The 103 th PhD Open Defence & Public Viva Voce took place today on 25th March 2025, at 11 AM in Menacherry Hall, St. Thomas College, Thrissur. Ms. Sandra Juliet Jose , successfully defended her thesis titled ” AMERICAN AS PERPETUAL TRAVELLER: A STUDY OF THE ONGOING PROJECT OF BUILDING AMERICAN CONCIOUSNESS IN AMERICAN TRAVEL WRITING .” Her research was supervised by Dr. Davees CJ, Retd. Asso. Prof of English.
Prof. Dr. Preeti Nair, Professor Department of English, Sree Sankara College, Kalady was the Chief Adjudicator. Rev. Dr. Martin KA, Principal, Dr. Joyce Jose (Dean of Research), Dr. Biju MA (HoD in charge), faculty and scholars were present.

CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Sandra Juliet Jose and Dr. Davees CJ.

Published On: March 25th, 2025Categories: PhD open defence

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