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Arts festival 2024

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So far anumg has created 536 blog entries.

സാന്തോം പൊന്നോണം 2020 വിജയികൾ


  സാന്തോം പൊന്നോണം 2020 വിജയികൾ Online Onam Celebrations 2020 Fine Arts Cell published the results of various online competitions conducted as a part of Onam Celebrations. Congratulations to all the winners.

സാന്തോം പൊന്നോണം 2020 വിജയികൾ2020-09-01T12:58:33+05:30

2019-2020 – സഹപാഠിക്കൊരു വീട് പദ്ധതി


  2019-20 വർഷത്തെ സഹപാഠിക്കൊരു വീട് പദ്ധതിയുടെ ഭാഗമായിട്ടുള്ള ചെക്ക് പ്രിൻസിപ്പാൾ ഫാ.ബിജു ആലപ്പാട്ടിന് നൽകുന്നു.  

2019-2020 – സഹപാഠിക്കൊരു വീട് പദ്ധതി2020-08-28T00:55:38+05:30

Online Onam Celebrations- 2020


Fine Arts Cell of the College organised online Onam Celebrations exclusively for the students of St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur. Manager of the College Mar Tony Neelamkavil delivered a profound message and wished everyone a healthy and prosperous Onam. Colourful Competitions were also conducted via online-live on 27 August 2020.    

Online Onam Celebrations- 20202020-08-27T15:38:29+05:30

Webinar by Divyangajan Cell.

2020-08-21T11:48:19+05:30     Divyangajan Cell (The Cell for the Differently abled ) of our College in association with IQAC organised a Webinar on "Experience the Magic in You: A motivational webinar", for the youth and College Students. Mr. Joby Mathew, International Sportsman, Motivational Speaker, Fencing champion, athlete and body builder was the resource person. The [...]

Webinar by Divyangajan Cell.2020-08-21T11:48:19+05:30

Webinar on Introduction of Modernization in Motor Vehicles Department.


  NSS Unit No : 42 &144 of St. Thomas college (Autonomous), Thrissur organized a Webinar on "INTRODUCTION OF MODERNIZATION IN MOTOR VEHICLES DEPARTMENT",in association with Motor Vehicles Department, Thrissur today from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Mr. Vinod Kumar N (Motor vehicle inspector, Thrissur) was the resource person. Webinar was conducted via Google Meet.

Webinar on Introduction of Modernization in Motor Vehicles Department.2020-08-21T09:30:48+05:30

Psychological Health During Covid-19


  Department of Criminology and Police Science in association with IQAC conducted a Webinar on "Psychological Health During Covid-19" for the students and parents of the College today from to 1.00pm. It was an informative webinar especially in the context of a pandemic. Rev. Dr. Sijohn K. J., Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology and [...]

Psychological Health During Covid-192020-08-21T09:54:21+05:30

National Webinar on National Education Policy: Intent, Implementation & Impact


National Webinar on "National Education Policy: Intent, Implementation & Impact" was organized by IQAC, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala on 18-08-2020, Tuesday from 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm Dr. Shakila T. Shamsu, Secretary, Committee, National Education Policy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Dr. Sabu Thomas, VC, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and Sri. K. Jayakumar [...]

National Webinar on National Education Policy: Intent, Implementation & Impact2020-08-21T09:58:16+05:30

Webinar-Full Stack Development.


Department of Computer Application & IQAC of our college in association with ICT Academy of Kerala organised a Webinar on Full Stack Development on the 18th of Aug 2020 (Tuesday) from 11 AM to 12 PM via Google meet. Mr. Diyab A. K., Knowledge Officer, ICT Academy of Kerala was the resource person.

Webinar-Full Stack Development.2020-08-21T10:19:44+05:30
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