Dr.Vimalkumar T.V, M.Sc., Ph.D.

S/O T.R.Vijayan , Thottapurath House
Mupliyam P. O – 680312 , Thrissur
- Post Doctoral Fellow – (ICTP)- (UNESCO)-(IAEA)- International Research Fellow-CNR-IMEM-Parma-Italy.
- PhD in Physics – Cochin University of Science and Technology(CUSAT)Cochin,2012.
- M.Sc Physics – St.thomas College, Thrissur, University of Calicut, 2004.
- State Coordinator of Sciecne Activities in General Education Department , Govt of Kerala
- Technical Committe Member – Vinjan Sagar Science And Technology Park ,Ramavarmapuram , District Panchayath , Thrissur
- Executive member of Centre of Excellence for Disability Studies Govt of Kerala
- Life member of Academy of Physics Teachers ,Kerala
Awards /Fellowship
- The Abdus Salam ICTP -UNESCO-IAEA International Research Fellowship (2012) Trieste- Italy.
- Selected as Fostering Linkage in Academic Innovation and Research (FLAIR) state team member initiated by Higher Education Department of Kerala, India
- Selected as the teachers group of International Physics Olympiad Initiated by Homi Bhaba Centre for Science Education, TIFR , Mumbai .
- Builders Educator in Science Technology and Mathematics (BESTM) Teacher Fellowship for 25 best Teachers in National Level Funded by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Eduation ,Mumbai .
- ICTP- UNESCO- IAEA International Research Fellowship- 2012
Research interests
- Photovoltaic materials, Nano materials, Solar Thermal Energy.
- Thin film photovoltaic materials
Positions Held
- District Coordinator , Energy Management Centre , Govt of kerala (EMC- SEP)
- Research Associate- Dept. of Physics, Cochin University of Science And Technology – Deposition of CIS/InS using Chemical Spray Pyrolysis- MNRE Research Project.
- Senior Research Assistant – Department of Physics, CUSAT Consultancy Project funded by Multinational Company Netherlands.
- Senior Research Fellow-Department of Physics, CUSAT Consultancy Project Trial funded by Multinational company Banglore.
- Resource Member of 14 th Five Year Plan , State Planning Board , Govt of Kerala
- District Coordinator of Energy Management Centre – Smart Energy Program – Thrissur.
- State Coordinator of Telescience Scholar Program , Initiated by Old Students Association ,Govt Educational Schools , Kerala .
- Coordinator of Orrjayan Project initiated by Energy Management Centre, Kerala
- Course coordinator of Sustainable Environment Course Initiated by Energy Management Centre, Govt of Kerala.
- State Coordinator of Science Activities initiated by State Institute of Educational Technology (SIET), General Education Department, Govt of Kerala.
- Member of District Education Plan Resource Team, Govt of kerala .
- Academic Coordinator of Kodakara Block Panchayath ,Thrissur .
- T.V.Vimalkumar, N.Poornima, K.B.Jinesh, C.Sudha Kartha K.P.Vijayakumar -On single doping and co-doping of spray pyrolysed ZnO films:Structural, Electrical and Optical Characterization, Applied Surface Science 257 (2011)8334-8340.
- T.V.Vimalkumar,N.Poornima,C.Sudhakartha,K.P.Vijayakumar- On tuning the orientation of grains of spray pyrolysed ZnO thin films.Applied Surface Science 256(2010)6025-6028.
- T.V.Vimalkumar,N.Poornima,C.Sudhakartha,K.P.Vijayakumar- Effect of precursor medium on structural electrical and optical properties of spray polycrystalline ZnO thin films.Material Science And Engineering B 175 (2010)29-35.
- T.V.Vimalkumar, N.Poornima,C.Sudha Kartha ,K.P.Vijayakumar. T. Abe and Y. Kashiwaba-Enhancement of Electrical Conductivity in sprayed ZnO thin film through Zero- Energy Process.Physica B-Condensed Matter 405(2010) 4957-4960.
- Poornima N, T.V.Vimalkumar, Rajeshmon V.G., Cheranellore Sudha Kartha and K. P. Vijayakumar- Reliable and damage-free estimation of resistivity of ZnO thin films for photovoltaic applications using Photoluminescence technique.International Journal of Photoenergy -Vol-2013- Article ID 105796.
- Nisha R, K.N.Madhusoodanan, T.V.Vimalkumar, K.P.Vijayakumar-Effect of Indium doping on the Gas sensing behavior of Zinc oxide films obtained by Chemical spray pyrolysis method -IEEE explore International Conference journal Proceedings -ISPS- First International Symposium on Physics And Technology of Sensors – Page- No-232-233-ID-118.
- Nisha R, K.N. Madhusoodhanan, T.V.Vimalkumar, K. P.Vijayakumar, “Gas Sensing application of nanocrystalline ZnO thin film prepared by spray pyrolysis”, Bulletin of Material Science , Vol-38, No-3 (2015) 1-9.
- Lakshmy K, Rincy E.B, Jithu Michael , T.V.Vimalkumar, “Optoelectronic properties of Zn- doped and air – annealed CdS thin film for photovoltaic applications” , International Research Journal of Engineering And Technology , Vol-2 ( 2015) 437-441
- Massimo Mazzer , Vimalkumar Thottapurath Vijayan , Stefano Rampino , Enos Gombia , Matteo Bronzoni , Francesco Pattini ,and Edmondo Gilioli- Progress on Low-Temperature Pulsed Electron Deposition of CuInGaSe2 Solar Cells -Energies 2016, 9, 207.
Conference Papers
- Matteo Bronzoni, Vimalkumar Thottapurath ,Filippo Annoni, Francesco Bissoli, Marco Calicchio, John Paul Garcia, Edmondo Gilioli, Francesco Pattini, Stefano Rampino, Massimo Mazzer -Low temperature fabrication of 15%-efficient solar cells based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films by Pulsed Electron Deposition technique.Italian Crystal Growth 2013- CNR-IMEM-Parma-Italy
- T.V.Vimalkumar,C.Sudhakartha,K,P.Vijayakumar-Development of Spray Pyrolysed Copper Indium Sulphide/Indium Sulphide thin film solar cell over the flexible metal substrate- International workshop on Nano Photonics- December- 3-7,2012- International Center for Theoretical Physics ( ICTP)-Miramare,Trieste,Italy.
- T.V. Vimalkumar, C.Sudha Kartha , K.P.Vijayakumar Mono and Dual-doping effect of spray pyrolysed ZnO thin film- National Seminar on Horizon in Thin film Technology,HTFT,2011,TOC H Institute Of Science & Technology,arakkunnam,Ernakulam
- T.V.Vimalkumar ,C.Sudha Kartha,K.P.Vijayakumar Doping of ZnO thin films deposited using spray pyrolysis – preparation and characterization- MRSI 2009 Saha Institute, Kolkatta.
- T.V.Vimalkumar ,C.Sudha Kartha,K.P.Vijayakumar Spray pyrolysed ZnO thin films doped with Al through direct diffusion: Preparation And characterization.17 th National Symposium on Ultrasonic (NSU XVII)-2008, Bhanarus Hindu University (BHU) , Varanasi .
- Spray Pyrolysed ZnO thin films:Effect of variation of molarity and spray rate, T.V.Vimalkumar , C.Sudha Kartha,K.P.Vijayakuma , National Conference on semiconductor materials & technology (NC-SMT) ,2008, Gurukula Kangri University , Haridwar).
- T.V.Vimalkumar,C.Sudha Kartha ,K.P.Vijayakumar -Effect of doping and annealing on the physical properties of spray pyrolysed ZnOthin films ,National Seminar On Recent Advances In Thin Film Technology, 2007, Institute of Technology and Management (ITM), Gwalior.
- N.Poornima, T.V.Vimalkumar, C.Sudha kartha, K.P.Vijayakumar- Spatial PL mapping of deep level emission from spray pyrolsed Zinc oxide thin films, National Seminar on Horizon in Thin film Technology,HTFT,2011,TOC H Institute Of Science &Technology Arakkunnam, Ernakulam.
- N.Poornima, T.V.Vimalkumar, C.Sudha kartha,K.P.Vijayakumar -Characterization of Spray Pyrolyzed ZnO thin films to be used as back contact in solar cell using Photoluminescence.National Conference on Energy Storage and Conversion ,2010,Venkateswara University ,Tirupati.
- T.V.Vimalkumar ,C.Sudha Kartha,K.P.Vijayakumar- Thermal performance and Energy Efficiency analysis of Line- focusing Type Solar Collectors, Souvenir and Abstracts of the 18 th Annual General meeting of MRSI ,2007, National Physical Lab-New Delhi.
- A.Sreekumar, T.V.Vimalkumar, K.P.Vijayakumar – Copper solar air heater for better thermal energy conversion to drying needs-Discussion meeting on Materials for Future Energy systems ,2006,Materialresearch society of Inida ( Mumbai chapter,Mumbai) .
- National conference on energy research in India,2006,IIT Mumbai
- Preparation and characterization of thin film material for photovoltaic application- Funded by UGC Minor project Scheme 2015-16