Sikha Simon K., M.Sc., M.Phil.

Azhchangadan (H)
Madayikonam P.O.
Mapranam Church Road
PIN – 680712, Thrissur (Dist.)
MSc. Physics (Christ College(Autonomous),Thrissur, Calicut University)
MPhil. Physics( Department of Physics, University of Calicut)
Guest lecturer at St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda(2012-2013)
Guest lecturer at Christ College(Autonomous), Irinjalakuda(2016)
Research Interests:
Electromagnetics, Metamaterials, Split Ring Resonators, Vibration sensors, FDTD
Second Rank Holder in MSc. Physics (2011), University of Calicut.
Maulana Azad National Fellowship(2016) for Doctoral studies
Best paper presentation award at KSCSTE sponsored National Seminar organized by Christ College(Autonomous), Irinjalakuda (2019)
Member :
Member in the Smart Energy Programme, Energy Management Centre – Kerala (Dept. of Power, Govt. of Kerala)(2019)
Centre Co-ordinator of St. Thomas College TCR in Academy of Physics Teachers, Kerala
Institutional Responsibilities:
Nodal officer for BSc. Physics Admission 2021
Team member of CR 5 in IQAC
- “ Metamaterial split ring resonator as a sensitive mechanical vibration sensor ”, Sikha Simon K. , Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Jolly Andrews and Joseph V. P., AIP Conference Proceedings 1849, 020021 (June 2017).
- “Broadside Coupled Split Ring Resonator as a Sensitive tunable Sensor for efficient detection of mechanical vibrations” , Sikha Simon K., Anju Sebastian, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Jolly Andrews and Joseph V. P., (SENSING AND IMAGING, Springer Publications, 20(17), Dec 2019).
- ‘High Sensitive Mechanical Vibration Sensor using Triangular BCSRR’ Sikha K.Simon, Anju Sebastian, Jovia Jose, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Nees Paul, Jolly Andrews and Joseph V.P. XLII ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, OSI – International Symposium on Optics (OSI-ISO 2018), 19 – 22 September 2018 , INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KANPUR, Proceedings.
- “Direct Amplitude Modulation Technique using Metamaterial Broadside Coupled Split Ring Resonator (BCSRR) Structure” Sikha K. Simon, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Anju Sebastian, Jolly Andrews and V. P. Joseph. 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2019, Rome, Italy, Sept. 16th – Sept. 21th 2019, IEEE Explore, 978-1-7281-0477-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE.
- ‘Nonstandard FDTD Realization of Radiation Behaviour of Epsilon Negative Metamaterial Corner Reflector Antenna’ Jovia Jose, Sikha K. Simon, Joe Kizhakooden, Jolly Andrews and V. P. Joseph. 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2019, Rome, Italy, Sept. 16th – Sept. 21th 2019, IEEE Explore, 978-1-7281-0477- 5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
- ‘Thin Film Metamaterial Split Ring Resonators at Microwave Frequencies’ Nees Paul, Sikha K. Simon, Bindu C., Jolly Andrews and V. P. Joseph. 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2019, Rome, Italy, Sept. 16th – Sept. 21th 2019, IEEE Explore, 978-1-7281-0477-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE.
- ‘Wide Band Microwave Absorber using Flexible Broadside Coupled Split Ring Resonator Metamaterial Structure’ Umadevi K. S, Sikha K. Simon, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Jolly Andrews and V. P. Joseph. 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2019, Rome, Italy, Sept. 16th – Sept. 21th 2019, IEEE Explore, 978-1-7281-0477- 5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE.
- ‘Enhancing the Resolution in Imaging using Folded Metamaterial Split Ring Resonator Structure at Microwave Frequencies’, AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020067 (2019);, Published Online: 29 October 2019, C. Bindu, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Anju Sebastian, Sikha K. Simon, Jovia Jose, Nees Paul, K. S. Umadevi, Joe Kizhakooden, Jolly Andrews, and V. P. Joseph.
- ‘Broadside coupled split ring resonator based multiband monopole patch antenna for wireless communication applications’, AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020068 (2019);, Published Online: 29 October 2019 Joe Kizhakooden, Jovia Jose, Nees Paul, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Anju Sebastian, Sikha K. Simon, K. S.Umadevi, C. Bindu, Jolly Andrews, and V. P. Joseph.
- ‘Scattering from artificial plasma cylinder using nonstandard FDTD Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020069 (2019); Published Online: 29 October 2019 Jovia Jose, Sikha K. Simon, Anju Sebastian, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Joe Kizhakooden, Nees Paul, C. Bindu, K. S. Umadevi, Jolly Andrews, and V. P. Joseph.
- ‘Microwave absorption properties of flexible zinc oxide sheet Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020070 (2019); Published Online: 29 October 2019 Nees Paul, Janet Jimmy, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Sikha K. Simon, Joe Kizhakooden, C. Bindu, Anju Sebastian, K. S. Umadevi, Jovia Jose, Jolly Andrews, and V. P. Joseph.
- ‘Non – destructive method for thickness measurement of dielectric films using metamaterial resonator’ AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020141 (2019); Online: 29 October 2019 Anju Sebastian, Denet Davis, Sikha K. Simon, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Jovia Jose, Joe Kizhakooden, Nees Paul, C. Bindu, V. P. Joseph, and Jolly Andrews.
- “Broadside coupled split ring resonator metamaterial structure for sensitive measurement of liquid concentrations” Anju Sebastian, Sikha K Simon, Sreedevi P Chakyar, Jovia Jose, V.P Joseph and Jolly Andrews. AIP Conference Proceedings 2082, 070002 (2019);
- “Interaction of a Sine Wave with an Artificial Negative Permittivity Medium Using Nonstandard FDTD” Jose Jovia, Sikha K. Simon, Joe Kizhakooden, Anju Sebastian, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Nees Paul, Cherala Bindu, Jolly Andrews, and Vallikkavumkal P. Joseph. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 83, 1–5, 2019.
- “Frequency Dependent Radiation Properties of Negative Permittivity Metamaterial Reflector Antenna” Jovia Jose, Sikha K. Simon, Joe Kizhakooden, Anju Sebastian, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Nees Paul,Cherala Bindu, Jolly Andrews, and Vallikkavumkal P. Joseph, , Physica Scripta (IOP publishing), Vol. 94, p.,2019.
- “Humidity Sensitive Flexible Microwave Absorbing Sheet Using Polyaniline– Polytetrafluoroethylene Composite”, Nees Paul, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, K. S. Umadevi, Simon K. Sikha, Joe Kizhakooden, Jolly Andrews, V. P. Joseph; Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering- Springer Publications.
- “Split ring resonators made of conducting wires for performance enhancement ”, Umadevi, K. S., Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Sikha K. Simon, Jolly Andrews, and V. P. Joseph. “Split ring resonators made of conducting wires for performance enhancement.” EPL 118, no. 2 (2017): 24002.
- “ Determination of permittivity of pulses and cereals using metamaterials split ring resonator ”, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Sikha Simon K., Jolly Andrews and Joseph V. P., AIP Conference Proceedings 1849, 020024 (June 2017).
- “ Transmission line coupled spit ring resonator as dielectric thickness sensor ”, Hazel Thomas, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Sikha Simon K., Jolly Andrews and Joseph V. P., AIP Conference Proceedings 1849, 020003 (June 2017).
- “ Measurement of dielectric constant of waxes at different temperatures using split ring resonator structure ”, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Shanto T. A., Aathira Murali, Sikha Simon K., Nees Paul, Jolly Andrews, Joseph V.P., Proceedings of IEEE MTT–S International Microwave and RF Conference 2016, 978-1-5090-4685-0/16 ©2016 IEEE.
- “Complex permittivity measurement using metamaterial split ring resonators” Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Sikha K. Simon, C. Bindu, Jolly Andrews, and V. P. Joseph, , Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 054101, 2017.
- ‘Metamaterial inspired featherlight artificial plasma horn antenna for astronomical and communication applications’Joe Kizhakoden, Jovia Jose, Nees Paul, Sikha K. Simon, Sreedvi P. Chakyar, Jolly Andrews, V. P. Joseph, ‘Microwave Optical Technology Letters –Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2018;1–4.
- Breaking the Diffraction Limit Manifold Using Specially Designed Metamaterial Split Ring Resonator Bindu, Cherala; Simon, Sikha K; Sebastian, Anju; Aswathi, Panattil V; Joseph, Dona; Andrews, Jolly; Joseph, Vallikkavumkal P; Progress In Electromagnetics Research M-105 141-150-2021(EMW Publishing).
- Compaction study of food powders using metamaterial split ring resonator based sensor Aswathi, PV; Sebastian, Anju; Simon, Sikha K; Bindu, C; Joseph, VP; Andrews, Jolly;AIP Conference Proceedings 2352 1 20069 2021 AIP Publishing LLC
Conference Presentations:
- Paper Presentation titled ‘Metamaterial SRR as a Sensitive Mechanical Vibration Sensor’ Conference – OPTICS’17 at NIT Calicut, 9-11 January 2017
- Poster Presentation entitled ‘High Sensitive Mechanical Vibration Sensor using Triangular BCSRR’ Sikha K.Simon, Anju Sebastian, Jovia Jose, Sreedevi P. Chakyar, Nees Paul, Jolly Andrews and Joseph V.P. Xlii Annual Meeting Of The Optical Society Of India, OSI – International Symposium on Optics (OSI-ISO 2018), 19 – 22 September 2018 , Indian Institute Of Technology Kanpur
- Paper Presentation titled ‘Metamaterial Wire BCSRR as a Sensitive Mechanical Vibration Sensor’ National Conference on science and applications of functional materials ,St. Josephs College(Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, 7 Dec 2018
- Paper presentation titled ‘Sensitivity of Metamaterial Vibration Sensor in Relation to Structural Variations of BCSRR’ National Conference , National conference on Materials, Methods and Methods for Electromagnetic Applications, 24-25 Jan 2019, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda.
- Poster Presentation titled ‘ Metamaterial-based Vibration sensor for Environmental applications, MATCON 19 at CUSAT, 14-16 March 2019
- Online Poster Presentation titled ‘Direct Amplitude Modulation Technique using Metamaterial Broadside Coupled Split Ring Resonator (BCSRR) Structure, 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2019, Rome, Italy, Sept. 16th – Sept. 21th 2019.
- Poster Presentation titled ‘Structure Dependent Resonant Properties of Triangular Broadside Coupled Split Ring Resonator (T- BCSRR), International Conference on Advanced Materials – ICAM 2019 at Nirmalagiri College Kannur, June 12-14, 2019.
Trainings attended:
- Orientation (HRDC) Programme at RAMANUJAN COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF DELIHI , National(JUNE 2020)
- Refresher Course in Material Science at University Calicut, December 2021
- One Week Faculty Development Program in Teaching and Learning in Post COVID Era, Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of Ministry of Education and St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, January 2021.