Dr.Vipin Benny, M.Com, MBA, Ph. D

Madathiparambil (H) , Gandhigram street
Kuriachira P.O, Thrissur- Kerala , Pin- 680006.
Date of Joining
- 21 – 07 – 2015
- M.COM (Calicut University)
- MBA ( Bharathiar University)
- DCFA ( Diploma In Computerised Financial Accounting)
- Ph.D – Mahatma Gandhi University, Topic – A study on patented ayuvedic drugs in kerala
- Benny, V. (2017a). Factors Influencing Indian Manufacturers’ in Production of Patent Drugs in Connection with Ayurveda Tourism. International Journal of Current Research, 9(10), 59024–59028. Retrieved from http://www.journal
- Benny, V. (2017b). Patent Status on Indian Perspective. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 6(9), 6095–6098.
- Benny, V. (2017c). The Critical Evaluation of Patents Impact in Global Economy. Jai Maa Saraswathi Gyandayini – An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 3(2), 239–248. Retrieved from
- Benny, V. (2017d). The Status of Patent Application-As a Global Perspective. International Academic Journal of Economics, 4(4), 1–11. Retrieved from
- Benny, V. (2018a). An Influence of Online Shopping Habits Among the College Students with Special Reference to Thrissur DIstrict. International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research, 7(11), 1–9. Retrieved from
- Benny, V. (2018b). The Impact of Behavioral Factors Influences on Individual Investors in Stock Market Investment. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 5(4), 119–126.
- Benny, V. (2020a). An Overview of Patent Applications in Global Perspective. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews.
- Benny, V. (2020b). An Overview of Pharmaceutical Patents in Global Perspective. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 7(2), 597–605. Retrieved from
- Benny, V. (2020c). An Overview on Patent Status of India. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (Vol. 7). Retrieved from
- Benny, V. (2020d). Impact of Chinese Coronavirus on Indian Economy. NEST – Research Papers and Articles on COVID -19 Pandemic, 1(1), 47–54. Retrieved from
- Benny, V. (2020e). The Impact of Patent, Trademark and Industrial Design Applications in Indian Economy. Gedrag En Organisatie, 33(2), 2399–2411.
- Benny, V. (2020f). The Scenario of Patent Grants in Global Perspective. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 9(4(A)), 21845–21849.
- Benny, V. (2021a). A Study on Attitude of Women Investors towards Stock Market Investment in Kerala. Anvesak, 51(1), 114–121. Retrieved from
- Benny, V. (2021b). The Consumers Purchasing Habit Based on Electronic Word-Of-Mouth in the Context of Social Networking Sites NIU. International Journal of Human Rights, 8, 172–183. Retrieved from
- Benny, V. (2021c). The Scenario of Patented Ayurvedic Drugs in Perspective of Ayurveda Doctors in Kerala. Strad Research, 8(3).
- Benny, V., & John, B. M. (2014). Investment Attitude in Gold-An Investors Perspective. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS (Vol. 19). Ver. I. Retrieved from
- Benny, V., & Sonny V.A. (2019). The Impact of Patents in Ayurveda Influences Consumers in Kerala. European Journal of Business & Social Sciences, 7(5), 1224–1237. Retrieved from
- Benny Vipin. (2011a). Performance assessment of banks using camels framework. Vinimaya, 30(4), 29–39.
- Benny Vipin. (2011b). The effect of inflation in the indian banking sector. Research Scholar, 1(2), 102–107.
- Benny Vipin. (2012a). The concept of islamic banking in india with special reference to swot analysis. Mirror, 2(1), 254–262.
- Benny Vipin. (2012b). The rising interest rate impact on bank asset quality. Vinimaya, 33(2), 45–52.
- Benny Vipin, & Sonny V.A. (2017). A Study on Consumer’s Perception Towards Patented Ayurvedic Drugs. MES Journal of Technology and Management, 6(1), 8–15.
- Benny Vipin, & Thattil Daisland. (2012). The effect of airline crisis in the Indian economy. Poseidon, 1(2), 87–94.
- J Athira, & Benny Vipin. (2018). An Analysis of Consumer Behaviour Towards Over the Counter Research Journal for Commerce and Development Studies, 3(1), 3–7.
- Mariya Collin, & Benny Vipin. (2012). Financial literacy and counseling centre – an imperative for the development of banking system in india. (Dr. Shekhar B, Ed.) (1st ed.). Tumkur: Dr.M. Byregowda.
- Hedge your future with index futures”, in UGC sponsored national seminar “commodity derivatives and the role of intermediaries” at St.Thomas college august 2013.
- “Green business ; effectiveness of grid tie system with special reference to solar rooftop programs “ paper presented at national seminar on green business-emerging trends,oppurtunities& challenges organized by Christ college Irinjalakuda , December 2013.
- “Camels rating system”, in national seminar on banking divergence – challenges and solutions organisedby , february 2012.
- “Global marketing : challenges and oppurtunities ” in national seminar on global market and emerging trends in financial service st.Aloysius college elthuruth, march 2012.
- “An analysis marketing strategies of bsnl service – a case study of Bangalore region” ”, in ugc sponsored national seminar “service sector dynamism and economic growth: problems and prospects organised by , December 2013.
- National Seminar -Modernization & Marginalization women in politics and Development – Women empowerment through politics – Sri. AchutamenonGvt. College, Thrissur, 22nd November 2013.
- National Conference – Business Innovation & Management Practices- A study on consumer Perception towards patented Ayurvedic Drugs- MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram, 21st April 2016
- UGC Sponsored National seminar- Research Methodology in Social Science- An Analysis of Awareness of consumers towards patented Ayurvedic drugs- Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam 5th November 2016.
- Inter National Conference – An Analysis of Consumers Behaviour Towards Over the Counter Drugs – PG Department of Commerce NSS College, Ottapalam 5th January 2018.
- Inter National Conference – Online Shopping habits Among the College Students in Thrissur District – Department of Commerce PrajyothiNikethen College, Pudukkad 25th October 2018.
- Hedge your future with index futures”, in ugc sponsored national seminar “commodity derivatives and the role of intermediaries” at st.thomas college august 2013.
- “Green business ; effectiveness of grid tie system with special refernce to solar rooftop programs “ paper presented at national seminar on green business-emerging trends,oppurtunities & challenges organised by christ college irinjalakuda , december 2013
- “Camels rating system”, in national seminar on banking divergence – challenges and solutions organised by sri achuthamenon , february 2012
- “Global marketing : challenges and oppurtunities ” in national seminar on global market and emerging trends in financial service st.aloysius college elthuruth, march 2012
- “An analysis marketing strategies of bsnl service – a case study of bangalore region” ”, in ugc sponsored national seminar “service sector dynamism and economic growth: problems and prospects organised by sri achuthamenon , december 2013
- National Seminar -Modernization & Marginalization women in politics and Development – Women empowerment through politics – Sri. Achutamenon Gvt. College, Thrissur, 22nd November 2013
- National Conference – Business Innovation & Management Practices- A study on consumer Perception towards patented Ayurvedic Drugs- MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram, 21st April 2016
- UGC Sponsored National seminar- Research Methodolgy in Social Science- An Analysis of Awareness of consumers towards patented ayurvedic drugs- Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam 5th November 2016.
- UGC sponsored National seminar – Knowledge Management and E-Governance in Corporate sector organized by PG Department of Commerce, St. Thomas College Thrissur 7th March 2012
- National Seminar- Opportunties and Resource in Research- Research Council, St.Thomas college, Thrissur 3rd March 2015