Dr. Geethu Elizabath Thomas, M.Sc., Ph.D.

W/o Sinto P. D. Puthussery Kattalan (H),
Near Cars India, Chalakudy P.O, Kerala – 680307
- M.Sc., Ph. D.
Member, Board of Studies, Botany, St. Thomas College (Autonomous), Thrissur
Plant pathogen interactions
Population genetics
- Secured M. G. University 1st rank in MSc Botany from Sacred Heart College, Thevara (2007)
- Prof. T.U. Joseph Endowment for the best student in II MSc Botany Sacred Heart College, Thevara (2007)
- Prof. Kurian Joseph Endowment for the best project work in MSc Botany Botany Sacred Heart College, Thevara (2007)
Consultation in DNA sequence analysis
- Phylogenetic studies of three genera- Senna, Chamaechrista and Cassia od subtribe Cassinae, Book, Lambert Academic Publishing, 978-620-4-72720-2, 2021
- Intertranscribed spacer polymorphism between populations of Zingiber neesanum (Graham) Ramamurthy , Book , National Seminar on recent innovations and current trends in biological sciences , National , 978-81-938524-7-7 , 1 , 01-03-2018
- Comparative morphology of selected species of Senna and Cassia fistula , Book , National Seminar on recent innovations and current trends in biological sciences , National , 978-81-938524-7-7 , 01-03-2018
- AFLP analysis reveals exceptionally narrow genetic background in Ginger , Journal , International Journal of Engineering science and mathematics , International , 2320-0294 , 7 , 01-02-2018
- Identification, functional annotation and analysis of COS markers in Zingiber and its utility in DNA , Journal , International Journal of Engineering sceince and mathematics , International , 2320-0294 , VII , 01-01-2018
- Analyses between reproductive behavior, genetic diversity and Pythium responsiveness in Zingiber spp , Journal , Frontiers in Plant Science , International , 1664462X , 7 , 20-12-2016
- Characterization of five rice varieties using morphological traits and seed storage protein profiling , Journal , South Indian Journal of Biological science , Others , 2454-4787 , 2 , 02-01-2016
Analysis of carbohydrate and protein of various developmental stages of Maranta arudinacea KSCSTE-student project, 01-04-2017
Morphological and genetic characterisation and seed protein profiling of selected species of Senna KSCSTE-student project, 01-04-2017
Collection and molecular characterisation of Zingiber neesanum (Graham) Ramamurthy, an endemic plant, UG Minor, 2014-16
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , Building Excellence – A Senior Faculty Workshop , Workshop , XIME , Other , 13-12-2019 , Kochi
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , Workshop on innovations in advanced research , Workshop , KFRI, Peechi & St. Thomas\’ College , State , 16-03-2019 , KFRI, Peechi
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , National Seminar on Plant Microbe Interaction , Seminar , SNGS College, Pattambi , National , 05-12-2018 , SNGS College, Pattambi
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , Fungi and its importance , Seminar , Carmel COllege, Mala , Other , 14-11-2018
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , Workshop on revised NAAC MAnual , Workshop , IQAC, St. Thomas\’ College , Other , 28-09-2018 , DBCLC, Thrissur
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , Species The Passion IV , Seminar , Dept. of Botany , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , National , 28-06-2018 , St. Thomas\’ College, Thrissur
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , One day faculty orientation programme , Seminar , St. Thomas\’ College, Thrissur , Other , 01-06-2018 , St. Thomas\’ College, Thrissur
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , Emerging trends in genomic research , Seminar , Dept. of Botany , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , National , 22-02-2018
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , Aquiring API scores and submitting PABS based proposal under CAS , Others , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , National , 05-08-2017 , Thrissur
- Geethu Elizabath Thomas , Moodle training workshop , Workshop , St. Thomas College, Thrissur , National , 18-07-2017 , Thrissur
IQAC sponsored National Webinar on ORGANIZED AND SUCCESSFUL LIFE IQAC Coordinator National 15-05-2020
Ozone Day Observation and Intercollegiate Powerpoint Presentation Competition Convener State 25-09-2019
Lecture on Movement Therapy Coordinator Others 23-01-2019
One Day Faculty Orientation programme Join Coordinator Others 04-06-2018
Aquiring API scores and submitting PABS based proposal under CAS National 01-01-2018
Moodle training workshop 01-01-2018
National Seminar Recent trends in environmental sustainability National 01-11-2017