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Connect with us! +91 487 2420 435

Arts festival 2024

TURNITIN-iThenticate User Workflow on Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 2 pm.- 3 pm, Online Platform: Zoom, Offline Training at Menachery Hall

Dear Research Guides, Scholars and Researchers, Department of Library and Information Studies & Research Council, St.Thomas College(Autonomous), Thrissur organize an Online+Offline Training workshop on TURNITIN-iThenticate User Workflow on Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 2 pm.- 3 pm, Online Platform: Zoom, Offline Training at Menachery Hall Zoom Meeting Link- Register in advance for this meeting: [...]

NIYUKTHI 2021 Mega Job Fair

Placement Cell, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur is organizing a Mega Job Fair in association with Employment Exchange, Thrissur on 20th December 2021, Monday at St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur. 73 Companies are participating with 3,281 vacancies. For further details, please scan the QR Code.

New Library Inauguration

Dear Staff, Inauguration of the renovated & centralized Library will be on 05/01/22 Wednesday in a limited manner due to the Covid Protocol. Details will be given tomorrow👍

NAAC Criteria Workshop

There will be a workshop for all Vice-principals, Deans, HoDs and Criteria Coordinators regarding various criteria of NAAC

Food and Nutrition Session

👨‍🍳Chef's👨‍🍳 Corner, Cookery Club of St. Thomas College, (Autonomous), Thrissur proudly presents a Food and Nutrition Session on 28th January 2022,at 2.00pm. for all the staffs n students of our college. Online Session link will be provided later. Thanks and Regards Cookery Club Coordinators

TURNITIN-Ithenticate (Plagiarism Check Software): Training, 29.01.2022, Online

Dear Heads of Research Centres, Research Guides & Scholars TURNITIN-Ithenticate (Plagiarism Check Software): User accounts have been created on ithenticate software and the login credentials have been sent to the emails of teachers, research scholars and postgraduate students. They can login to their respective accounts at using those credentials. An awareness session on iThenticate [...]

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