THEME :  Significance of women education

Participants  all students from V1th semester UG , 11nd &1V th PG

girls students

Date 18/12//2020

Time :2.30pm-4.30pm

Presidential Address Dr.Joy K L

Principal St Thomas ‘College  (Autonomous) Thrissur


                                             Assistant Professor

                           Dept. Of ZOOLOGY

Gender Champion Programme St Thomas ‘College (Autonomous) organised a Programme on  Women Reproductive health on18/12/2020 at Seminar  Hall,  zoology department St Thomas ‘College (Autonomous  at 2 .30 p.m. for theVIth,U G Semester  students. The programme was presided by Dr Joy  K L Principal, St Thomas ‘College (Autonomous. The resource person Ms Sheeba Raphel addressed the audience

Major points were


Girls have the right same right to education as boys. Educated girls can make informed choices – and from a far better range of options. Educating girls saves lives and builds stronger families, communities and economies. An educated female population increases a country’s productivity and fuels economic growth.

the importance of female education?

That women might have the chance of a healthier and happier life should be reason enough for promoting girls’ education. However, there are also important benefits for society as a whole. An educated woman has the skills, information and self-confidence that she needs to be a better parent, worker and citizen.


Women play very important role in the progress of a family, society, and country. In order to make democracy successful in the country women education is necessary together with the men. … Trained and educated mothers may nourish many lives in their life term and give rise to the developed nation.26-Mar-2

“By acquiring literacywomen become more economically self-reliant and more actively engaged in their country’s social, political and cultural life. All evidence shows that investment in literacy for women yields high development dividends.”


It is absolutely true that education makes a person independent. Education provides us with the skills to make ourselves capable of offering services to others and earning a livelihood. If women become educated and earn for themselves then they don’t have to depend on their family for anything. This builds their confidence and makes them take their decision on their own. They realise their worth and their uniqueness. Therefore, education for women is really important in making women independent and confident.









Published On: December 18th, 2020Categories: Gender Champion Programme

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