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Arts festival 2024

About anumg

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So far anumg has created 536 blog entries.

Ms. Anjali P. D. won silver medal: 18th National Federation Cup Junior Athletics Championship


Anjali P D, I Sem English and History, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur represented Kerala and won the silver medal in the 18th National Federation Cup Junior Athletics Championship held at T T Nager Stadium, Bhopal on 25/01/2021 with the time of 11.88 sec

Ms. Anjali P. D. won silver medal: 18th National Federation Cup Junior Athletics Championship2021-01-25T16:51:39+05:30

Condolence Meeting


A condolence meeting was held on 25 January 2021 in Medlycott Hall at 9.30 AM in memory of Prof. K. M. James, Associate Professor, Department of Botany (1979 - 2010). All the faculty and staff were present and shared memories together.

Condolence Meeting2021-01-25T22:01:26+05:30

Seasame Harvest 2021


Our new campus yeilded a bountiful harvest of seasame seeds. Our Manger Mar. Tony Neelamkavil along with the Principal, staff and students actively gathered the harvest on 15 January 2021.

Seasame Harvest 20212021-01-23T13:47:43+05:30

Pandemic as the Site of Exception: Constitutional Reading on Migrant Rights in India


Department of Political Science, NCC and IQAC of the College jointly organised a webinar on the topic "Pandemic as the Site of Exception: Constitutional Reading on Migrant Rights in India" in 19 December 2021. Dr. M V Bijulal was the resource person.

Pandemic as the Site of Exception: Constitutional Reading on Migrant Rights in India2021-01-19T18:29:04+05:30
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