Thekkekara (H), Karanchira PO, Thrissur, 680702
M.Sc Applied Psychology- Department of Psychology, University of Calicut
BSc. Psychology- Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad, Thrissur, Kerala
Presently doing research at Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad.
(Guide- Dr Milu Maria Anto, Assistant professor, Department of Psychology.)
- Third Rank in Bsc Psychology, University of Calicut.
- Second Position in Msc Psychology, University of Calicut.
- Worked as Guest Lecturer in Christ College, Irinjalakuda (1-7-2013 to 15-04-2016).
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Little Flower Institute of Social Sciences And Health (LISSAH), Calicut (10-10-2012 to 30-04-2013).
Positions Held
Position held as Member, Board of Studies U.G, Christ College Irinjalakuda, Autonomous, 2018.
- Resource Team Member at Vidyajyoti Catechetical Centre, Irinjalakuda.
- Resource person for Precana at Pastoral Animation Centre for Studies (PACS) Kalletumkara, Diocese of Irinjalakuda (Topic: Differential Psychology)
- Completed Advanced Course in Catechesis (ACC), course conducted by Chair for Christian Studies and Research, University of Calicut.
- One month training in Gujarat Forensic Lab (2012, May)
- Course on Suicide Prevention Online Training (SPOT) provided by Institute for Mind and Brain, Thrissur.
- Completed online course on Research and Publication Ethics jointly conducted by the Department of Library and Information studies and the Research Council of St. Thomas College (Autonomous), in association with the Directorate of Research, University of Calicut.
- Completed online certification course of “SWAYAM” on – ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education)
- Completed online certification course of “SWAYAM” on Academic Writing).
- Online course on Literature Search & Reference Management in Academic Writing by Dr Ajay Semalty, Pharma State Academy.
- Completed Diploma in Pastoral Leadership, course conducted by Chair for Christian Studies and Research, University of Calicut.
- Three month certificate course in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) conducted by The world of Psychology in the month of June, July and August,2023.
- Bishmi P D and Dr. Milu Maria Anto(2021) The Risk Factors of Academic Backwardness: A Need Assessment Study. STRAD Research Volume 8 Issue 8August Page No:647 to 656 ISSN NO: 0039-2049 UGC-CARE APPROVED (GROUP II) JOURNAL DOI:10.37896/sr8.8/063
- Bishmi P D and Dr. Milu Maria Anto(2021) Risk Factors of Scholastic Backwardness: A Systematic Review. NOVYI MIR Research Journal Page No: 108 to 116 ISSN NO: 0130-7673 UGC-CARE APPROVED (GROUP II) JOURNAL ,Web of Science Group DOI:16.10098.NMRJ.2021.V6I7.256342.1902
- ‘A study of emotional maturity and self control on Machiavellianism among office workers published in INDIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND WELLBEING on 2017, volume no 8, pg 1325-1334.ISSN No. 2321-3698.
- ‘A comparative study on level and direction of aggression in high and low rejection sensitive adolescents’ published in INDIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND WELLBEING on 2017, volume no 8, pg 729-733.ISSN No. 2321-3698.
- Bishmi P D and Dr. Milu Maria Anto(2024) ‘Relationship between Academic Self-efficacy and procrastination behavior of high school students’. The International Journal of Indian Psychology.ISSN 2348-5396(e). Vol 12, issue 2, April- June. DOI: 10.25215/1202.167.
- Published a Chapter in Book titled ‘Underpinnings of teaching learning modalities in Difficult Times: concerns, Challenges and further’ by Dr. Sameer Babu M and Abdul Latheef KA. ISBN: 978-93-92591-57-0. (2022) Publisher: Selfypage Developers Pvt Ltd. Topic: Impact of Pandemic on Procrastination Behavior of high school students by Bishmi P D and Dr. Milu Maria Anto
- Published a Chapter in Book Abnormal Psychology Volume 2, (2023) By Dr Kiran Srivastav and Dr Lalit. ISBN: 978-93-5747-290-6. Publisher: Selfypage Developers Pvt Ltd. Topic: Anxiety Disorders by Dr. Milu Maria Anto and Bishmi P D.
- Presented a paper in 57th National and 26th International conference of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP) on 28th January, 2022 on the topic ‘ Academic self efficacy and procrastination behavior of high school students ‘.
- ‘Impact of Pandemic on the procrastination behavior of high school students’ in the Two day International Webinar on “UNDERPINNINGS OF TEACHING-LEARNING MODALITIES IN DIFFICULT TIMES”, organized by Department of Psychology, Markaz arts and science college, Athavanad and The Department of Education, University of Kerala on 12th and 13th October 2021.
- Presented a paper on “DEPRESSION IN OLD AGE INSTITUTIONALIZED AND NON INSTITUTIONALIZED” in the national seminar organized by MORNING STAR COLLEGE ANGAMALY, October, 2009.
- Resource person for an orientation class for teachers on “Challenges in online teaching and learning during this pandemic situation” was on 29- 06-2021 for St Francis Xavier school, Karanchira through online mode.
- An orientation program for parents on “Back to school: Things parents should Keep in Mind”, on 20th and 21st October through online mode (Google meet) at Labor L P School, Pullut.
- Resource person for motivation class for 10th standard students at Boys High School, Irinjalakuda on November 14th 2022.
- Took a session on Scientific Misconduct at Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad as part of lecture series conducted by Ethical Committee.
- Took a session on Mental Health at VHSS Kattoor as part of offline expert interaction by Government of Kerala, General Education Department.
- Resource person for motivation class for 10th standard students at Boys High School, Irinjalakuda on 27th January, 2023.
- Resource person for motivation class for 10th standard students on 10th February at St Francis Xavier high school, Karanchira
- One day seminar on ‘Contemplative Leadership’ held in collaboration with Xavier Board of Higher education in India on 22nd November, 2008 at St Thomas College, Thrissur.
- National seminar on ‘The challenges and Perspectives on Mental Health’ held at Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad on 5th December, 2008.
- Two day National Seminar on Current Trends and Challenges in Applied Psychology, organized by the Department of Psychology on 14th and 15th October 2010.
- One day seminar conducted on ‘Bringing Mental Health To the Community’ in connection with World Mental Health Day Celebrations at Calicut by IACP Malabar Chapter on 4th October 2011.
- UGC sponsored Training Workshop on Crisis Management in Academic Settings held at Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad on 22nd September 2015.
- Two day National Seminar on ‘ Psychology- The Way to Professional and personal Enrichment’ organized by Department o Psychology, Christ college Irinjalakuda in association with Psychology Collective Kerala on 19th and 20th February 2016.
- One Day Workshop on “ Psychological Scale Construction” organized by Department of Clinical Psychology, School of Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences(AIMS), Kochi in association with Indian Association o Clinical Psychologists-Kerala Region on 2nd October, 2018.
- National Online Workshop on scholarly communication: Adapting to New Trends organized by Department of Psychology, University of Kerala on 19th -23rd October 2020.
- Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on January 19th 2021 organized by Prajyoti Niketan College.
- Participated in the National Webinar on Publishing Papers: The Matrix of Research organized by IQAC, Prajyoti Niketan College on 17-02-2021.
- Participated in National webinar on ‘Gender Equity’ organized by IQAC, Prajyoti Niketan College on 27th March 2021.
- Participated in National webinar on ‘Understanding Contemporary Research Methods in Cognitive Science’ organized by Research and Postgraduate department of Psychology, Prajyoti Niketan College, on 21st July 2021.
- Participated in the Workshop on ‘Statistical Methodology’ organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Calicut, during July 30 to August 07 2021.
- Participated in online webinar on ‘Through the Gendered Lens: Perspective on Gender Equity’ organized by IQAC, Prajyoti Niketan College on 7th
- Completed six day Research Enrichment Program on ‘Fundamentals of Quantitative Research and Publication’, conducted by Research Committee in association with Post Graduate Department of Psychology, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru from 6th to 11th September 2021.
- Attended workshop on ‘Putting Procrastination Behind You: Ways to Move Forward’ organized by Pearson Academy India Workshop on 30th September 2021.
- Participated in online webinar on ‘Statistical Research Methods’ organized by Reserch and Post Graduate department of psychology, Prajyoti Niketan College from 18th to 20th October 2021.
- Participated in FDP on ‘Strategies for Enhancing Mental Health of Teachers and Students’ organized jointly by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Center under PMMMNMTT, Ministry of Education, Government of India and Rajagiri College of social sciences [Autonomous] held from 26th October to 01st November 2021.
- One day workshop on “Scale Development”, organized by Researchphile on 13th November 2021.
- Participated in a webinar series ‘The Secrets Of Excellence In Teaching’ organized by MAR THEOPHILES TRAINING COLLEGE, Trivandrum on 29th November 2021.
- Attended an online workshop on Academic Writing and Communication Skills, Research Methodology, Reference Management, and Academic Publishing conducted from 23 November – 31 December 2021.
- Participated in webinar on ‘Learning Disability: Know the Signs and How to Help’, organized by Insight In Depth invited talk by Mar Theophilus Training College Research wing, Thiruvananthapuram on 7/2/2022
- Participated in National Webinar on Behaviour Modification & Parenting Style during Pandemic Situation.
- Participated in one day international seminar on Psychology in Cinema, organized by Labour India College, Maranagttupilly on 12th February 2022.
- Participated in a webinar series ‘Research Ethics and Reporting’ organized by MAR THEOPHILES TRAINING COLLEGE, Trivandrum on 4th April 2022.
- One day workshop on “Data Analysis Using SPSS- Beginners Level”, organized by Researchphile on 22nd May 2022.
- One day workshop on “Data Analysis Using SPSS- Intermediate Level”, organized by Researchphile on 26th May 2022.
- Attended workshop on ‘Brown’s Executive Functions/Attention Scales’ organized by Pearson Academy India Workshop on 25th march 2022.
- One day workshop on “Analyzing interview data”, organized by Researchphile on 26th June 2022.
- Attended two day National seminar on “Recent Trends & Challenges in Mental Health Profession”, organized by the Research and Post Graduate Department of Psychology, Prajyoti Niketan College, Pudukad on January 10 & 11, 2024.