Dr. Biju John M., M.Com., PhD

Malit Palathinagal , Harmony Streat,
Lourdpuram, East Fort, Thrissur 5
Date of Joining: 21-12-1995
- M.Com, MBA, Ph.D. (Cochin University of Science and Technology)
Research Area
- Banking & Finance
- Senate, Member, Calicut University
- Steering Committee on CUCBCSS, Calicut University Member
- School of Distance Education, Calicut University Addl. Coordinator
- Thrissur Management Association Member
- Commerce Association of Kerala Member
- YMCA Member
- Lions Club International Member
- Thrissur Social Service Club Member
Positions held
- Coordinator, School of Distance Education, St.Thomas’ College Centre, University of Calicut
- Senate, Member, Calicut University
- Dean, Arts and Humanities, St Thomas College Thrissur
Research Grants
- UGC-Minor Research Project for “Role of Banks in Financing Weaker Sections of Society”-2004.
- UGC-Minor Research Project for “Financial Inclusion by Commercial Banks-A Study with special reference to Thrissur District”.
- “The contours of Indian banking” at Kerala Agricultural University. 23rd & 24th Oct 2013.
- “National Conference on Banking and Finance” at RCCS. 20th Feb. 2013.
- “National Conference on Banking and Finance” at BMIM. 26th April. 2013.
- International Conference on Innovation and Inclusion in Banking : Issues , Strategies and Options.School of Development Studies , Kannur University. 3rd and 4th Feb.2011.
- Shaping Young Minds, All India Management Association, Lulu International Conventional Centre, Thrissur 20 April 2016
- Research –Exp[ectations and Extentions, Research Council, St.Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrissur 19 March 2016
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Financial Services: Innovations For Inclusion In India, St. Thomas’ College Thrissur 11&12 Aug, 2015
- National Seminar on “ Opportunities and Resources in Research” St. Thomas’ College Thrissur 3rd March 2015
- National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Banking, Insurance and Financial Services”, St. Thomas’ College Thrissur 17 & 18 Mar. 2015
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Foreign Exchange Derivative Market in India: Current Trends and Future Prospects” St. Aloysious College, Thrissur 28 & 29 August 2014
- National Seminar on “Research in Higher Education”, St. Thomas’ College Thrissur 21 & 22 March 2014
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Commodity Derivatives and The Role of Intermediaries”, Research Department of Commerce, St.Thomas College,Thrissur 20 & 21 August 2013
- National Seminal on “Contours Of Indian Banking”, Kerala Agricultural University. 23&24 Oct.2013.
- National Conference on Banking And Finance, BMIM. 6 April,2013
- UGC Sponsored National Conference On Banking And Finance, Rajagiri College Of Social Sciences. 20th Feb ,2013.
- National Seminar on “Emerging Horizons in Banking and Finance”, Govt. College, Chalakkudy. 15 Feb 2012
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Knowledge Management and E-Governance”, Research Dept. of Commerce, St. Thomas College, Thrissur. 6 &7 March,2012.
- National Seminar on “Banking Sector-Issues and Opportunities”, Institute of Management and Technology,Thrissur. 19 April,2011
- International Conference on HR, University of Calicut. 10 November 2016
- First International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHUSS – 1) 28 & 29 January, 2016
- International Conference on Innovations and Inclusions in Banking: Issues Strategies and Options, School of Development Studies, Kannur University. 3& 4 Feb 2011
Papers Presented in Conferences
- Financial Inclusion: An Assessment of the Progress and Challenges.
- An evaluation of innovative endeavours of Commercial Banks Towards Financial Inclusion
- Financial Services Towards the Weaker Sections; An Assessment of the Bannking and Insurance Services.
- Challenges of Inclusive Growth: A Study Of Agricultural Sector in Kerala
- The Impact of Kisan Credit Cards on the Agricultural Households in India
- Prospects of M-Governance: An Evaluation
- M, BIJU JOHN(2013 ), “ An Analysis of The Growth of Derivatives in India” UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Foreign Exchange Derivative Market in India: Current Trends and Future Prospects” St. Aloysious College, Thrissur, 28 & 29 August 2014.
- M, BIJU JOHN(2013 ), “Financial Inclusion: An Assessment of the Progress and Challenges” , National Seminal on “Contours Of Indian Banking”, Kerala Agricultural University,23rd and 24th Oct.2013.
- M, BIJU JOHN(2013), “Financial Services Towards the Weaker Sections- An Assessment of the Banking and Insurance Services”, National Conference on Banking And Finance, BMIM, 6th April,2013.
- M, BIJU JOHN(2013), Challenges of Inclusive Growth: A Study Of Agricultural Sector in Kerala, UGC Sponsored National Conference On Banking And Finance, Rajagiri College Of Social Sciences, 20th Feb ,2013.
- M, BIJU JOHN(2012), “The Impact of Kisan Credit Cards on the Agricultural Households in India”, National Seminar on “Emerging Horizons in Banking and Finance”, Govt. College, Chalakkudy 15th Feb 2012.
- M, BIJU JOHN(2012), “Prospects of M-Governance: An Evaluation”, UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Knowledge Management and E-Governance”, Research Dept. of Commerce, St. Thomas College, Thrissur, 6th and 7th March,2012.
- M, BIJU JOHN(2011), “Financial Inclusion-An Analysis”, National Seminar on “Banking Sector-Issues and Opportunities”, Institute of Management and Technology,Thrissur,19th April,2011
- M, BIJU JOHN(2011), “An Evaluation of Innovative Endeavors of Commercial Banks Towards Financial Inclusion”, International Conference on Innovations and Inclusions in Banking: Issues Strategies and Options, School of Development Studies, Kannur University,3rd And 4th Feb 2011.
1., R, Remya & M, Biju John, Tathapi, International, Gold v/s Crude Oil in India: Lead-Lag Game, Vol 9 No. 31/ pp. 555-564., June, 2020, ISSN: 2320-0693
2., J, Jilna., & M, Biju John, Studies in Indian Place Names, International, Counterfeit Luxury Products – A Challenge for Sustainable Development in Business, Vol. 40, No. 3,, February , 2020, ISSN 2394-3114,
3., K. SowmiaRajan& M. Biju John, Studies in Indian Place Names, International, Effectiveness of CRM Strategies among Commercial Banks, Vol. 40 Issue No. 3, February , 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114
4., G, Sindhu, & M, Biju John, Studies in Indian Place Names, International, An Evaluation of Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme with reference to Thrissur District, Vol. 40 Issue No. 3, February, 2020, ISSN: 2394-3114
5., G, Anoop K & M, Biju John, Journal of Gujarat Research Society, International, Service Quality of Housing Finance Provided by Kerala Gramin Bank with special reference to Thrissur District, Vol 21 No. 16,, Dec, 2019, ISSN: 2320-0693
6., D. Choondal Alfred, K. SowmiaRajan K & M. Biju John, THINK INDIA (Quarterly Journal), International, Permission Marketing as a Tool of Ethical Marketing, Vol-22-Issue-9, November-, 2019, ISSN: 0971-1260
7., J, Jilna., & M, N. K. Navya., Biju John, Journal of Social Welfare and Management, International, Student’s Inclination towards Entrepreneurship in Thrissur District, Kerala, Vol. 11, No. 2, April-June, 2019, ISSN 0975-0231
8., G, Sindhu, & M, Biju John, Journal of Social Welfare and Management, International, Entrepreneurship as a driving force in creation of better nation, Vol II, No.2, April-June, 2019, ISSN 0975-0231
9., G, Sindhu, M, Biju John&Nayan Krishnan T.S, THINK INDIA (Quarterly Journal), International, Entrepreneurial Mind-set among Arts & Science college students in Kerala., Vol-22-Issue-9, November-, 2019, ISSN: 0971-1260
10., S, Darsana., R, Remya., & M, Biju John, Journal of social welfare and management, International, Mutual Fund SIPs: Investor- Centric Approach, Vol. X. Issue-III, pp. 367-370., Sep-Dec. , 2018, ISSN 2249-0310
11., G, Sindhu, & M, Biju John, Journal of Social Welfare and Management, International, Entrepreneurial Perception Among College Students in Thrissur District, Vol. 10 No.3, pp. 512-519, Sep- Dec , 2018, ISSN: 0975-0231
12., J, Jilna., & M, Biju John, Journal of Social Welfare and Management, International, Fake Information and Communication Technology Products: A Threat for Branded Version, Vol. 10 , Sep- Dec, 2018, ISSN: 0975-0231
13., K, SowmiaRajan., & M, Biju John, Journal of Social Welfare and Management, International, An appraisal of Brand Resonance of Banking Services among Commercial Banks in Kerala, Vol. 10 No.3, Sep- Dec , 2018, ISSN: 0975-0231
14., R, Remya., & M, Biju John, AJANTA Part I., International, SBI: No more an Apple of Eye, Vol. VII., Jul-Sep. , 2018, ISSN 2277-5730
15., S, Darsana., R, Remya., & M, Biju John, AJANTA Part II, International, Miracle media marketing: A notional survey, Vol. VII., Jul-Sep., 2018, ISSN 2277-5730
16., R, Remya., S, Darsana., & M, Biju John, International Research Journal of commerce,Management& Social Science., International, Indian Automobile Industry: Progress & Prospects, Vol. VIII, Jan, 2018, ISSN 2249 – 8119
17., G, K, Anoop., & M, Biju John, International Research Journal of commerce,Management& Social Science., International, The Perception of Investors towards Mutual Fund Investment, Vol. VIII, Jan, 2018, ISSN 2249 – 8119
18., K, SowmiaRajan., & M, Biju John, International Research Journal of commerce,Management& Social Science., International, An Evaluation of Brand Management Strategies among Commercial Banks, Vol. VIII, Jan, 2018, ISSN 2249-8117
19., G, Sindhu., & M, Biju John, International Research Journal of commerce,Management& Social Science., International, Savings and Investment Behaviour of Individuals from Thrissur District, Vol.8 No.1, Jan, 2018, ISSN 2249-8117
20., J, Jilna.,& M, Biju John.,, International Research Journal of commerce,Management& Social Science, International, The Attitude of the Customers towards Counterfeit of Branded Bag Products in Thrissur District, Kerala, Vol.8 No.1, Jan, 2018, ISSN 2249-8117
21., M, Biju John, Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, International, Dynamics of Service Quality in the Indian Banking Sector, Vol. VIII.Issue-I, Jan. , 2017, ISSN 2249-0310
22., M, Biju John., & K, SowmiaRajan, Management Researcher, International, Financial Derivatives in India – An Assessment, XXIIINo.2,, Oct- Dec, 2016, ISSN 2230-8431
23., M, Biju John, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, International, An Analysis of the Growth of Financial Derivatives in India, Vol. VI. Issue-X,, Oct, 2016, ISSN 2250-1665.
24., M, Biju John, Researchers World, International, The Indian Banking Sector and the Financial Crisis- An Assessment, Vol. VII, Issue 4(3), Oct, 2016, ISSN 2231-4172
25., M, Biju John, Organisational Management,, International, Inclusive Financing in Kerala, Vol. xxxii. No. 2,, July-Sept , 2016,
26., M, Biju John, Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, International, Financial Inclusion in India-A Retrospective, Vol. 3, Issue:12, Dec, 2014, ISSN:2250-1991
27., M, Biju John, Organisational Management, National, Inclusive Financing in Kerala: An Assessment, Vol.XXXII.No.2, July-Sep, 2016, ISSN 0975-699X
28., M, Biju John, Mirror, National, An evaluation of role of banking system for Inclusive growth, Vol II. No. 1, March, 2012, ISSN 2249-8117
29., M, Biju John, Journal of Arts and Ideas, National, Financial Inclusion: An overview, Vol.4, , 2008, ISSN, 0973-
- I.T.Applications in Commerce(M.Com study material Published by Calicut University(2015))
- Security Analysis and Portfolio Management(M.Com study material Published by Calicut University(2016))