Discipline and Rules of Conduct
1. The working day is divided into two sessions with five periods in total.
2. The first bell is rung two minutes before the commencement of every morning session and the students are expected to stand up or stay on wherever they are and participate in the prayer. The second bell is rung at the hour fixed for the beginning of the class.
3. At the first bell before each session students should move towards their respective classes and take their seats so as to be present when the teacher enters the class. All students shall stand up in silent prayer until the teacher takes his seat or directs them to sit down.
4. When the teacher does not arrive in the class, the monitor may inform the College office of the fact.
5. During the absence of the teacher as well as while moving from one class to another, care should be taken to observe silence.
6. Students are forbidden to write or make any mark on the walls of the College buildings or furniture, throw paper or ink in the class-room.
7. All serious or wilful damages to furniture will be required to be paid for.
8. Students should avoid using the corridors of College office, class-rooms or library for recreation. They should stand clear off stairways and door steps lest it should be inconvenient for anyone to go around the campus.
9. After the commencement of the lecture no student is allowed to enter or to go out of the class rooms without the express permission of the teacher-in-charge.
10. Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual inattention to class work, obscenity in word or deed are sufficient reason for the permanent or temporary dismissal of a student.
11. Students are strictly forbidden to engage in any political movements. All students’ political organisations and all their activities inside the campus are banned.
12. All strikes and demonstrations are banned in the campus; striking students are not allowed to enter the campus or class premises.
13. No political assemblies shall be held in the campus; no student is allowed to take part in any meetings in the campus except those organized by the authorities for official purposes.
14. Boards, flags, banners or any other articles meant for political activity can not be brought to the campus or be kept in the campus. Such articles, if any, will be removed from the campus.
15. Students are not allowed to make complaints in a body or present any collective petition.
16. Non-observance and violation of the disciplinary guidelines stated here will lead to disciplinary action.
17. Nothing is more appreciated in a student than courteous and mannerly behaviour. Show due respect to your teachers and other staff of the College. Greet them when you meet them inside or outside the campus. Remember, it is rude behaviour to enter a room without being asked to, not to say “thank you” when something is done for you, to jump queue, to scramble for seats in the bus, to get past a person at a door or a passage without saying “excuse me” or not to say “sorry” when you have bumped someone.
18. Pants and shirt for boys, churidar and kameez with shawl for girls is the dress code in our
campus. Showy cloths are to be avoided.
19. Smoking and the use and peddling of alchoholic drinks and narcotics are strictly prohibited in the campus. The use of all varieties of pan parag (pan masala) is strictly prohibited.
20. Parents, guardians and visitors to the College should seek the permission of the Principal to visit their wards in the class rooms. Persons other than students and staff are not admitted to those sections of the buildings of the College where classes are held. Persons found moving about in the campus / premises of the College, where they are not allowed entry without the permission of the Principal, will be considered as trespassers and will be treated as such.
21. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones inside the campus as per the Govt. order issued in this regard, the mobile phone The use of all kinds of otherwise will be captured. cameras, including mobile phone-cameras, is strictly prohibited in the campus.
22. Ragging of students is strictly prohibited as per Government Orders and judgements of Courts of Law in this regard. As and when written complaints of ragging are raised, the matter will be handed over to the Police authorities.
23. I.D. Card for Staff members and students is a must in the College Campus.