On February 4th, 2024, a significant initiative known as “Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye” took place at Gandhi Smrithi, jointly organized by the Electoral Literacy Club and NSS units 42 & 144. The primary objective of this campaign was to highlight the importance of one’s inaugural vote in contributing to the advancement and well-being of our nation. The proceedings commenced with a gracious welcome from Dr. Vimala K John (NSS Coordinator), initiating an engaging and informative session. Subsequently, the Principal, Fr. Dr Martin K A, delivered a presidential address, stressing the significance of civic duty and active involvement in the democratic process. Attendees united in reciting a pledge, reaffirming their dedication to democracy, equality, and the nation’s progress. This pledge served as a solemn reminder of the duties associated with exercising one’s right to vote. The programme concluded by vote of thanks by Dr. Blessy Paul C, Coordinator, Electoral Literacy Club conveying the importance of voting in our nation.