Anjaly Markose M.Sc, PGDCA

Kanjirathingal(H) , Udaya Nagar 2nd
Wadakanchery P O , Thrissur- 680582
- MSc Electronics from Bharathiyar University
- PGDCA from Pondichery University
Specialization/Research Area:
- Control Systems
- Guest Lecturer at Govt. College ,Chittur.
- Guest Lecturer at ACKHM ICA College , Thozhiyur
- Guest lecturer at Govt. VHSS, Cherpu.
- Guest lecturer at Govt. VHSS, Wadakanchery
Positions Held:
- Member, Women Cell, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur.
- Member, Board of examiners (Electronics) – University of Calicut
- Member, Equal Opportunity Cell, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur.
- Member, Entrepreneurship Club, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur.
Membership in Academic Bodies:
- Member, Board of Studies (Physics and Electronics) – St. Thomas college (Autonomous), Thrissur.
Seminar/workshop attended:
- Anjaly Markose , BIOMEDICAL HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION , Seminar , IIC, IEDC & IQAC , National , 24-02-2022 , St Thomas College (autonomous),Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , PROTOTYPE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT USING IOT , Workshop , Dept of Electronics and IQAC , Other , 16-07-2021 , ST Thomas College , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Influence of Electronics in Instrumentation and Trends in VLSI design , Seminar , Dept of Electronics,St Thomas College Thrissur , National , 10-03-2021 , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , New trends and scope of Electronics , Seminar , Don Bosco College , International , 10-03-2021 , Mannuthy
- Anjaly Markose , Scope and Oppurtunities in Electronics , Webinar , College of applied science,Chelakkara , International , 18-10-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Rapid Prototyping in the Era of Arduino , Workshop , Dept. of Electronics. St Thomas College(autonomous),Thrissur , National , 17-09-2020 , Online
- Anjaly Markose , Exploring the Could Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure , Webinar , Dept. of computer applications & IT, Sree Narayana Guru College,Coimbatore , National , 10-09-2020 , online
- Anjaly Markose , Technical Quiz , Others , ICA College Thozhiyur , State , 25-08-2020
- Anjaly Markose , National Education Policy:Intent,Implementation & Impact , Webinar , St Thomas College(autonomous),Thrissur , National , 18-08-2020 , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Research and Publication Ethics , Webinar , St Thomas College ,Thrissur , National , 06-08-2020
- Anjaly Markose , ANDROID APP DEVELOPMENT , Webinar , Dept. of Electronics , National , 24-07-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Artificial Intelligence and Model Based Design & Teaching with MATLAB , Webinar , Chennai Institute of Technology , National , 25-06-2020
- Anjaly Markose , E content Tips , Webinar , STAL, St Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur , State , 30-05-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Online Learning Apps and Tools for Higher Education , Webinar , IQAC, St Thomas College(autonomous), Thrissur , National , 27-05-2020
- Anjaly Markose , NAAC Accreditation for Autonoumous / Affiliated Colleges , Webinar , National , 22-05-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Webinar on Outcome Based Education , Webinar , Kerala State Higher Education Council & IQAC St Thomas College ,Thrissur , State , 13-05-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Revised NAAC Manual and Challenges of 4th cycle accreditation , Workshop , IQAC ,St Thomas College , Other , 18-02-2020 , St Thomas College, Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Design Concepts in Electronic hardware and Electric drives , Seminar , Dept. of Electronics , National , 31-01-2020 , St Thomas College, Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Building Excellence-A Senior Faculty Workshop , Workshop , XIME Kochi , Other , 02-01-2020 , Kochi
- Anjaly Markose , The Role of Faculty in Academics and Administration , Conference , IQAC , Other , 18-10-2019 , St Thomas College. Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Python Programming with Rasberry Pi , Workshop , Department of Electronics , State , 29-08-2019 , St. Thomas College, Thrissur.
- Anjaly Markose , Revised NACC Accreditation Process , Workshop , IQAC , National , 03-08-2019 , St Thomas College, Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Innovations in Advanced Research , Workshop , KFRI , PEECHI and ST. THOMAS\’ COLLEGE , (Autonomous) THRISSUR , National , 16-03-2019 , KFRI, PEECHI
- Anjaly Markose , national Seminar – Artificial Intelligence & Robotics , Seminar , Electronics Dept , National , 29-01-2019 , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Workshop on Arduino based Application Development , Workshop , Dept. of Electronics , National , 19-11-2018 , St. Thomas College , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Expo: “Electroexuberanza” , Others , Dept. of Electronics , National , 16-08-2018 , St. Thomas College , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Academia & Administration in India , Conference , St Thomas College , National , 07-03-2017 , St Thomas College, Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Research-Expectations & Extensions , Seminar , Research Council , National , 19-03-2016 , St Thomas College, Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Digital Signal Processing and Autonomous Robotics , Seminar , Dept. of Electronics , National , 03-12-2015 , St. Thomas College , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Opportunities and Resources in Research , Seminar , Research Council , St. Thomas\’ College(Autonomous) , Thrissur , National , 03-03-2015 , St. Thomas College , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Research in Higher Education , Seminar , Research Committee, St. Thomas\’ College , Thrissur , National , 11-03-2013 , St. Thomas College , Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , NOIZE 2012 , Seminar , Dept. of Electronics , National , 18-12-2012 , St. Thomas College , Thrissur
Training Attended
- Resource person at KILA in the programme “ Hardware Clinic” from October 2018 to January 2020
- Anjaly Markose , Other Orientation , IQAC , Online , 01-06-2021 , St Thomas college (autonomous), Thrissur
- Anjaly Markose , Online Course/Lecture Series , Sree Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore , National , 10-09-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Online Course/Lecture Series , Prajyothi Nikethan College, Puthukkad , Online , 20-08-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Online Course/Lecture Series , JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY , Online , 22-07-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Online Course/Lecture Series , University of California, Irvine , Online , 25-05-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Online Course/Lecture Series , Coursera Online Course , Kennesaw state Univerity , Online , 11-05-2020
- Anjaly Markose , Short Term Program , XIME Kochi , National , 02-01-2020 , Kochi
- Anjaly Markose , Other Orientation , IQAC , National , 06-06-2019 , DBCLC , THRISSUR
- Anjaly Markose , Other Orientation , IQAC , National , 01-06-2018 , Thrissur