Research and Publication Ethics (RPE) course is an online course for the researchers. Course content, credits etc. are all as prescribed in the UGC guidelines. The course will commence from 8th September 2021. All interested researchers are welcome.
More details regarding the RPE course:
Registration link:
Inauguration: 10.09.2021, 10.30am
Link: https://rb.gy/zwg1e8
Chief Guests
Mar Tony Neelankavil, Auxiliarybishop Thrissur & Manager, St.Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
Dr. M Nasser, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Calicut
Rev. Fr. Biju Panengadan, Executive Manager
Dr. Joby Thomas K, Academic Administrative Officer, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur
Organizing Committee
Dr. Baby Shari P A, Director of Research
University of Calicut, Kerala
Rev. Dr. Martin K A, Principal-in-Charge, STC
Dr. V. M. Chacko, Dean of Research, STC
Mr. Sanjo Jose, Librarian & Coordinator, STC
Dr. Joyce Jose, Joint Coordinator, STC