About anumg
This author has not yet filled in any details.So far anumg has created 536 blog entries.
Homecoming 2021: Department of English and History
anumg2021-03-28T12:32:05+05:30Departments of English & History Annual Alumni Meet "Home Coming 2021". Executive Manager Rev. Fr. Varghese Kuthur inaugurated the event.
Champions in Intercollegiate Collegiate Yogasana Championships 2021
anumg2021-03-28T12:27:37+05:30St. Thomas College Women & Men team secured First Position in Calicut University Intercollegiate Yogasana Championships 2020_ 21. Our College proudly hosted the event.
International Conference 2021: Finishing School
anumg2021-03-28T12:20:56+05:30Inauguration and technical session I of the International Conference 2021 by Finishing School of our College was organised on 26 and 27 MARCH 2021. Topic was "Crowdfunding as a financing option for women entrepreneurs and their start- ups".M Mr Hans Michael Guelich, Director, Entrepreneurship Networks, Stamford International University, Bangkok, was the resource person. Link: https://rebrand.ly/ICCC2021finishingschool
Online Orientation: SIIFL
anumg2021-03-27T08:07:18+05:30SIIFL organised an online orientation programme for German, French, Italian, Japanese and Cambridge English aspirants on 26 March 2021.
National War Memorial: Seminar
anumg2021-03-27T07:56:28+05:30History Department in association with IQAC organised a seminar on "National War Memorial" on 26 March 2021. Student coordinators Ms. Neha John Britto and Mr. Gokul K.V conducted presentations.
Library Space Planning Webinar
anumg2021-03-27T07:50:16+05:30Department of Library and Information Sciences of our College organised a webinar on "Library Space Planning" on 26 March 2021. Rev. Dr. John Neelamkavil CMI was the resource person.