Dr. JOHNS NADUVATH M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Tech., Ph.D

Naduvath (H) , Payyal, Nedungapra. P.O.
Perumbavoor, Ernakulam -683545
- Ph.D : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- M.Tech (Nanomedical Sciences) : Amrita Centre for Nanosciences, Kochi
- M.Phil (Physics) : Annamalai University, Chidambaram
- M.Sc. (Physics) : Union Christian College, Aluva
Research interests
- Semiconducting oxides, Nanomaterials, Thin films, Photovoltaics, Sensors
- Ph.D Thesis: Synthesis and modification of anodized titania nanotubes and their application in dye sensitized solar cells
- M.Tech. Thesis: Piezoelectric characterization of 1-D ZnO by using Atomic force microscope
- M.Phil. Thesis: Estimation of PUFA content on Edible oils by the FT-IR spectral study
Institutional Responsibilities
- Dean of Innovations & Startups
- NIRF Coordinator, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Nodal Officer, ABC & Digilocker, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- President, MHRD Institution Innovation Council(IIC), St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Nodal Officer, IEDC, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Convenor, Startup and Innovation Cell, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Convenor, Technical Support Commitee, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Convenor, Website Commitee, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Joint Convenor, IPR Cell, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Member, Purchase Committee, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Member, Research Council, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Member, Fine arts Commitee, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Department Coordinator, Star College Committee, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Institutional Facilitator and Mentor, Young Innovators Programme, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Member, Entrepreneurship Club, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur
- Innovation Ambassador – Innovation Cell of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
- Core Member, IQAC, St. Thomas College ( Autonomous), Thrissur (2016-2024)
Positions Held
- Research Associate (6 months), Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Teaching Assistant (2010 – 2014) – Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Guest Lecturer (5 months)–Mar Athanasius College, Kothamangalam
Selected Publications
- Mechanism of Formation of Faceted Titania Nanoparticles From Anodized Titania Nanotubes, Johns Naduvath, Parag Bhargava, and Sudhanshu Mallick, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 9574–9579(Impact Factor: 4.189).
- Simple electrochemical synthesis of black metal oxides for enhanced visible light absorption, Johns Naduvath, Parag Bhargava, Sudhanshu Mallick, Materials Letters, 130 (2014) 131–134(Impact Factor:3.20).
- Mechanism of Titania Nanograss Formation during Anodization, Johns Naduvath, Parag Bhargava, Sudhanshu Mallick, Chemical Physics Letters 626 (2015) 15-19(Impact Factor:2.029).
- Electrochemical Synthesis of Novel Zn-Doped TiO2 Nanotube/ ZnO Nanoflake Heterostructure with Enhanced DSSC Efficiency, Aijo John K, Johns Naduvath, Sudhanshu Mallick , Jacob W. Pledger, S. K. Remillard, P. A. DeYoung, Manju Thankamoniamma, T. Shripathi, Rachel Reena Philip, Nano-Micro Letters, 8 (2016) 381–387(Impact Factor: 12.264).
- A novel cost effective fabrication technique for highly preferential oriented TiO2 nanotubes, Aijo John K, Johns Naduvath, Sudhanshu Mallick, Thoudinja Shripathi, Manju Thankamoniamma and Rachel Reena Philip. Nanoscale, 7 (2015) 20386-20390(Impact Factor: 6.895).
- Lead free, air stable perovskite derivative Cs2SnI6 as HTM in DSSCs employing TiO2 nanotubes as photoanode, Lekha P., Johns Naduvath, Sudhanshu Mallick, Parag Bhargava, Materials Research Bulletin, 108(2018)113-119 (Impact Factor: 4.019).
- A simple method to fabricate metal doped TiO2 nanotubes, K. Aijo John, Johns Naduvath, Stephen K. Remillard, Sadasivan Shaji, Paul A. DeYoung, Zachary T. Kellner, Sudhanshu Mallick, Manju Thankamoniamma, Gunadhor S. Okram, Rachel Reena Philip, Chemical Physics, 523 (2019) 198-204 (Impact Factor: 1.771).
- Effect of long term ageing under humid environment on the LPG sensing properties and the surface composition of Mg-doped SnO2 thin films, Benoy Skariah, Johns Naduvath, Boben Thomas, Ceramics International, 42 (2016), 7490–7498(Impact Factor: 3.830).
- Zinc gallate and its starting materials in solid state reaction route- A comparative study, T.A. Safeera, N. Johns, K. Mini Krishna, P.V. Sreenivasan, R. Reshmi, E.I. Anila, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 181, (2016) 21–25(Impact Factor: 2.101).
- Effect of anionic concentration on the structural and optical properties of nanostructured ZnS thin films, T.A. Safeera, N. Johns , E.I. Anila, Optical Materials, 58 (2016) 32-37(Impact Factor: 2.779).
- Effect of Nanograss and Annealing Temperature on TiO2 Nanotubes Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells ,Johns Naduvath ,Santosh Shaw, Parag Bhargava, Sudhanshu Mallick, Materials Science Forum, 771 (2014) 103-113.
- Tin Incorporation in AgInSe2 Thin Films: Influence on Conductivity. Rajani Jacob, Gunadhor S. Okram, Johns Naduvath, Sudhanshu Mallick, and Rachel Reena Philip. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 5727–5733(Impact Factor: 4.509).
- Low temperature thermopower and electrical conductivity in highly conductive CuInO2 thin films, Nair, Bindu G., G. S. Okram, Johns Naduvath, T. Shripathi, Anis Fatima, Tarachand Patel, Rajani Jacob, K. Keerthi, S. K. Remillard, and Rachel Reena Philip, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2 (2014) 6765-6772(Impact Factor: 7.059).
- Structural and optical characterization of potassium doped zinc oxide nanosheets, P V Athma, N Johns , E I Anila, and T A Safeera, Optical Materials, 38 (2014) 223–227(Impact Factor: 2.779).
- Highly conductive n-and p-type CuInO thin films by reactive evaporation, Surya A Mary, Bindu G Nair, Johns Naduvath, GS Okram, Stephen K Remillard, PV Sreenivasan, Rachel R Philip, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 600 (2014) 159-161(Impact Factor: 4.650).
- Low temperature fabrication and characterization of wurtzite structured ZnS quantum dots by chemical spray pyrolysis, TA Safeera, N Johns, EI Anila , Arturo I Martinez, PV Sreenivasan, R Reshmi, Mallick Sudhanshu, MK Jayaraj, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 115 (2015) 96-102(Impact Factor: 3.652).
- Nanostructured zinc oxide thin film by simple vapor transport deposition, P.V. Athma, A.I. Martinez, N. Johns, T.A. Safeera, R. Reshmi, E.I. Anila, Superlattices and Microstructures, 85 (2015) 379–384(Impact Factor: 2.117).
- Effect of Sn doping on properties of transparent ZnO thin films prepared by thermal evaporation technique, N.H. Sheeba, Sunil C. Vattappalam, Johns Naduvath, P.V. Sreenivasan, Sunny Mathew, Rachel Reena Philip, Chemical Physics Letters, 635 (2015) 290–294(Impact Factor:2.029).
- Structural, optical and electrical properties of Sb doped and undoped AgIn1 − xGaxSe2 and Ag(InGa)5Se8thin films, Rajani Jacob, Stephen K Remillard, Paul A DeYoung, Uday P Deshpande, T Shripathi, V Ganesan, Johns Naduvath, PV Sreenivasan, Rachel Reena Philip, Phys. Status Solidi A, 211 (2014) 714–722(Impact Factor: 1.759).
- Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: A Review, Ajay Jena, Shyama Prasad Mohanty, Pragyensh Kumar, Johns Naduvath, Vivekanand Gondane, P. Lekha, Jaykrushna Das, Harsh Kumar Narula, Sudhanshu Mallick and Parag Bhargava, Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society,71 (2012) 1-16(Impact Factor: 0.952).
Conference Proceedings
- Multipodal formation of TiO2 nanotubes using anodization , AIP Conference Proceedings , International Conference on Optoelectronic and Nanomaterials for Advanced Technology , CUSAT, Kerala , 978-0-7354-1812-7 , 2082 , 22-03-2019
- Synthesis of Highly Crystalline ‘Particle in Tube’ TiO2 Nanostructures and its Application in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Johns Naduvath, P Bhargava, S. Mallick,IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC 40) Proceedings –Denver, U.S.A,1543-1546.
- Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanonails,T. A. Safeera, N. Johns, P. V. Athma, P. V. Sreenivasan and E. I. Anila, AIP proccedings, Light and its Interactions with Matter 1620, (2014) 572
- Effect of deposition parameters and strontium doping on characteristics of nanostructured ZnO thin film by chemical bath deposition method, NH Sheeba, J Naduvath, A Abraham, MP Weiss, ZJ Diener, SK Remillard, PA DeYoung, RR Philip, AIP proccedings, Light and its Interactions with Matter 1620,1 (2014) 469-474.
- Heterojunction between the delafossite TCO n-copper indium oxide and p-Si for solar cell applications, K. Keerthi , T. Masuzawa , B. G. Nair , I. Saito , K. Okano , N. Johns , and R. R. Philip, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1731, 080006 (2016), doi: 10.1063/1.4947884
- Paper Presented (Oral) : S. Shaw, Johns Naduvath, P Bhargava, S. Mallick, “Fabrication of Highly Oriented TiO2 Nanotube Arrays by Anodization for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Applications”, 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology, Cochin Nano-2011,Cochin University, August 14-17, 2011.
Membership In Academic Bodies/ Organisations
- Member of Board of Studies, Physics and Electronics, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
- Member of Fostering Linkages in Academic Innovation and Research (FLAIR), Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala
- Academy of Physics Teachers, Kerala, Life time Member (APTLM1258)
Awards /Fellowship
- MHRD Fellowship for Doctoral studies
Courses & Training Attended
- 110th UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme, University of Mysore, July 15 to August 11, 2016
- Refresher Programme- HRDC Himachal Pradesh University – March 11th to March 30th, 2019
- Three day Induction Training of FLAIR, Ernakulam, 17th to 19th October, 2016
- Completed 251 International Certificate courses from Coursera.