*NAAC Accreditation for Autonomous / Affiliated Colleges* (English)
Resource Person: *Dr. B. S. Ponmudiraj*, Adviser, NAAC
*22-05-2020, Friday: 10. 30 am to 11.45 am*.
IQAC, *St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala*
For more information, please contact *Dr. Fr. Anil George K* iqac@stthomas.ac.in
Online registration link is as follows:
*Free Registration*; e-Certificates will be issued to the Participants.
Registered participants will receive the webinar invitation 30 minutes prior to the webinar (Friday 22-05-2020 at 10.00 am).
(Funded by *UGC Paramarsh Scheme*)
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