Dr. Jiju A. Mathew, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Marukummoottil House
Greenland Nagar
Villadom, Ramavarmapuram PO,
Thrissur -680 631, Kerala
Academic Qualifications
- Ph. D. (Computer Science & Communication)
Steganographic Techniques for Subliminal Communication in Open Systems Environment, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad. - M.Sc. (Computer Science)Periyar University, Salem.
Academic Positions & Professional Association
- Member | Academic Council| University of Calicut
- Member| Board of Studies in Computer Science and Application | St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
- Member | Member, PG Board of Studies in Computer Science | University of Calicut
- Member | Research Admission Committee (RAC) | Department of Computer Science | University of Calicut
- Executive Member | Computer Science College Teachers Association, Thrissur Chapter
Professional Experience
- Over twenty-two years of experience in higher education (Computer Science) and software development
- March 2023 till date: Working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur, Kerala.
- March 2011 till March 2023 – Working as an Assistant Professor and Head in the Department of Computer Science, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur, Kerala.
- November 2010 till March 2011 – Worked as an Associate Professor in Department of Computer Applications, Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies, Tiruvalla, Kerala.
- July 2008 till October 2010 – Worked as Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.
- July 2003 till June 2008 – Worked as Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.
- July 2002 to June 2003 – Worked as Lecturer in Computer Science, SMSG Jain College, Bangalore, Karnataka.
- December 2000 to June 2002 – Worked as Centre head with Compuworld Software Solutions, Kottayam, Kerala.
- February 2000 to October 2000 – Worked as programmer with Online Software Solutions, Kottayam, Kerala.
- May 1997 to December 1997 – Worked as programmer trainee with Matix Systems, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Research Experience
- Research Guide – University of Calicut since January 2023
Major Projects undertaken
An online election platform developed exclusively for the conduct of staff elections of University Technology MARA, (UiTM), Malaysia. Even though it was developed for UiTM, it can act as a web-based election platform for conducting online elections in any
organisation – ranging from educational institutions to businesses establishments. This application simplifies the election procedure and is fast, reliable and convenient. The major advantage of this product is that it can be customised easily to conduct elections within any organisation. This platform is cost-effective and saves effort and time required to set up manual election and it requires minimal resources for functioning too.
- Digital Document Repository:
DDR is a digital library that stores information about different types of orders / circulars etc issued by UGC, MHRD, HED, Calicut University, etc. It, thus, provides a single-window search facility to access the digital contents under a single umbrella. Searches can be personalised based on requirement and will operate in a 24×7 integrated environment to suit user’s requirements. This work saves phenomenal amount of time that might have been spent hunting for Government and Departmental orders and locating the pertinent rules. The arrangement of the rules under specific heads makes navigation through the maze of rules and orders a very easy task. This Digital repository will make the seemingly obscure provisions easily accessible to administrators and all the relevant stakeholders and thus promote demystification and transparency; which in turn will promote good governance.
Video lectures were one among the many means of imparting knowledge in the pre-pandemic times. However, with the spread of COVID-19 it became the norm. With the rise in demand for video lectures, many produced and uploaded video lectures in YouTube and online teaching sites. To differentiate the best videos from the mediocre become a Herculean task. To resolve this menace, Knowledge graphs was constructed and it offers a way to streamline workflows, automate responses and scale intelligent decisions. By representing the video lecture as a graph, the system will be able to graphically represent the content and the knowledge. Knowledge Graph thus obtained from these video lectures will become a knowledge cloud that in turn can be used for developing various intelligent applications like domain specific chat-bots, recommender engines and so on.
In this project, a self-configuring wireless network was configured which enables the Internet to reach out into the physical objects-system to analyses the real-time electrical energy consumption. Power consumption of each device is read through MQTT protocol;
an application layer protocol which uses publish/subscribe system to communicate and future consumption is predicted using ARIMA model. The proposed system predicts the future consumption based on previous data which use both the concepts of IoT and data prediction analysis and thus making it an efficient power consumption analysis system.
- Line Follower Robot:
Majority of transportations, across the globe are controlled manually. However, automating the circuits where the routes are predefined will reduce the traffic congestion and thus improving the public transport efficiency. To automate, static paths are collected upfront and are represented as a graph, for easy implementation. A novel version of state-of-art self-operating line follower robot (LFR) was developed and its optimal path from source to destination is computed. In this work, the optimal path is computed using Floyd-Warshall algorithm – one of the most efficient all pair shortest path algorithm, to have worst case running time of Θ (n 3 ). All computations relating to the graph and Floyd-Warshall algorithm were performed on a remote android device and only the primitive actions were sent to the robot as bluetooth signals and thus reducing the payload. Once received, robot decodes these signals and performs corresponding action, thus completing the task optimally. A manual mode was also incorporated to avoid the unforeseen difficulties at the time of implementation.
S-tracker is a semester management system developed exclusively for St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur. With S-tracker at their disposal, teaching fraternity could judiciously use their precious time in moulding future generations of the nation. Besides examination reform, major objectives of semesterisation were automated so as to improve the quality of education and introduction of flexibility in the transaction of curriculum. By achieving the above envisioned goals, the academic and administrative burden of the teachers were eased by manifold.
- Mathew J.A., Asha K. (2022) A Prognostic Approach to Crime Analysis. In: Dehuri S., Chen YW. (eds) Advances in Machine Learning for Big Data Analysis. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 218. Springer, Singapore.
- Efficacy Determination of Self-Operated Warehouse Transportation Robots using Enhanced Floyd- Warshall Algorithm, Jiju A. Mathew, Muhammed Arif, Asha K. and Hari Mohan Singh [Communicated]
- Design of an Automatic Traffic Control System with Real Time Vehicle Density Analysis, Jiju A. Mathew, Syam Mohan E, Benson C. C. ADBU-Journal of Engineering Technology, AJET, ISSN: 2348-7305, Volume10, Issue 1, June 2021, 0100101027(5PP)
- Automatic Traffic Controlling Based on Real Time Density Analysis, Syam Mohan E, Dr. Besnson C C and Dr. Jiju A. Mathew, VIRJ for Pure and Applied Science, Vol:IV Issue:1, Sepetember 2018, ISSN 2347-3835.
P B, Gopikrishna and Mathew, Jiju A., Power Consumption Analysis and Prediction of a Smart Home Using ARIMA Model (April 5, 2021). - Preventing and Combating Crimes in Post Millennial Era through Smart Policing, Conference Proceedings, 2 nd Police Science Congress Kerala Police Academy, October 2020.
- Messaging Protocols for IoT Systems: MQTT, CoAP and HTTP – A Comparative Study, GopiKrishna P.B. and Dr. Jiju A. Mathew, Proceedings of Fifth National Conference on IoT –VIGYAAN, volume 5 and issue 1, July 2020, page no: 01-04, ISBN – 978-93-5406-047-02.
- Automated Transportation within a Graph using Line Follower Robot, Muhammed Arif P. T., Jose Joseph, Don Raphy and Dr. Jiju A. Mathew, India International Science Festival (IISF) – Young Scientists’ Conclave (YCS), December 8-11, 2016 on the Theme: Digital India (Information Technology)
- Steganography and covert communications in open systems environment, International conference on “Advances in recent technologies in communication and computing, ARTCom 2009 organised by Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE) – a division of Engineers Network and Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE – Computational Intelligence Society. 978-0-7695-3845-7/09, DOI10.1109/ARTCom.2009.204, Page 847 -849.
- Steganalysis in LSB based algorithms, Jiju A. Mathew, Hari Mohan Singh, Prof. Gurmit Singh and Raghav Yadav, Proceedings of Ist National Conference on Advanced Communication Techniques ACT’05 – April 5 & 6, 2005, Page No. 384.
- Enhanced Signal Stability Based Adaptive Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Raghav Yadav, Prof. Gurmit Singh, Harimohan Singh and Jiju A. Mathew, Proceedings of I st National Conference on Advanced Communication Techniques Act’05 – April 5 & 6, Page No. 381.
Invited Talks:
- A daylong session entitled “System Security and Kali Linux” was handled on 27/07/2018 in one week workshop on Cyber Security and Forensics organised by Saint Gits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom, Kerala.
- A class was delivered on “Signal Intelligence” for the officers of Kerala Police organized by Kerala Police Academy, Ramavarma Puram, Thrissur on 23/10/2013 sponsored by Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
- Delivered a keynote address on “Cyber Forensics” in the two daylong national seminar entitled “IT and Cyber Space” organised by Department of Computer Science, Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad, Thrissur on 27/01/2014.
- Delivered an invited lecture on “Anti Forensics and its Significance” in the seventh technical session of the two daylong national seminar on “White Collar Crimes & Economic Offences” organised by Department of Forensic Science, AAI-DU and jointly sponsored by Directorate of Forensic Science, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
- Delivered an invited lecture on “Steganography for Biometrics” in the second technical session of the two daylong international workshop on “Recent Advances in Biometrics & Fingerprints” organised by School of Forensic Science, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad.
- UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Computer Applications conducted by HRDC from 14/11/2018 to 04/12/2018 at UGC HRDC, University of Calicut. The session was delivered on 23/11/2018.
- Training programme on “Samagra” organized to the volunteers of seven public libraries in association with Elavally Panchayath, Thrissur. The training was conducted on 14/12/2019 as part of World Computer Literacy Day.
- Invited talk on 16 April 2019 on the topic “ Social Media and You” in the Summer Vacation Camp of April 2019 held at Vijnan Sagar Science and Technology Park, Ramavarmapuram, Thrissur.
- Resource Person for the Students Induction Programme [SIP] organised in accordance with the UGC directives for the I year undergraduate students of St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala from 08/06/2019 to 14/06/2019. The session was delivered on 12/06/2019.
- Resource Person for the Hardware Clinic Training for Grama Panchayat Technical Assistants held on 29-07-2019, 04-08-2019, 17-07-2019, 23-10-2018, 21/11/2019, 10/01/2020 (Six Sessions) organised by Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Thrissur,
Kerala. - Webinar on “New Education Policy 2020” Keynote Address 2 TN Air SQN NCC B Flight, Government Arts College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. 16-10-2020
- Delivered a keynote address in the National Seminar on Analysing Modern Trends in the Area of Science and Humanities organised by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Deemed University – Under Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI. 21-03-2017.
Other Feats
- Visiting Faculty – System Security at Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Thrissur, Kerala.
- Visiting Faculty – Cyber Forensics at Kerala Police Academy, Thrissur, Kerala.
- Member, Evaluation Committee, Student Project Scheme of Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), Kerala.
- NSS Programme Officer, Unit No 144, St. Thomas College, Thrissur, Kerala from October 2016 to October 2019.
- E-Election Consultant to set up and conduct online-election for appointing Jawatankuasa Persatuan PSKK in the Annual General Election (AGM) 2021 of University Technology MARA, (UiTM), Malaysia August 2021.
- Worked as Additional Chief Superintendent of Calicut University Examinations.
- Received training in Cyber Forensics from Computer Forensic division of the Government
- Examiner of Questioned Documents Laboratory, Directorate of Forensic Science, Ministry of Home affairs, Government of India, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad.
- Nominated as Chairman, Vocational Awareness & Career Guidance Committee of Rotary Allahabad Elite, Allahabad, India.
- Chairman, Computer Science Board of Examiners (UG and PG), St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
- Worked as Examination Superintendent (Post Graduate Programmes) of the Department of Computer Science & I. T., Allahabad Agricultural Institute – Deemed University, Allahabad from July 2005 till October 2010.
- Member – Discipline Committee, Public Relations Committee, Grace Mark Committee, Student Induction Programme Committee of St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala.
- Convenor – National Seminar & Srishti – Inter-collegiate Techno-Cultural Festival organised by Department of Computer Science, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala.
- Certificate of Appreciation from National Service Scheme and University of Calicut for the active involvement in flood relief activities, August 2018.
- Member, Editorial Board of the Journal of Science, Technology and Management, ISSN No.: 0974- 8334.
- Third position in the best paper category of the international conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom 2009, organised by ACEEE technically co-sponsored by IEEE-Computational Intelligence Society.
Training/ Workshop/ Conferences
- 77th Orientation Programme Organized by UGC Academic Staff College, Calicut University
- Training on Cyber Forensics at Computer Forensic Division of the Government Examiner of Questioned Documents Laboratory, Ministry of Home affairs, Government of India from 26/04/2006 to 27/04/2009
- Faculty Development programme 2008 sponsored by AICTE & MHRD, Government of India on “Wireless and Mobile Communication” organized by department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh from 30/06/2008 to 12/07/2008.
- One day Workshop on MATLAB – Range of software’s at Electrical Department of Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad on January 21, 2008
- One day Workshop on Simulation and Modeling organized by Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, Bangalore, Karnataka on October 5, 2002
- 8 weeks training in IBM Mainframe & Y2K solutions, Systems & Software Technology from 05/04/1996 to 04/06/1996