Mrs. Rameela Ravindran K, M.C.A.

Apartment 102 “Nandana”, Haritha Gardens,
PO Vadookara, Thrissur 680007
Academic Qualifications:
- M.C.A – 2005-2008 College Of Applied Sciences (IHRD), Calicut University Of Calicut
- UGC NET 2007
Area of Research:
- Image Processing
Academic Experience:
- July 2012 till date, Working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, St. Thomas College, Thrissur
- Jan 2010- March 2010, Worked as Guest lecturer in the M.C.A. Department, Government Engineering College, Thrissur
- Korambayil PM, Ambookan PV, Dilliraj VK, Karangath RR. Reverse radial forearm perforator plus flaps for the reconstruction of postelectrical burn sequelae of hand and forearm defects. Indian J Burns 2019;27:40-3.
- Korambayil PM, Ambookan PV, Karangath RR. Role of infrared thermography in the assessment of burn wounds treated with and without hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Indian J Burns 2019;27:78-84.
- Korambayil PM, Ambookan PV, Karangath RR. Portable indocyanine green perfusion assessment: An adjunct to visual assessment in burn wound healing in second-degree burns. Indian J Burns 2019;27:90-4.
- Korambayil PM, Ambookan PV, Pillai S, Karangath RR, George D. Role of Hyperbaric Medicine for Osteoradionecrosis and Post Irradiation Wounds: an Institutional Experience. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2020 Sep;11(3):469-474. doi: 10.1007/s13193-020-01128-0. Epub 2020 Jun 15. PMID: 33013130; PMCID: PMC7501368.
- Mukundan PK, AmbookanPV, Karangath RR (2019) Proximal Foot and Sole Soft Tissue Defect Reconstruction with Distally Based Pedicle Flaps: An Approach with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a Tool. J Emerg Med Trauma Surg Care 6: 030
Membership In Academic Bodies/ Organisations
- Member of Board of Studies, Computer Science, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
- Member, IEEE Society
- Member of Fostering Linkages in Academic Innovation and Research (FLAIR), Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala
Courses & Training Attended
- 80th Orientation program conducted by Academic Staff College, University of Calicut, Calicut, Kerala from 04th‑ July 2013- 31st July 2013
- 25th Refresher program conducted by Academic Staff College, University of Calicut, Calicut, Kerala from 4th January 2015- 27th January 2015
- Train the trainer program by Kerala ICT Academy for ABCD program from 7th November – 9th November 2018 at ICT Academy of Kerala Regional office located at Infopark Koratty.
- Two days residential Induction training of FLAIR Institute of Management in Government, Thiruvananthapuram from 06th August and 7th August 2015
- The Science of Well-Being an online non-credit course authorized by Yale University and offered through Coursera
- Excel Skills for Business: Essentials an online non-credit course authorized by Macquarie University and offered through Coursera
- One-week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Best Practices for Online Teaching: Classrooms, Courseware and Tools
conducted by the Faculty Development Centre of the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC), Thiruvananthapuram
from 8th to 14th July 2021 through online mode - Ten day course titled “A Short Term Course in E-Teaching with Learning Management Systems” conducted by The All Kerala Private College Teachers’ Association in June 2020.
- Two weeks faculty development programme on Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science and IT during 08-19 June 2020 organised by BVICAM, New Delhi
- Two week AICTE sponsored FDP on Artificial Intelligence ans Ambient Intelligence between 25-01-2021 to 06-02-2021 by Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science
Additional duties performed:
- Coordinator for UGC NET Coaching classes Department of Computer Science at St. Thomas College, Thrissur
- Conducted 40 hours of classes as a part of UGC NET coaching for Computer Science, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur from Nov 2013 till date
- Supervised project of ten B. Sc. Computer Science students 2012-2013.
- Organized National Seminar entitled Research Trends in Computer Science organized by the Department of Computer Science, partly funded by the Department of Computer Science and by the College Internal Quality Assessment Cell, St. Thomas College, Thrissur in February 2014 as the Organizing Secretary.
- Supporting faculty for the techno cultural fest SRISHTI 1.4 organized by the Department of Computer Science, St. Thomas’ College, Thirssur on 23 and 24 Jan 2014
- Program Coordinator for the techno cultural fest SRISHTI 1.3 organized by the Department of Computer Science, St. Thomas’ College, Thirssur on 21 and 22 Feb 2013
- Organized National Seminar entitled Research Trends in Computer Science organized by the Department of Computer Science, partly funded by the Department of Computer Science and by the College Internal Quality Assessment Cell, St. Thomas College, Thrissur in December 2013 as Organizing Secretary.
- Recording Secretary of all activities of the Department of Computer Science, St. Thomas’ College, Thirssur from July 2012 – till date.
- Member of web site committee.
- Member of Library committee
Workshops/ Seminars attended:
- National Work shop on Research Methodologies in Computer Science organized by IIITM-K , Trivandrum , Kerala from 27th Jan 2014- 31st Jan 2014
- National Seminar on Research in Higher Education Scope and Resource organized by Research Committee, St. Thomas College, Thirssur on 11 and 12 March 2013.