Dr. M. T. Thomas M.Sc., B.Ed.,Ph.D.

Pearl Villa, Kozhukkully
Nadathara, Thrissur – 680 751
- Ph.D. University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram
- M.Sc. Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam
- B.Ed. Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam
- Biosystematic studies on the taxa of Hydrocotyle L, and Centella L. occurring in Peninsular India with special reference to intraspecific variants of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.
- K. Nandakumar, P. S. Bhavyasree, M. T. Thomas. 2021. Development of rice based probiotic yogurt enriched with some fruit pulps and its quality analysis. Journal of Food Science and Technology,
- J. G. Thanikkal, A. K. Dubey, M. T. Thomas. 2020. Unique Shape Descriptor Algorithm for Medicinal Plant Identification (SDAMPI) With Abridged Image Database. IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (21), 13103-13109.
- J. G. Thanikkal, A. K. Dubey, M. T. Thomas. 2017. Whether color, shape and texture of leaves are the key features for image processing based plant recognition. An analysis. Recent developments in control, automation and power engineering (RDCAPE).
- J. G. Thanikkal, A. K. Dubey, M. T. Thomas. 2018. Advanced Plant Leaf Classification Through Image Enhancement and Canny Edge Detection. 7th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies.
- S. C. Francis, M. T. Thomas. 2017. Essential oil profiling of Centella asiatica (L. )Urb. – a medicinally important herb. South Indian Journal of Biological Sciences 2 (1), 169-173.
- M. T. Thomas. 2016. Emerging trends in herbal technology. South Indian Journal of Biological Sciences 2 (1), 229-230.
- M. T. Thomas, Rajani Kurup, Anil John, P. C. Sreeja, P. J. Mathew, Mathew Dan and B. Sabulal. 2010. Elite genotypes/chemotypes, with high contents of madecassoside and asiaticoside, from sixty accessions of Centella asiatica of south India and the Andaman Islands: For cultivation and utility in cosmetic and herbal drug applications. Industrial Crops and Products 32: 545550
- M. T. Thomas, P. J. Mathew, Mathew Dan and Vijayaraghava Kumar. 2010. Genetic variability, correlation and heritability of certain agronomic characters of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Journal of Cytology and Genetics. 11: 77-81.
- P. J. Mathew and M. T. Thomas. 2007. Medicinal plant resource of Kerala-a review. In: Alok Sheel, R. Anilan & M. M. Nampoodiri (eds) Natural resource management and livelihood support systems. Western Ghats Cell, Planning and Economic Affairs Department, Govt. of Kerala. p. 341-345.
- M. T. Thomas, P. Haridas, S.P. Mathew, M. Abdul Jabbar & S. Ganeshan. 2007. Development of the field gene bank of medicinal and aromatic plants at TBGRI. In: Proc. 19th Kerala science congress. 29-31 January 2007, Kannur, p. 213-214.
- S.P. Mathew, M. Abdul Jabbar, M.T. Thomas & P. Haridas. 2007. Establishment of live collections of Andaman plants at TBGRI. In: Proc. 19th Kerala science congress. 29-31 January 2005, Kannur. p. 239-240.
- M. T. Thomas, Mathew Dan & P.J. Mathew. 2007. Quantitative variation of bioactive compounds in Centella asiatica occurring in Southern India. In: Abstracts, National symposium on current trends in the development of herbal drugs and XXVII Annual conference of Indian association of biomedical scientists, held at Thiruvananthapuram from 25 to 27 November 2006.
- M. T. Thomas, Mathew Dan and P.J. Mathew. 2005. Assessment of intraspecific variability and cluster analysis in Centella asiatica from southern Western Ghats. In: Proc. 17th Kerala Science Congress. 29-31 January 2005, KFRI, Peechi. p. 244-45.
- M. T. Thomas, G. Joy and M. V. Hridya. 2019. Effect of drought stress in growth and quality of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Abstracts of 31 Kerala Science Congress.
- N. Keerthana, P.S. Bhavyasree and M. T. Thomas. 2019. Microbial quality analysis and standardization of fruit enriched rice based Probiotic yogurt. Abstracts of 31 Kerala Science Congress.
- M. T. Thomas, M. V. Hridya and J. Godly. 2019. Variation of Centella asiatica grown under induced drought stress. Proceedings of the national seminar on emerging trends in genomic research.
- J. Gloria, F. Franklin, M. T. Thomas. 2019. Morphological characterization and essential oil profiling of Centella Asiatica (L.) Urb. occurring in seven southern districts of Kerala. Proceedings of the national seminar on emerging trends in genomic research.
- M. T. Thomas. 2019. Variability within a species – A case study. Proceedings of the Centenary International Conference on Advancements in Science and Humanities.
- P. J. Mathew and M. T. Thomas. 2007. Medicinal plant resource of Kerala-Towards harnessing its potential Part-I Introduction. TBGRI Palode.
- J. Paul, M. T. Thomas, K. A. Annmary. 2019. Proceedings of the Centenary International Conference on Science and Humanities. St. Thomas College Thrissur.
- J. Paul. M. T. Thomas. 2020. Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate change: Adaptation and Mitigation. St. Thomas College Thrissur.
- Dr. P. D. Sethi Award 2010 for the best Indian research paper in the field of HPTLC.
- Enhancement of Women Nutrition in the High Range Regions of Kerala Through Development and Popularization of milk products and Amla Based Products Using Underutilized Fruits funded by SEED, DST, Govt. of India.
- Assessment of constituents of essential oil in intraspecifc variant of Centella asiatica, a medicinally and cosmecuitically valuable plant funded by UGC, Govt. of India.
- Organising Secretary: National Seminar on Emerging trends in herbal technology organizing by Research & PG Department of Botany, St. Thomas’ College Thrissur from 7 to 9 October 2015 supported by SERB, Govt. of India, KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala, KHEC, Govt. of Kerala.
- Organising Member: Centenary International Conference on Advancements in Science and Humanities organized by St. Thomas College Thrissur from 21 to 23 March 2019.
- Organising Member: International Conference on Climate change: Adaptation and Mitigation organized by St. Thomas College Thrissur from 8 to 10 January 2020.