Dr. Jinish Antony M

Menachery H, Amala Nagar
Kerala- 680 555, INDIA
Contact No
- +91 98952 88436
- Ph. D chemistry, University of Kerala-2011 (NIIST Trivandrum)
- M Sc Chemistry,University of Calicut-2004 (St.Thomas College, Thrissur)
- B Sc Chemistry,University of Calicut-2002 (St.Thomas College, Thrissur)
Guide Ship
- Research Guide, University of Calicut from 18-03-2015
Ph.D Students
- Swathy T S (UGC-SRF)
- Rohini Das K (CSIR-SRF)
- “Self-organization Approach for Conducting Polypyrrole and Their Copolymer Nanomaterials”. Ph.D Supervisor Dr. M Jayakannan, Associate Professor IISER-Pune
Honors Received
- UGC-JRF & SRF Fellowship in Chemical sciences (2006-2011)
- GATE Score 487 with all India rank 83 in Chemistry – 2006
Research Papers
- Tangled silver nanoparticles embedded polythiophene-functionalized multiwalled carbo nanotube nanoco , Journal , Polymer , International , 0032-3861 , 187 , 17-02-2020 , 2019 Elsevier
- Highly bluish white light emissive and redox active conjugated poly-N-phenyl anthranilic acid fluoro , Journal , Polymer , International , 0032-3861 , 181 , 24-10-2019 , 2019 Elsevier
- Normal and reverse AOT micelles assisted interfacial polymerisation for polyaniline nanostructures , Journal , Colloids and surf A: Physicochemical and engineering aspects , International , 0927-7757 , 578 , 05-10-2019 , Elsevier 2019
- Cardanol-derived-Amphiphiles Based soft templates for Conducting Polymer Nanostructures , Book , Book Chapter, Springer Nature , International , 978-3-319-47454-0 , 02-02-2017 , Springer Nature
- AOT assisted preparation of ordered conducting and dispersible core shell nanostructured polythiophe , Journal , Polymer , International , ISSN: 0032-3861 , 103 , 26-10-2016 , Elsevier
- Synthesis and characterization of water dispersible copolymer submicron spheres of poly-(phenylenedi , Journal , Polymer , International , ISSN: 0032-3861 , 87 , 22-03-2016 , Elsevier
- In situ chemical oxidative polymerisation for ordered conducting polythiophene nanostructures in pre , Journal , Indian J chem. , International , 0975-0975 (online) , 55A , 01-03-2016 , NISCAIR
- Jinish Antony, M.; Jayakannan, M. Role of Anionic Micellar Template on the Morphology, Solid state ordering and Unusual Non-linear Conductivity of Polyaniline co- Polypyrrole Nanomaterials J. Phys. Chem. B, 2011, 115 ,6427-6436.
- Jinish Antony, M.; Jayakannan, M. Polyaniline Nano-scaffolds for Colorimetric Sensing of Biomolecules via Electron Transfer Process Langmuir 2011, 27, 6268-6278.
- Jinish Antony, M,; Jayakannan, M. Molecular Template Approach for Evolution of Conducting Polymer Nanostructures: Tracing the Role of Morphology on Conductivity and Solid State Ordering. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2010, 114, 1314-1324.
- Jinish Antony, M.; Jayakannan, M. Self-assembled Anionic Micelle Template for Polypyrrole, Polyaniline and Their Random Copolymers. J. Polym. Sci Polym. Phys. 2009, 47, 830- 845.
- Jinish Antony, M,; Jayakannan, M. Amphiphilic Azobenzenesulfonicacid Anionic Surfactant for Water-Soluble, Ordered, Luminescent Polypyrrole Nanospheres. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2007, 111, 12772- 12780.
Posters presented in International Conferences
- Jinish Antony, M; Jayakannan, M. Self-assembly Approach for Evolution Conducting Co-Polymer Nanostructures, ICMST, Trivandrum, India, Oct 29-31, 2010.
- Jinish Antony, M; Anilkumar, P; Jayakannan, M. Renewable Resource Approach for Conducting Polymer Nanomaterials, MACRO 2009, Chennai, India, Mar 9-11, 2009.
- Jinish Antony, M; Jayakannan, M. Functionalized Azobenzene Surfactant Mediated Synthesis of Polypyrrole Nano-spheres, ICAMC-2007, Thiruvananthapuram, India, Oct. 24-26, 2007.
- Jinish Antony, M; Jayakannan, M. Synthesis and Size Control of Polypyrrole Nanospheres, IUMRS-ICAM 2007, Bangalore, India. Oct 8-13. 2007.
Seminars/ Workshop Attended
- Revised NAAC Manual and challenges of 4th cycle accreditatio , Workshop , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , State , 18-02-2020
- Current topics in material science and spectroscopy , Seminar , Research and PG department of chemistry , National , 31-01-2020
- Selected topics in chemistry , Seminar , Reaserch and PG Department of Chemistry , National , 21-12-2019
- Embodied Cognition in Chemistry , Workshop , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , Inter-Collegiate , 19-09-2019
- Nano structures and Nanomaterials , Seminar , Vimala College, Thrissur , International , 19-08-2019
- Revised NAAC Acreditation Process , Workshop , IQAC, , Inter-Collegiate , 03-08-2019 , Thrissur
- Faculty orientation programme , Orientation Program , IQAC, St.Thomas College, Thrissur , Intra-Collegiate , 06-06-2019 , DBCLC , Thrissur
- Innovations in advanced research , Workshop , KFRI Peechi and St. Thomas College Thrissur , Other , 16-03-2019 , KFRI Peechi
- National seminar on qualitative research , Seminar , Research Council , National , 02-03-2019 , St. Thomas College, Thrissur
- The cosmology of origin of the universe , Seminar , Research and Pg Department of Chemistry, St.Thomas College Thrissur , National , 22-02-2019 , Dept. of Chemistry, St. Thomas College Thrissur
- How atom benefits our life , Seminar , St.Thomas College in association with BRNS , National , 04-02-2019 , St. Thomas College
- International Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Materials , Conference , Research and PG Department of Chemistry , International , 19-12-2018 , St. Thomas College Thrissur
- Pre-conference Seminar on Stereo Defined Synthesis of Fluorinated Alkenes , Seminar , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , Other , 01-07-2018 , Thrissur
- Erudite Lecture , Others , Jointly University of Calicut and St. Thomas College, Thrissur , National , 17-04-2018 , St. Thomas College, Thrissur
- Advances in Mass Spectroscopy , Seminar , St. Thomas College, thrissur , National , 07-03-2018 , St. Thomas College, thrissur
- Research Scholar meet-2018 , Others , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , Other , 24-02-2018 , St. Thomas College, Thrissur
- Centenary Lecture series in Chemistry , Others , Dept. of Chemistry St. Thomas College, Thrissur , Other , 01-02-2018 , St. Thomas College Thrissur
- Centenary lecture Series , Others , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , Other , 05-01-2018 , St. Thomas College, Thrissur
- Acquiring API scores and submitting PBAS based proposals under CAS , Workshop , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , National , 05-08-2017 , Thrissur
- MOOC Training Workshop , Training Program , IQAC , Other , 18-07-2017 , Thrissur
- National Colloquium , Others , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , National , 07-03-2017 , St. Thomas College, Thrissur
- Frontiers in applied Chemistry , Seminar , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , National , 06-02-2017 , Thrissur
- Nanophotonics , Seminar , Dept. Physics, St. Thomas College Thrissur , National , 10-01-2017 , Thrissur
- Research methodology, writing practices , Workshop , Dept. of Zoology, St. Thomas College, Thrissur , State , 20-12-2016 , Thrissur
Special Seminars/ Invited Talks
- National Seminar on Frontiers In Chemical Science -2019, Organized by Department of Chemistry, University of Calicut, 19-03-2019
Oral presented in Conferences
- International conference on chemistry and physics of materials , Proceedings , Proceedings International conference on chemistry and physics of materials , International , 97881-935819-9 , 19-12-2018
- Jinish Antony, M; Jayakannan, M, Polyaniline Nano-aggreagtes for Colorimetric Sensing of Biomolecules, MACRO-2010, IIT-Delhi, India, Dec 15-17, 2010.
- MSc project(outside student)-Ms. Grace Antu, St.Marys college, Thrissur,01-11-2019
- MSc project(outside student)- Ms,Bilgy Joseph, LF College, 23-09-2021
- MSc project(outside student)- Ms. Merin C Raphael, LF College, 23-09-2021
- MSc project(outside student)-Ms.Jinsha Joshy, Mother Arts And Science College, 23-09-2021
Professional Activities
- Course coordinator, Value added course- Green chemistry Practices of micro scale analysis
- Joint coordinator UGC-NET coaching Cell, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur
- Judge – “Thrissur revenue district sasthrolsavam” at SHHSS, Thrissur on 23-10-2019
- SVC committee member- CMET on 23-10-2019
- Judge-Thrissur revenue District Science Expo 2018-19 on 16-11-2018