology, Manjeri 28.11.2019)
- Performed as a resource person in the Webinar “Say no to Drugs” conducted by Vanitha sisuvikasana vakupp, ICDS, Kilimanoor Additional (17.10.2021).
- Perfomed as a resource person in the one day workshop “ Learning disabilities and Mangement” (27.01.2022)
- Performed as a resource person in the 7 day workshop on Learning disabilities organized by Phapins Community College, Thrikkarippur and Rise UP Centre for Learning enhancement and Counselling centre, Thrissur.
- Performed as a resource person on the topic “Game addiction” conducted by MES, College, Kalladi, Mannarkkad (12.09.2021).
- Performed as a resource person in the Webinar “Mental health During Lockdown” conducted by KKTM, College, Pulloot, Thrissur.
Book published Co-authored a book with ISBN number titled “Basics of Counselling” (2018).
Co-authored a book with ISBN number titled “Ajapalana Manashastra Sameepanam noothana aabhimukhyangal” 2021.
- Counseling Psychology
- Learning disabilities
- Relationship among Coping, Defense Mechanisms, and Mental Health in Adolescents (University of Calicut, 2013)
- Perceived parenting styles and resilience among Learning
disabled students. (Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 2014).
- A Comparative study of the Religious Attitude among Alcoholics and Non-Alcoholics. (Multi-Disciplinary Annual Research Conference, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 2015).
- Remediation of Language Disorders: Neuroplasticity and Psychotherapeutic (Dept of Linguistics, Kariavattom Campus , University of Kerala, 2016).
- Challenges Faced by Professionals in Learning Disabilities Remediation (International Seminar on Best Practices in the Management of Learning Disabilities (ISLD) 23rd & 24th Sepetember, 2016).
- Phil. Course in Learning disabilities offered at the Department of Psychology, University of Kerala (Assessment and Management of Intellectual, Learning and Developmental Disabilities 2017, Union Christian College, Aluva).
- Role of Premarital Counselling in Marital Satisfaction & Marital Adjustment among couples (National Seminar on Innovations and Challenges in Counselling‟, of Psychology, University of Kerala, 2017).
- Application of Complex Research Design in Learning Disabilities (National Seminar on „Research Methodology‟, of Psychology, University of Kerala, 2018).
- Language Development Vygotsky‟s Perspective‟.(Dept of Linguistics, Kariavattom Campus , University of Kerala, 2016).
- Impact of Environmental Pollution on Mental Health (Three day National Seminar on Introspecting Environmental Issues in India: Problems and Solutions, of History, School of Distance Education, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram).
- Two days national level seminar on “NEUROPSYCHOLOGY-CURRENT TRENDS & POSSIBITIES”. Prajyoti Niketan, College,
- Two days national level seminar conference on “PSYCHOLOGY IN THE CHANGING INDIA” held at LISSAH College, Kaithapoyil,
Participated two day national seminar on “CURRENT TRENDS AND CHALLENGES IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY” held at University of Calicut.
Research Supervising Experience
- Guided 6 UG Dissertations of students of Department of Psychology, Alphonsa College Thiruvambady during the academic year of 2020.
- Githin, G., Dr Vimal Kumar, S.V,. & Dr. Jasseer, J (2018). Relationship among Coping , Defense Mechanisms, and Mental Health in Adolescents. Shanlax
International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities. Vol.5, issue: April 4. ISSN No: 2321-788X.
- Githin, V.G., Dr. Jasseer, J., and Dr. Raju, S (2018). Neuroplasticity Phenomena in the Remediation of Learning IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science.Vol.23, Issue : 4, Ver.4 April. ISSN No: 2279-0845.
- Githin, V.G., and Dr. Raju, S (2020). Effect of working memory training on children with Learning disability (UGC Care group I journal ‘JuniKhyat’ at Volume-XI Issue-III, March 2021).
- Githin, V.G., Ajeena Joseph & Sneha Mathew (2021). “Application of Artificial intelligence on Psychological settings (Indian Journal of Applied Research (Print ISSN: 2249-555X) for 1st September, 2021 issue).
Publications in news papers
- Article in intellectual disability (Deepika news paper 14.12.2021)
- Article about happiness (Manorama online 12.6.2021)
- Article about suicidal ideation (Manorama online 10.09.2021)
- Article about enhance learning skills of children through gardening (Mathrubhumi online)
- Article in “Game addiction”, Deepika News Paper (22.7.2021)
- Article about Covid 19 and mental health (Manoramaonline 2020)
- Article about mental health and environment gardening (Mathrubhumi online 5.8.2021)
- Article about “Alcoholism” Deshabhimani online.
- Article about drug addiction among children (Deepika news paper 14.10.2021)
Clinical Experiences
- Undergone one-month internship in SACRED HEART MISSION HOSPITAL ,PULLUR, THRISSUR (MAY 2011-JUN 2011)
- Undergone four-month internship in ANSAR HOSPITAL, PERUMPILAVU, (Dec 2011-March 2012).
- Undergone one-month internship in ICCONS,